Why is the rose the queen in cosmetics?

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3 years ago

Did you know that one kilogram of organic rose oil requires as much as 4 tons of rose petals that are picked at dawn when the oil concentration is highest? Ralf Kunert, head of raw material procurement for cosmetics talks about the importance of organic raw materials in cosmetics and new trends in natural cosmetics...

Raw materials without pesticides

Ralf Kunert joined the Wala team ten years ago as a raw material procurement manager and together with his team has more than a thousand different raw materials for the production of natural cosmetics. For years, Wala has been promoting the organic cultivation of raw materials without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and all raw materials are laboratory tested before being put into the production process.

As the popularity of organic cosmetics grows, so does the awareness of natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on our skin. Ralph Kunert reveals how much people's consciousness has changed in just a few years: '' The easiest way is to ask people if they go to the gas station for cosmetics. The basis of most cosmetics are mineral oils, and the question is whether you want to nurture people with something alive, such as rose oil and mango butter, or something dead for a long time. "

Rosebuds are picked before dawn

Guided by the philosophy that cosmetics should support our skin, he chooses ingredients that are grown in Wala gardens located around the world. It is the largest in Germany in Bad Boll, but there are plantations in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Turkey, Iran, and many other countries. Among the plants that are grown is the rose, which is a phenomenon in the cultivation of plants for cosmetics: "Roses are harvested at certain times of the year by hand. oils the largest, ”he explains, adding that precisely because of the importance of rose oil, they have multiple plantations located in various parts of the world to keep supply uninterrupted and continuous.

As many as four tons of rose petals are needed for just one kilogram of oil, the price of which reaches a staggering 9,000 euros. Despite the development of technology, they are picked by hand, and the most prized is the Damascus rose because of its intense scent and beneficial effect on the skin. It is used in creams, lotions, and serums, and differs from synthetic oils not only in smell but also in the effect it has on the skin. As one of the ingredients to pay attention to, he points out quince, which is treated in a special way due to its biological characteristics, but also mango butter, which began to be grown for the needs of the brand, which has been present for 45 years and has become a leader in natural cosmetics.

The importance of sustainable development

Shea butter from Burkina Faso is grown in collaboration with the local population and thus supports sustainable development, because as Kunert says, "We only have one Earth." In Wala Gardens, contact with the local community is important because the social aspect cannot be separated from the organic aspect in terms of sustainability. Sustainability must be natural when it comes to growing plants, but also about society itself.

In the future, they are planning a line for problematic skin than ordinary cosmetics do not help, and he emphasizes that they are always looking for new raw materials and new ideas and solutions for products. As her favorite oil, she mentions rose, but also lavender oil, which calms down the best. For awakening, he recommends products with essential oils of lemon, lemongrass, or ginger. Kunert emphasizes the uniqueness of essential oils because their scent remains in a person's memory and when we feel it again, emotions and memories from the past are activated.

Rose - the queen of flowers and cosmetics

Have you started preparing for spring? You are not? Well, it's time to start! And if you don't know where to start with that preparation - work a little on your external and internal beauty. And wild rose oil is there to help you bloom. There is no such good thing for the skin as wild rose oil!

The fruits of the wild rose have been used for food since ancient times, so the Roman doctor Galen mentions them as edible. They also served as a folk remedy for many diseases.

Of the wild rose (Rosa canina), its fruit, ie pomegranate, is most often used in herbal medicine. This plant grows near forests, along hedges and fences, on pastures, among bushes, in the plains and in the mountains. It appears in a large number of forms, and is widespread in almost all parts of our country.

The ancient Romans believed that pomegranate, among other things, cured the rabies of dogs, hence the Latin name of the plant - dog rose.

Surely you have already imagined in your head an endless field of beautiful blooming roses and a lot of people who pick those same roses and later tear off their petals and make wild rose oil. Don't bet with someone if you claim this because - you're wrong! The wild rose oil we are talking about here was obtained from the fruit of the wild rose or rose hip!

How do you get wild rose oil?

It certainly didn't occur to you, because when you mention rose hips, the first two associations are the most beautiful jam for pancakes and tea for all of us when we are not feeling well.

In fact, wild rose oil is very rich in vitamins E and D, beta carotene, retinol and essential fatty acids. And one more thing - wild rose oil is not pink (you must have thought so) but yellow-orange.

Wild rose oil for facial care and anti-wrinkle

The first thing that any experienced connoisseur will recommend this oil to is its effect on sunburn. Precisely because of its composition, wild rose oil will in this case soothe your irritated skin, alleviate redness and itching and help the skin recover as soon as possible. If you are one of those people who like to sunbathe in the summer, then this oil is a real recommendation because it can help you tan in the sun and get a perfect complexion, as well as alleviate sunburn.

And how will wild rose oil work if you apply it on your face?

On damp, cleansed skin, apply two to three drops of oil and rub into the facial skin with a gentle massage. Surely no moisturizer has had such an effect on your skin, because this oil will make your skin well hydrated all day long. Since the skin absorbs it nicely, it acts as a super moisturizing cream with a prolonged effect. Most people who have tried it will confirm that it gives the skin incredible softness and moisture.

If you have sensitive and problematic skin such as:

  • Wrinkled skin (sunbathing, age, smoking ()

  • Skin blemishes (of any origin)

  • Eczema

  • Pimple scars

then you will solve these problems by using wild rose oil regularly. What we should mention is that this process is a bit longer and requires regular application of oil.

Wild rose oil for scars and stretch marks

Since it has the ability to regenerate the skin, wild rose oil is excellent against scars and reduces their visibility. It is especially suitable for preventing the formation of stretch marks, so you can use wild rose oil in that case as well, either by using it alone or by mixing it with shea butter and applying it to the skin. Applying this oil to wounds can prevent further infection. Thanks to its antioxidant action, this oil accelerates the healing process of the skin. In addition, it gives the skin radiance and freshness and preserves its youthful appearance.

Other uses of wild rose oil

This oil has a wide range of applications for skin health and facial care. Our recommendation is to buy two bottles, one for the face and the other for the body.

  • Softens dry elbows and knees

  • Heals calloused feet

  • It reduces inflammation of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis on any part of the body, and accelerates healing.

  • Tightens sagging skin

  • Helps with weak nails and cuticles

  • It can be used as a massage oil

  • It can be used as a carrier oil for diluting essential oils

  • Rose oil strengthens self-confidence and mental strength and relieves depression and anxiety.

  • This oil strengthens libido and improves love life.

Safety precautions

  • Rose oil is very greasy, be careful not to drip on your clothes.

  • Do not put your hands in the bottle to avoid oil contamination.

  • Keep it as far away from sunlight as possible, it will last longer.

  • In case of rash or allergy, discontinue use.

Now, let's go back in time and see what the ancient peoples knew about this queen.

Egyptian Queen Cleopatra lived in a palace whose rooms were decorated with rose petals. The Egyptian rose, which was known for its beautiful numerous petals, was used, among other things, by Cleopatra to seduce Mark Antony. Writers of that time noticed that Cleopatra covered the floors of the palace with a thick layer of fresh rose petals, and her royal barge was soaked in rose water. In her bedroom, around the bed itself, the floor was covered with a thick layer of sensual rose petals. Marko Antonije remembered the smell of roses for a long time when he met Cleopatra, and the smell of roses always reminded him of her.

Greek myth says that the rose was created by Aphrodite, the goddess of female beauty, love and fertility. Adonis, a beautiful young shepherd who fell in love with the goddess Aphrodite, according to tradition, was mortally wounded by a wild boar and she came to his aid. However, she had to crawl through the roses and then blood gushed from her wounded body and painted all the surrounding white roses red. Since then, the white rose has become a symbol of innocence, and the red one of love and passion. The ancient Greeks offered a rose to the goddess Aphrodite on the altar, while Aphrodite's priestesses wore wreaths of white roses during religious ceremonies, and the paths they passed were sprinkled with roses.

Another legend says that Chloris, the goddess of flowers, walked through the woods and came across the body of a beautiful nymph. She was saddened by the sight of a dead beautiful creature and decided to give it a new life, and turn it into a flower whose beauty will amaze everyone. She invited the goddess of female beauty Aphrodite to give her beauty, charm and joy, Zephyr, the god of the west wind to scatter the clouds so that Apollo, the god of the sun could cast warm rays on her, and Dionysus, the god of wine to give her nectar and fragrance. When the new flower was created, a crown was placed on it and it was named the rose, the queen of flowers.

The ancient Romans also had a rose cult. The Roman goddess of love Venus is associated with the rose. The rose was a symbol of love and beauty. When there were no roses in winter, the ancient Romans brought it by ship from Egypt. Their summer houses were surrounded by beautiful roses. They also built glass houses in which they grew roses in winter.

For the ancient Romans, the rose was also a symbol of joy. They also believed that the smell of a rose protects a person from drunkenness. The rose was for them both beautiful jewelry and fragrance, especially during the festivities. Her forehead, arms, and neck were adorned with stringed rose petals, and her hair was anointed with rose oil. The rose adorned all the festivities and feasts of the ancient Romans. The Romans sprinkled the tables with roses, drank wine from jugs decorated with wreaths, ate sweets made of roses and drank love potions made of roses. The ceilings of their rooms are decorated with roses, to remind guests to keep a secret that is told during lunch. The floors of the royal palace during the ceremony were full of rose petals, on which people sat and lay. Rose water gurgled from the royal fountains, and people sat in amphitheaters under awnings that were soaked in rose water. It is said that Emperor Nero paid a ton of gold for the roses that were delivered to him for a solemn feast from Egypt.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the rose was never so appreciated and loved. But, even today, it is considered the most beautiful flower and the queen of flowers.

And for the end of this fragrant story of ours - each color of a rose has its own meaning, so then, depending on what you subtly want to order to a person through a rose, choose a color.

  • Red - love and romance,

  • Yellow - joy, healing,

  • Pink - gratitude, appreciation,

  • White - purity, innocence,

  • Apricot - gratitude, appreciation.

The author


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Avatar for Andjela99
3 years ago


Very informative article. I have to buy wild rose oil.

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3 years ago