Gone for Days

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Loss, Gone

We cannot assure that everything will be permanent, and so there will come a time that what we are enjoying now will be gone.

That's exactly what happened to me. Some of you may think of something deep that I've loss and you may conclude that it's just so simple at the end. But, for me, losing it seems like there's a part of me that was gone and left me feeling sad as I cannot enjoy the things I've used to be happy about.

It happened last week, when I catched something I am not expecting to have again. I've actually catched it in the first week of this month and I thought it will never come again when I recovered from it. But, just last week, it came back and it seems like it kicked away some part of my self that left me feel frustrated and sad.

Do you want to know what is it?

Okay, here it is.

When I catched a fever last week, my sense of smell and taste was gone. I am actually afraid that it maybe the symptoms of the virus that's causing this pandemic, but, I wish it wasn't since I am not even that fond of going outside and I've been here inside our home for years already, taking my online classes and finishing my unending school works assigned in our Google classroom.

I've loss my sense of smell and taste since last week, so it's been how many days that I am really sad whenever my mom and sister cook foods for our meals everyday. I am quite frustrated especially if they are preparing yummy dishes because I know for sure, that I cannot actually taste and smell its deliciousness.

I don't know if it's just coincidence or intentional at all because since I've loss my sense of smell and taste, the foods seem to be coming over me as there were many celebrations happening in our neighborhood and they keep on giving us yummy foods that was served on their home. Aside from that, my brother and sister are buying yummy snacks whenever they go to the city proper which is not usual since before when I'm still not sick, we usually stick to what we are commonly eating, mostly vegetables and fish that will be cook as our viand and they mostly refuse to buy foods just for our snack that are quite expensive, but now, everything seems to be very opposite.

For now, I have here my friends beside me which are not actually human but just the things I need for my smelling practices that I've read in some articles when I search about my case on Google. These friends are Efficascent oil and Vicks Vaporub (hahaha).

I really miss the relaxing smell of these two friends of mine, but, for now, I cannot still smell them, they are just merely giving me a cool feeling on my nose.

I don't have my fever anymore, but my sense of smell and taste haven't came back yet. I wonder why they are still not here on my system, I hope they are not on a vacation or something as I really miss them.

It's been days since I've loss them and I don't even know what to do for them to come back to me again. Some are saying that losing sense of smell and taste are just natural when you are having/had a fever but, I think it's quite strange to loss it for straight number of days unlike before when one to two days are enough for it to come back.

I've been doing some breathing practices also and I've been smelling strong aroma for how many times as one of the tips I've read on the internet and based on what my friends and family have told me, but, still there's no effect or any traces of recovery.

I am actually afraid to go for a check-up since here in our place, when the doctor found out that you have a fever or other symptoms, even if they are not sure enough, they will easily diagnose every patient as having COVID-19 virus. I don't want that to happen to me especially because I am still fine and my family is okay. In addition to that, it's also hassle to go to the nearest hospital especially if we don't have enough money for it, as me and my sister are paying high tuition fees every month in the college institution we are currently studying.


If you will going to ask me if I'm okay, yes, I am doing fine and I am not sick already. The only problem I have are my sense of smell and taste. I am not experiencing other symptoms of COVID-19, that's why, I don't think I am positive to this virus. I admit, I had my fever last week but, I'm already healed now as I am not feeling dizzy anymore as well as my head doesn't ache also.

I hope, on the next days or maybe tomorrow, everything will be back to normal again. I am looking forward to the succeeding days to be more joyful and enjoyable especially when my sense of smell and taste will come back again to help me enjoy my foods and other products I've used to smell.

There's no permanent in this world, and everything can be changed. So, I am holding unto this, that what's loss in me, will come back again.

Author's Note:

Hello there, my dear readers. I'm so sorry if I'm not publishing articles for how many weeks as I got sick and I'm also very busy with my studies especially because I've took my Midterm exams which are mostly performance-based and not in a written way that may considered as traditional. I had to do several videos showing the mastery of the knowledge and skills I've gained, and it was really hard for me as I am not that fond of taking a video of myself, plus, I am not that good in editing videos, so, making those really gave me a hard time.

And, to those who renewed their sponsorships on me, thank you very much and I'm really sorry if I got no time to show gratitude in an early manner.

I hope you understand...

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! 😇❤️

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅

Date Published: October 26, 2021

Lead Image and Gif: Originally created by me using Canva

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Avatar for Amy05
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Loss, Gone


I see, that's why you were gone for quite a while. Anyway, welcome back Amy and good thing you are way better now. Just stay safe always. 💗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, and sorry for the late reply. I've been exhausted for the past few days and that made me face difficulty in constructing a substantial article. But, I will still try my best to publish and bring back my passion in writing. Anyway, thank you for renewing your sponsorship. ♥️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The feeling is mutual🥺, I find it frustrating too when I experienced being not able to smell and taste the food for almost two weeks that I used to love is I can no longer enjoy😓 Get well soon🥰 I'll pray for your complete healing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It feels weird not to taste and smell the foods we used to enjoy before. But, I'm looking forward for a complete recovery. Thank you ❣️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well sis, I hope you isolate from others too until you are completely fine. As you know virus is just around the corner. Take care😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes po, I did isolate myself so I won't be able to spread any virus if there's any. Thank you and Godbless. ♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad that you are a little bit okay now. Hope you will be completely okay in the next few days.

God bless and keep safe always

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, I'm looking forward to more better days to come. Stay safe and Godbless. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to have you back!

Hopefully it isn't the virus and the taste-smell thing will come back in due time.

Be safe please and keep taking care of yourself! God Bless you!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hoping for that too, I miss the taste and smell of everything so, I am really looking forward for those to come back. Thank you and Godbless. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to hear you're okay na po. Stay safe as always

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks po, hoping for better days to come. Stay safe din and Godbless. ♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg! Good to see you back. I hope you are well now my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you very much, dear. Hoping for the best always. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you well, sis!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, sis. Kahit nawala ako for how many weeks, you're still here. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hugs, sis!!

$ 0.02
2 years ago