Is It Always Good To Be Honest?

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Truth, Lies

Is it always good to be honest?

That's the question that popped up in my mind while I am lying on my bed doing nothing.

No one is perfect. All of us make mistakes for quite some time and that includes saying lies (or just some white lies). We often tell things which are not based on facts, and sometimes we aren't taking it seriously. We are not thinking upon the consequences of what we have said and just say what we want, which is wrong if we will think of it further.

But, is it really necessary to say the truth all the time?

Let's identify first the two possible answers then we will analyze them separately, if it should be yes or no?

If the answer is yes

Being honest is one of the characteristics that we should possess as a human as it will makes us prevent from having sins to the people around and especially to our Almighty God. Honesty will help us to be free, why? Because if we are not keeping something negative in our hearts, guilt will never disturb our minds. We will never worry and overthink about getting caught or confronted by someone because we already told them the truth and haven't sugar-coated it with lies. We will be free from stress, guilt, sin, doubts, and fears.

Let's say for instance.

Since you don't want to get bullied in your school by those elite students, you pretended that you are rich like them.

You lied about your social status, and made some stories that will make you look like the heiress of a multi-billionaire man in the world. You said that your father is very rich and you owned different properties wherein your mom is living like a queen and you are their princess.

But, those are just existing in your imagination. You are living the opposite life that was very far from the stories you said to your co-students or simply your classmates.

Aside from not getting bullied and being respected by anyone who only values wealth over character, you are always paranoid especially about getting caught with your lies. You are not free to flaunt your real life and yeah, you have to pretend like a rich princess. You shouldn't have to wear cheap clothes and you should always have bunch of money in your wallets even if you are not capable enough to have it all considering your life status. Another thing is that, you can't let your classmates visit your house and you are afraid to get them know your parents, relatives and so on. And that's because you are hiding something that will make you feel like living in a prison of your fantasies.

But, if you are not lying, then everything will be fine. There are no worries about getting caught or what, even though you are not rich that will make you prone to bullying by unmannered rich classmates, still, your heart and mind are free from guilt.

If the answer is no

Looking at the opposite side of being honest, there are times that it requires us to tell some lies. Although, it's not right on the eyes of religious beings or those who are having the principle of doing the good things always, still some instances will make us in trouble if we will tell the truth. I hope you get what I mean.

We often tell lies to protect someone, to make ourselves safe from troubles, to make someone happy and among others. I am not saying that it's the right thing to do, and I didn't mean to tolerate lies rather than the truth. What I want to say is that, sometimes when we tell the truth, ourselves and people around us might face some troubles or other negative things, so better sugar-coat it with lies to protect them and us.

To further clarify the details, here's an example.

There are men wearing all black outfit that knocked in your door. They are looking for your father whose actually an attorney and it turns out that your father is just in your living room watching on your Television.

Your father said to you before that he's handling a case that will make him prone to danger and that anytime soon, he will be targeted by his client's enemy on the court. Since you've sensed something wrong and your father sensed it too, he immediately hide in a safe place in your house (let's just say that there's an underground haven in your house for safety purposes since your father has a dangerous job).

To protect your father, you said to the men in black that they are asking the wrong person and that you aren't associated with whom they are looking for. You deceived them by saying that they might hit on the wrong address and the person they are looking for wasn't actually living in your house.

Those are just lies, yes. But, saying those lies will help you protect your father from being in danger. So, I guess, telling lies is not that bad at all especially if we are doing it for good purposes.


Honesty is the best policy, that's what we usually hear whether in our home, in school, or anywhere outside our comfort zones. We should train ourselves to be honest but, before that we should know first about how to integrate it in different situations. It's not always applicable everywhere based on the second example I wrote which answered "no" on the question above. As long as we have valid reasons to tell lies, there's nothing wrong with it, but, if we will just use it to manipulate others, to hurt someone, and for any selfish reasons, then as much as possible, honesty will always be considered.

Truth will set us free but, we can't deny the fact that lies are also necessary.

Author's Note:

I hope you've learned something from this article I made for today. I thought of it as my topic as I know that it's somehow very timely and relevant to talk about as being honest and telling lies are already part of our lives, whether we like it or not.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: September 6, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Truth, Lies


Lies are sometimes needed in order to make the situation better but not for longer time. We should tell the truth no matter what.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Truth will still soon comes out and we can't do anything about it. So, telling lies will just last for a short period of time, though we can still do it to temporarily protect someone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Siguro yun yung reason ate kaya lahat tayo nagkakaroon ng kasalanan. Need natin talaga yon upang mabuhay. Naalala ko po si honesto

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Part na talaga ng buhay natin, hindi na maiiwasan though, mali parin if ginamit sa maling paraan. Pero sa case ni Honesto, halata kung nagsisinungaling siya kasi lumalaki at namumula yung ilong. Almost the same kay Pinocchio although humahaba naman yung ilong niya. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Honesty is good, God even commanded it. There's no one on earth that doesn't lie, we should be careful it doesn't make us lose heaven.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When we lie of course we have to be ready with the possible consequences, just like what you've said that we should be careful as it might doesn't make us in heaven.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is good to be honest because it is part of the ethics of profession. But there are some circumstances that will warrant to tie lies, but we shouldn't make it part of ourselves. For instance, I will prefer lying to my father than telling him the truth because that is when he believes you are telling the truth.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I like your point here. Most of the time, we still have to be honest always. Telling lies is still be done sometimes but just don't exceed to the limits and don't use it just to escape the reality for your own sake.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it is always good to be honest. Telling the truth will always set us free as we don't have to be worried. In my case, I don't want to lie as much as I can even it will hurt someone's feelings because I know sooner or later they will find out the truth and that is more painful. When I lied, a few hours or days passed, I will confess and tell the truth because my conscience eating me. Well, still, it depends upon the situation.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

True, at the end of the day, the truth will be revealed and the pain will still be there whether we want it or not. So, as much as possible, when time permits, it's better to tell the truth but of course, we should consider first the situation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truth must be told, yes it should be. But there were times that we have to keep that truth untold sometimes to avoid hurting someone's feelings. I have this secret of mine that I am hesitant to share with someone that should know because it might break her heart.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I agree with you, I have secrets too but, I think it's not yet appropriate to say it now. We can't bear to say the truth yet because we want to protect someone and we don't want them to get hurt especially if they're going through tough times already. That moment when we don't want to add another pile of pain to them, because they already have so much on their plate. But, we can't escape from the reality, sooner or later, the truth will be revealed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I just hope that she could handle the truth once told.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so too. That's the hardest part of keeping the truth, we are afraid of the possible reactions of a person but, that's inevitable and inescapable. Truth will always come out at the end, and we can't do anything but to just accept the fact.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I often find myself replying with sayings we have here or something I have heard somewhere LOL but I can't help myself so bear with me. There is a latin song by Ricardo Arjona that say's "A lie that makes you happy is worth more than a truth that makes your life bitter".I completely disagree with that just because yes, maybe with a lie you'll be happy, but for how long? You'll still be living a lie!So, maybe the truth sometimes hurt, but in the long run it is better, you know where you stand and from there decide where to move forward.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's still better to live with the truth though it hurts a lot. Happiness brought by lie doesn't last forever and will never make us free from guilt or heavy feelings. But, there are times that we choose to lie because we want to protect someone or we are not yet ready to tell the truth so we hide it temporarily with ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, little white lies... The fact is that the truth always comes out whether we wanted it or not, and when it does, we must face the consequences that may come , that's why, as you said, honesty is the best policy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, the truth will come out at the end, so we have to get for it as a result of what we've done at first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago