Educated yet Unmannered

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Written by
2 years ago

Knowledge is powerful, but attitude matters the most.

Being educated is advantageous in a sense that the knowledge we have can be used to avoid inconvenience in our daily life. We can use it to do many tasks that's actually helpful especially when we have a job (regular or not). Aside from that, we can also use it to be practical or to build our own business that can generate more income.

Nowadays, for some people (or most of us) value education that much. Mostly, students are working hard to achieve their dreams and that includes graduating in higher education to get that desired degree.

Though, being a degree holder is not the most essential thing to have. I am not demotivating anyone to stop studying now, it's just that, for me, attitude, perseverance and great mindset are more powerful than just being educated. But, yeah, having a degree is also important as it somehow gives as an edge. For those people who are fond of criticizing, they cannot just belittle us as we know that we have something to be proud of. But, being responsible and clever in our own ways by being successful in life despite not having a degree is the best award that we can have. And, there's no doubt that it's the best thing that we should be proud of rather than just being good in academic field.

I believe that our attitude is more important than our educational attainment. There are people out there who didn't finish their education, but look at them now, they are living a well-off life. Some of them may not have the most wealthy life, but they are still happy and blessed because they have a good heart.

On the other hand, there are educated people or degree holders who always arrogantly flaunt their educational attainment to everyone. They think that just because they graduated in college, they are already superior in our society which will never happen, just in their dreams. Aside from that, I might be sick to think this way, but I am so annoyed with educated people who underestimate the simple ones even though the latter can do better than them. They use their diploma to slap other people (metaphorically speaking) without considering others' capabilities.

I have a story that I really wanted to share with you as it's related to our topic for today. I don't want to just keep it within myself as I have this feeling that there's a need for me to express my thoughts right now to atleast relieve my stress. Though, it's not my personal problem, but I am affected by the situation since the people involved are part of my family. They are my relatives whom I consider as important parts of my life.

So, there's an ongoing feud between my aunt and my cousin. At first, I am trying my best to stand in between them and as much as possible, I shouldn't have to choose just one of them to support on. But, as time passes by, the truth prevails and I couldn't help but to be on my aunt's side instead of my cousin.

Anyway, here's what happened between my aunt and cousin.

My aunt is a high school graduate. As much as she wanted to graduate in college when she was still young, their financial capability hindered her to go and finish her higher education. But, despite not having a degree, she is very responsible, diligent and has a very nice mindset.

On the other hand, I have this cousin whom I thought was nice as well. She's not graduate in college yet but she will soon have her degree by the end of this semester. Since she's about to graduate in college, she began to put arrogance in his mind and behavior. She began to act as if she is a superior one and that she eventually disrespect those who have low educational attainment and that includes my aunt.

That cousin of mine keeps on gossiping around to stain my aunt's image and she even has the guts to post everything in her social media account.

On the other hand, my aunt is a good person, but her patience is near to break. With that, she couldn't help but to voice out her wrath that's why, the battle between them is heating up. We, their family, are trying to calm them down but I don't know when will this subside.

Another thing that disappoints me is that the mother of my cousin chooses to support her daughter's wrong action instead of teaching her the right manners. Maybe, I thought, they have the same behavior and that her mom influenced her to be like that. I hope her father (my mom's brother) will teach them lessons instead to fix the issue and we can have a peaceful family again.


Having a good attitude and behavior are better than being educated but unmannered. Those who are humble will be more blessed than those who choose to be arrogant just because they are a degree holder.

Life is like a wheel. We are sometimes on top, and sometimes in bottom. With that, it's better to be kind and mannered person instead of boosting around just because we have higher educational attainment than anyone else. We should still consider what other people can do and that, we can't just underestimate them for being who they are.

Always remember that a well-mannered person (regardless of educational attainment) can shine brighter than those educated yet unmannered ones.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above.Β 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Thank you so much for reading! πŸ’•

Date Published: January 28, 2022

Lead Image: Took from Unsplash

Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


It's true that some professional people are those who degraded the poor. I am not generalizing the people but some of us they do. In education the most important thing is the manner and attitude of a person. Education without proper manner is dead. Godbless you more too πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I couldn't agree more. Education doesn't have sense at all if manners aren't there. Godbless you too. πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I encountered a lot of peole like this, like when I was having a morning jog near the roadside in our place a red car passed by and the window opened and the people inside that car just threw a trash when I look onto it I see empty plastic cups of coffee from some known coffee shop and a lot of used tissues and trashes, how come there are people like these they are educated they have good life and can bought themselves whatever they want but still so unmanned.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

These unmannered people are the worst trashes ever. How come they haven't learned right manners in school, or if they did, maybe they just kept in anywhere and doesn't applied to their own living. Nakakainis talaga, sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We experience that here. It's so sad that those people who are educated will tend to look down on us especially that we have lower status than them. Sometimes they will say many harsh words but we just keep quiet

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Basing it on their behavior, I would say that they haven't learned anything at all despite being educated. Don't worry, God will bless those humble ones more than those arrogant beings around you. You're doing right, it's better to keep quiet than having an argument with educated yet unmannered individuals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true. It's better to keep quiet than to argue with those people like them...As what my partner said, we are the ones who has better understanding so it's better to stay calm and keep quiet

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gosh, I remembered one of my relatives being so arrogant for he have already his degree and license. Up until now, I don't like him looking down to some of our relatives because they didn't able to went to college. And if I am also didn't get my degree maybe he is also degrading me now. That's why our relatives Don't liked him. He is alone always for having such attitude.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's a sick attitude of him, honestly. Why do they have to be arrogant just because of that degree when in fact, having good attitude and behavior is more important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even if your aunt is not educated at all, that does not call for disrespect unless there is something else between them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right. No one deserves to be disrespected just because of having low educational attainment. Educated or not, we all deserve respect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Too many people around us with this nature. Really feel pity because they wasted money on such knowledge which helped them nothing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right... and aside from that, they choose to keep that knowledge just on their mind without putting in their hearts. Instead of using it in good ways, they only keep it centered to them while degrading others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago