Just Be kind

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Kindness

Being kind is one of the most great acts that we can do. We don't need to be rich in money to show kindness to others. Being kind in a simplest way is still a good deed. No need to get pressured in showing how kind you are in a grand way.

According to Oxford dictionary, "kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate."

Meaning to say, being kind is not just always limited in helping others as an act of generosity. We can also show kindness by being friendly with other people despite the differences we have, and also through being considerate in a sense that we can be able to understand other's feelings and situations without judging them in an instant. These three are the qualities that we should possessed completely, nothing's left. Why do I say so?

  • Some people are friendly but selfish.

  • Some are generous but not considerate.

  • Some are considerate but not friendly at all.

We should possessed all the three that have been mentioned earlier. Be kind genuinely without the feeling of negativities in our hearts to prevent evil deeds to happen.

Other ways to show kindness

We can show kindness in different ways. According to Andy Thornton (Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist) in his article "The Importance of Kindness," we can show kindness by being aware, non-judgmental, action and helping unconditionally.

At this point, I will explain further the ways mentioned by Andy Thornton, with my own understandings about those.

1. Awareness

Being aware of others' situations can be considered as the quality of being kind. We shouldn't have to be always drowned with our own thoughts, feelings and life itself. We should also be aware of what others think and feel, if they need help or consideration from us. Having awareness means we are always open to such opportunities to help other people despite the circumstances.

For example:

Me and my best friend planned for a friendly date but, when the time came, that best friend of mine didn't come on the place we are supposed to meet. As her best friend, of course I should be aware first about what is she up to. I should be aware about what she feels and the reasons behind not showing up on our friendly date. I should be considerate enough to understand whatever reasons she has and always consider her feelings too.

2. Non-judgmental

Showing kindness means being non-judgmental. If we really want to show kindness with other people, we shouldn't judge quickly based on what we see. Looks can be deceiving. Being kind means we can be able to understand that all people are different from each other and other's actions have reasons behind that. Don't be easy to judge, be critical and learn the full story first.

For example:

A child stole a piece of bread from the store. We saw such act fully with our eyes and decided to confront that child by chasing him until he surrender. It happened that a child stole a piece of bread because he is so hungry after not eating anything for the whole day as an unfortunate being who doesn't have enough money and his poor family can't sustain his need for food. As a non-judgmental person, we shouldn't judge the child quickly by his action even though it was wrong in the first place. The hungry child can't think of a better solution because of the urge for food and decided to steal instead. If we want to show kindness, instead of judging the child, better give him food to eat and help him with the best we can do.

3. Action

Through action, we can show how kind we are. By being helpful even in the simplest ways, we can be called kind as long as our intention is to put a smile on other's faces. Be generous and friendly in different circumstances. We should act kindly and never ever think of evil deeds towards each other.

For example:

We have our classmate who decided to sit quietly in her chair during recess time because she doesn't have money to buy foods in the canteen. With that, we can act kindly by sharing our foods to her or give some money if there is to let her buy what she wants.

On the other hand, we also have this classmate whose being left out during lectures. As an act of kindness, we can help him through teaching and guiding him with the basic lessons after class or during vacant hours.

4. Help Unconditionally

Be kind but don't expect something in return. We can help others without thinking about the benefits we can have in return from them. We shouldn't always think of it as a give and take process. We can give as much as we want to, but never expect them to help us back because it's not the sense of being kind if we want them to give back what we gave. Help unconditionally as much as possible, if they give something in return then say "thank you," if not, then it's okay too.

For example:

We helped our friend in courting his crush and as a return, we are asking him to buy foods for us as a way of paying back. That shouldn't be the case. If we want to help others, then just do it genuinely without asking them something in return.


Being kind means doing good deeds unconditionally to other people and even to our own selves. We can show kindness even in a small way. Showing kindness in a simple way is just the same with giving expensive gifts. And what's the point of giving expensive things if it doesn't came from our hearts and still hold grudges into it? Just be kind, despite the circumstances. No need to get pressured by not being rich in money to help.

Being kind doesn't shown from how much money we have, as long as we are rich in love to be friendly, generous, and considerate with everyone unconditionally, then that's the real kindness we should be proud of.

Author's Note:

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Kindness


Nothing but the truth, kindness can be shown in the little way you can not untill one wealthy. If one does not show kindness when poor, definitely such a person Will find it difficult when he/she acquires wealth.

A kindness that requires payback is not worth a kindness, some people always feel bad when they are not been appreciated. Is not meant to be.

Showing kindness is worth more than just giving, all the things you made mentioned of should also be considered as well, showing kindness to others because they need it . Showing kindness without expecting a back will be a blessing to us in return.

Love the way you write, it's such a nice article!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kindness should be spread everywhere because we really need it at all times. Regardless of status, anyone can show kindness so it shouldn't be hidden. Let's spread positivity through kindness.

Thank you very much. ❤️☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello, I really love the way you write there is always lesson in it. ..Yes there are many ways in showing kindness not just being generous but also like what you said being friendly, understang people by but not judging them and many more hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you for always leaning your time to read my articles. ☺️❤️

And yes, being kind is not just limited to generosity, there are many ways that we can consider as well as an act of kindness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many people forgot how to be kind and I think this should be a way for them to keep back on track.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope so... We really need kindness nowadays that we are experiencing crisis and difficulties in life. That's what we need — to be kind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well said, Amy. At all times and in any situation, kindness never goes out of style.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. Kindness is all what we need for this world to be a better place.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got it right dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago