The 8 Ethics of Life You Should Know

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2 years ago

Living along with the ethical practices are very important for us to not be lost in this world’s unpredictable circumstances and for us to maintain our sense of morality.

When I was in first year college, we have this subject called ‘Ethics’ which is one of my favorites as it was not always about academic or technical studies and so on, but rather based on life’s teachings and morality that were not commonly taught in textbooks.

I am glad that my professor in that subject was very competent enough to discuss the topic not by herself only, but always asking for our opinion about a certain situation. She’s not the kind of professor who have the full authority during class discussion. She always let us share our thoughts about a situation which required our opinion if that circumstance was moral or not.

Reminiscing our lessons before in that subject, my professor shared a photo about the 8 ethics of life which she got from billionaire.teb. I tried to search for that photo again and thankfully, I was able to download it which I got from America’s best pics.

Photo from America's Best Pics credited to Billionaire.teb

In that picture above, the 8 ethics of life consist of:


How can we be able to spend money if we don’t have it as we are not earning? With that, we have to make sure that before we spend, we should have a stable job that will be our source of income. We shouldn’t always rely on other people to give us money, but rather depend on our own earnings. It is more satisfying to spend when we know that it came from our own earnings rather than from other people. When the time comes, we will be free from guilt as other people won’t coarsely remind us with the help they gave. Aside from that, as much as possible, the money we earn must be of higher amount than what we spend so we still have an opportunity to save money rather than being drowned in debt.


When selling something or simply, when we are planning to build a business, we should be open-minded enough with the possible criticisms that we can receive from the customers. We should always lean our ears to the customers so we can assist them with their concerns so that our business will not be stained with negative reviews. We often hear the phrase “customers are always right” which means that whatever happens, we should always focus on what the customers want rather than refusing to do what they like. This will be applied in the business setting only, and not outside that thing which was already beyond the limit. Aside from that, we should always listen to our customers as long as they make sense, and not actually tolerating negative behaviors from them.


Life is full of failures, but success is always there at the end of the path we are currently taking. Before thinking about giving up or simply quitting, we should always try. Trying will never be wrong, but rather a brave act. If we want something, we should try our best to achieve it, and not think about how difficult it is to attain. When we try, we won’t have any regrets at the end of the day, because we already did our part. Win or lose, if we try and never quit, we are still a winner as we gained an important lesson that we could carry on throughout our journey in life.


Writing something requires our capacity to think, not just a shallow thinking, but a deeper and critical one. What I mean here is that, when writing we should not only think about the topic or the context of what we write, but rather think also about who will be our possible readers. Writing is not always about being a professional writer to be a great one. Even if the way we write is not that highly competent enough, as long as our writings have a substance and positive influence to the readers, we are still a good one in that field.


Training or practicing before doing something is very important to achieve the best results. Being good at first try is very rare nowadays. We should be prepared enough when doing something so we won’t be lost in the process. Practice, train, prepare, or whatever term it is, we shouldn’t impulsively start doing something without any background knowledge.


We often hear complains whenever and wherever we are, from people who are not looking at themselves first before judging something. Before we complain, we have to make sure that we are doing the best. Isn’t it embarrassing to complain if we, ourselves, are not perfect as well? Maybe, if we are not satisfied with something, it’s better to give reaction in a nice way by suggesting something such as beginning the phrase with:

  • “I got you point, but…..”;

  • “I respect you, but maybe we can also try….”; or

  • “That’s partly good, but we can make it better if we….”


God is real, but not all people believe in Him especially those who have different religions or not having any of it at all. However, religious people and those who have good relationship and strong faith with God, we are praying because we believe in Him. Before we pray, we should have a strong belief in God to show our trust in Him. Aside from that, we are praying because we believe in His love, power, miracles and everything He has, and not because we are forced to do it in our religion especially during mass.


We, people in this world are given an opportunity to live, so we have to fulfill whatever purpose we have. As much as possible, we should live life to the fullest and not simply existing without doing anything good. We don’t know when we are going to die, so before it happens, we should live in a sense that we are enjoying good things as early as now. Better stop those negative thoughts in our mind and focus more on our growth and real happiness, so we won’t have any regrets when we die.


Living is simple, but the circumstances and challenges around us are not. We should always carry on the ethical practices we know so we have the essential guide especially on the general and most important aspects of living, and with that, we can prevent ourselves from being in trouble.

Following the ethical practices doesn’t only guide us towards success, but also help us to be a better person who is not only thinking about selfish acts, but also considers what’s best for everyone.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

Special mention to @Lucifer01 and @ErdoV , thank you so much to the both of you for renewing your sponsorship to me. May you be blessed more with your generosity!

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: January 9, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

$ 0.58
$ 0.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
$ 0.03 from @Marinov
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Written by
2 years ago


This one is so good to read, words are exaclty well written as they should be. Ethics should be apply on everthing that we do.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. That's how ethics works in our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maintaining ethics are really important and the simplest way to lead a happy life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right, I couldn't agree more. ❣️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Worthy & remarkable words from you dear. Truly appreciate it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for appreciating what I've written here. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well said, Amy. Same as think before you click. Therefore, we should always think first Before we act

$ 0.02
2 years ago

And that's how we can be able to avoid future troubles. Btw, thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The uncertainties of life is not easy, but we must learn all the ethics, thanks for sharing

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome. Thanks also for reading and sharing your thoughts about this topic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago