Focus On What Matters

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Important, Success

Nonsense things will never help us at all, learn to focus more on things essential for our growth.

Some people nowadays are keep on wasting their times on not-so-important things and later on, they will complain why they are not succeeding at all. Everything we want must be exerted with lots of efforts and hardworks to be achieved, and not just purely a waiting process without even making a progress.

Yes, we all have free will to do whatever we want to, and everyone has their mind to decide on their own. But, if we really want to grow and succeed, better work for it.

I have a sample scenario about this. This is based on reality but, I don't want to mention whom I am referring to.

I knew someone who is very lazy to work but, loves to have fun all the time. She doesn't have any work even though she really have to earn money to sustain her family's needs. She loves gambling because she's hoping for an instant blessings or in short, she wants to be a millionaire without working hard for it. Whenever she has small amount of money, she will risk it into gambling, hoping she will win, but, her destiny is nothing but a bitter one. She also won for quite some time but, she will just use the money again in gambling until she loses.

She's only focusing on the result, without paying attention to the process itself. She wants instant success and disregard the real process to get there.

To be honest, I am saddened with her kind of mindset especially because her kids are suffering from it. Instead of having a peaceful life, they can't taste it since their mother is a self-centered one. Their mother doesn't have work, and refuse to find a decent job because she's too lazy to do that. Their mother is keep on focusing on her own happiness even if her family are slowly dying in agony.

Sometimes, we help them too, but, what's disappointing is that, they became dependent on us. I remember my mom, giving money on them but, she just used it in gambling, not to sustain her family's needs. And you know what? The next day, she wants to borrow some money again because what my mother gave was already gone. She's very dependent on other people's gifts and always hoping for government assistance without even finding a way to earn on her own. And, when she's suffering because of having an unfortunate life, she will complain to the government and everything around her.

Why can't she just focused more on working instead of engaging herself to nonsense thing like gambling? If she will work, it will give her a guarantee of earning decent amount of money that she can use for herself and to her family. Gambling is very risky, satisfying when won, but, devastating when lose.

We have to use our time to the fullest, instead of focusing and doing not-so-important things, let's pay attention to what matters the most. We have control to our mindset, and we can decide about what's best for us and to the people around us.

Work hard to achieve what we want and not just waiting for the magic to happen.

Laziness should never be an excuse for not working at all. We can do many ways to fight that and take it away from our system. Having fun is just okay as long it's not exceeding beyond the limits. But, having fun our own will most of the time without thinking about the consequences will never be considered.


There are lots of distractions here in the world we are living but, we have a choice and ability to ignore what's less important and carry out what's necessary for us. Work hard to achieve what we want and never let laziness to control our mindset.

Good things come to those who wait might be applicable for some instances but, it can't happen all the time, trust me. We are not always lucky to receive huge blessings everyday. Of course, we still have to work hard no matter what happen, because that will guarantee us to have a better life, that's why better things come to those who work for it. I just heard that saying from somewhere else and it wasn't really my own writing, but it gave me this huge impact and inspiration to work harder on what I want and focus more on what matters all the time.

Let's be more realistic, focus more on what matters and ignore what's supposed to be ignored.

Author's Note:

Another day is about to end again, and here's an article to give inspiration especially for those people whose been wasting their time for non essential things. Live your life to the fullest and that includes achieving all of your dreams in life, and you will surely have it all if you know how to focus on your goals and you're striving for it. Thank you for reading.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: September 22, 2021

Lead Image and Gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Important, Success


Let's pay attention to what matters most.

I definitely agree with that. That's one of my realizations these days. I always spend my time over nonsense things that's why I don't have time to do the important ones.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Opo, we must prioritize those we can benefit from, rather than those nonsense ones. Time is precious, we shouldn't waste it for nothing. 😊⌚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree on the point that you described not to use laziness as an excuse. And the full article teaches us to patient at our desire. Good written dear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. We always have a choice to do something, to achieve our goals no matter what happens.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sounds to me that apart from being lazy maybe there is an addiction as well, but if she doesn't realize that on top of the damage that she is doing to her family, doubtfully she'll get out of that vicious cycle.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, addiction is also there since she's continously doing it despite the damages caused by her actions. Hoping that she will realize her mistakes soon and change for the better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hopefully she will!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a great reminder to everyone, Amy. It is true that we have to work hard on our dreams if we wish to achieve it. Have a blessed day ❣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, and we shouldn't just wait for something to happen, instead make it happen. Have a great day too. πŸ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago