Fear of Not Trying

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Failure, Success, Fear

Don't be afraid of failure, be afraid of not trying at all.

Failure is part of everyone's life. Most people are afraid to do such things because they are afraid about the failure that they might encounter in the middle or at the end of the process. They initially think that their time will just be wasted if they fail, without even realizing that no matter what the outcome is, as long as they tried, they never lose at all. They either win or learn.

I admit, there are times that I am scared to try new things. I am afraid that everything will not fall into the right place while I'm doing such things, but I realized, there's really no perfect process. There will always be such moments where we have to encounter difficulties and agony before we come up with a sweet triumph.

Source: Unsplash

In the first place, success will not be as sweet at it is if we just achieve it without trying and working hard at all. Challenges will mold our success into something more satisfying and worth remembering for.


No one of us is perfect, so we all commit mistakes. Failure will always be there, not to demotivate us, but rather make us stronger. If we know how to deal with failure, we can bear with it and endure all the heartaches it brings.

No matter how devastating it is to experience failure, we should keep in mind that it's just a challenge that will add strength and bravery for us to get closer to success.


Chasing success will never be as easy 1,2,3. The path we will walk through is filled with obstacles that will try to hinder us towards success. But if we are optimistic enough, we can perceive those obstacles as a strength booster. The more we surpass such obstacles, the more we become strong.

However, in the first place, we must bear in mind that in order to surpass those obstacles, we may experience failures. Just like what I've said earlier, the path towards success is not easy to pursue. Failures will come on our way, but in order to still be able to achieve success, we should never give up. No matter how hard it is, if we really want something to achieve, we shouldn't stop trying, because if we did, we lose.


If we fail, it doesn't mean that we're dumb and weak. It means that we are strong and brave enough to try something.

If we let fear devoured us, we will resort to staying in our comfort zone. So, we will never learn at all. We will be kept away from the lessons that we might gain from trying new things, no matter what the outcome is.

Therefore, no matter what the results will be, as long as we tried, we never lose at all but rather we learn.

That's why, we shouldn't be upset if we fail, because just by trying we already won through the lessons we learned from the process we took.


The first step of doing something will always be the hard part. That's when fear starts to creep us out, but if we keep in our mind that we already won no matter what the outcome is, we will be granted with an opportunity to succeed.

Failures will come on our way, but giving up should never be an option if we really want something to achieve. Failures are strength boosters not the reasons to stop.

Keep in mind that we shouldn't be afraid of failure, but fear of not trying at all.

Author's Note:

First of all, I want to say thank you for leaning your time to read this article. I hope, you gained valuable knowledge from it that may help in whatever aspect you have there.

Second, thank you for those who are supporting me in my journey here. From my readers, sponsors, and friends, thank you for always being there.

Finally, I hope we will all have a prosperous day everyday, and a life full of blessings from above. Godbless us all. ❤️

Date Published: June 3, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Failure, Success, Fear


It's better to fail and learn from it than regret something in the end for not trying it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Correct po. Achieved or not, if we tried, we never lose as we still learned. No regrets at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Simple yet deep and really must apply to daily basis, a very motivational one, there is no success is there's no losses, losing is part of growing and becomig better, in failures we learn.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. We can't deny the fact that we learn better and become stronger with failures, rather than always succeeding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes it is failures that cause us to be immobilized. I admit that it is difficult to contend such emotions especially no one supports you. We just need to try something different and be firm to it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, it's sometimes devastating to fail, and even more difficult to deal with it when we're alone. But, we should still try our best to get up and start to try again. Or just like what you've said, we can also try something different.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's positive words from you dear. Appreciate it. Well said.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, dear Luci. I'm glad that you appreciate it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago