We Are Not Always Right: Respect Every Opinion

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Opinion, Respect, Truth, Lie

We all have different opinions upon things, and we cannot just say that someone is wrong just because their perspective doesn't conforms with our beliefs.

Whenever I am browsing in my newsfeed in Facebook, I mostly encounter a post about opinions. Opinions that could be based on facts, or just merely a speculations or assumptions about something.
However, some says that there's no wrong answer especially if the questions require an opinion. That's what teachers always say to boost the confidence of the learners.
But, some are saying that an opinion could be false if it's not based on truth.

Maybe, some of you already encountered an opinion topic regarding the upcoming election here in the Philippines. The people share different beliefs and opinions about the candidates for election next year. Some are throwing grudges to each other, saying that the other parties are wrong on their opinions just because they see and think about things in a different way.
The funny thing is that, most of the people are acting like a very smart person but ends up showing how cheap their minds are. I am not saying that they have no brains at all, but what I mean is, they lack consideration and empathy to understand people's diversity. They only think of themselves as right, and if someone disagrees on them, that person will be considered as brainless.

I have this friend on Facebook who is fond of staining others' opinion just to lift himself up, and be considered as a very smart. He is supporting a candidate for election and his way of endorsement is to throw grudges on the other opposing candidates. He keeps on sharing offensive memes and if someone calls him up, he will then play as a victim.

I am really tired of this kind of scenario so sometimes, I just leave my Facebook account and spend my time in noise.cash more.

In addition to that, his political stand was just influenced by his teacher. I am quite disappointed that the teacher is supporting such an offensive acts just because they are supporting the same candidates and sharing the same beliefs.

They are only respecting those people who have the same perspective as them, and refuse to understand other's opinions which are not in accordance to what they are believing for.

For me, everyone deserves respect. Despite the differences we have, we should always be there to understand everyone as we are all unique and rational beings.

Yes, I do understand that thinking and saying things based on facts are better than just spreading assumptions. But, I do believe as well that it's okay to share our opinions upon something that doesn't require a factual and technical answer.
Life is not like an objective type of test. There's no one correct answer, and every opinion is acceptable as long as it came from our own mind and heart.
A rhetorical question or statement could be answered using our opinion, and that's how our life works.

Yes, we should seek for the truth, but what if, the truth we know is just a lie, and other's opinions that we refused to accept at first is the truth? That's why, we should always be opened about everyone's opinions. Because not all the time, we are right. We are not intelligent enough to know all the truth in the world.

There are things that we don't know, while others are expert on it. And there are some things that other people don't know about, but we are knowledgeable on it.


Life is full of thoughts. Pieces of information are mixed together and it's somehow difficult to identify what's the truth or lie. Opinions are everywhere that intends to express what's on the people's mind. There lies the differences about how the people think upon something, and that's when the challenges happened when the other's refuse to listen and understand.
Despite the differences in our opinions and beliefs, let's practice the sense of being respectful and understanding. If someone disagrees on us, we cannot force them to believe on what we are saying right away. It takes time for a person to open their minds on new knowledge especially if they previously knew a different information about it.
We cannot easily unlearn what is being learned.

On that note, let's learn how to understand each other's opinions, and let us be more understanding and respectful.

Author's Note:

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.
Special thanks to miss @Marinov and Mr. @gwapojohn renewing their sponsorship on me. Thank you very much po.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: December 3, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally created by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Opinion, Respect, Truth, Lie


You are welcome, amy. And i respect your opinion here 😁

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm glad you are. I'm gonna respect whatever opinions you have too. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Respect each others opinions and perspective in life. We will not understand until we are not in that situation. Sympathy.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Correct! Even though we are not really on other's situations, understanding and respecting them are the best things we can do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Po Ate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Po Ate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your welcome, Amy. :) For some people, it is hard to Respect each other's opinions kaya resulta, nag aaway. Kaya ako, di nako makikipagtalo. Kung ano paniniwalaan ko yun na yun at kung ano paniniwalaan nila sa kanila rin yun.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Tama po, it's hard to persuade someone to believe or agree on us. Let's just respect each other nalang and tama po kayo, let's remain silent and wag na makipagtalo, wala rin naman tayong mapapala kung ayaw nilang maniwala.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very well said, and hate it everytime I read some nasty words about candidates for presidency. There are even times I want to respond by saying " since you think he is not capable maybe you are? Then why not run for a president? Total nagmamagaling ka". But then I chose to restrain myself as I know I would just stressed me. I might end up having fight online🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, kagigil nga po. They are endorsing their candidates by dragging their opponents. Basta may masabi lang eh, wala namang concrete evidences. πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga, that is why I seldom stay on facebook too. Naistress lng ako sa kakabasa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True po, nagvivisit lang po ako doon kapag gusto kong manood ng videos, other than that, wala na.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's called opinion because it's personal stand or belief o something. It's just that some people couldn't understand that. Me too, I don't stay too much on Facebook. I don't like wasting time exchanging thoughts on toxic mindsets.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yup, we have our own opinions about things, and those are different from what others are holding. Facebook nowadays is becoming more toxic because of some of the ill users. I'm glad that noise and read's users aren't like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

#Respect and #Understanding each others point of view is really important. #Understand that each of us has different opinions on some things. #Respect each others opinions that we heard whether it's true or not

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Exactly! On that note, we can prevent misunderstanding and we can possibly have unity despite our differences in opinions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, but sadly some people are not open with others' opinions especially this political thing. There are lots of negative issues revolving in social media right now about the candidates or even with the supporters. Throwing some allegations to each other. That's why I don't like to stay in other soc med apps

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely a very toxic soc med community. I prefer noise and read more because the users here are mostly respectful and kind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same, most of my free time is spent here. I am enjoying my stay on both platforms because of the users who always share positivity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right. We will always encounter opinions that are contrary to the ones we hold and that doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes, so we should always be opened to it and it's not appropriate to judge someone immediately just because they are holding an ideology that is different from us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago