Ask For Help But Don't Rely Always

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2 years ago

Asking for help for quite some time if we can’t do something on our own is okay, but relying on others all the time without even trying to do such act will never be right.

In my previous articles months ago, I already wrote about this topic which I gave emphasis on the importance of self-reliance and not always depending on others to do things for us.

No man is an island and I didn’t mean to say that we shouldn’t ask for help with other people, what I want to emphasize is that, if we want something, as much as possible, we should be the one responsible for it and not always getting it in an instant by asking someone to do all the work for us.

It’s okay to ask for help so we will be guided upon the process which we are not familiar or knowledgeable with. But, we shouldn’t demand others to work on it instead of us. 

So, I come up with this topic because I have this former classmate who’s been bugging me since earlier this morning. At first, she’s asking for help about how to write an article because she has been accepted as one of the journalist on their university. Maybe some of you will ask about “how come she was accepted to be part of that school publication when she don’t have enough knowledge about writing an article?”, the truth is that, she’s not the one who wrote the article she submitted during the screening and now she’s doomed.

This is one of the disadvantages of distant/online educational set-up because even in applying for a school-related group could be cheated on. The one applying might not be the one who is actually doing the work, it could be someone else. However, since the act of achieving the goal was done in a negative way, expect that the outcome will be the same as the process as well.

Going back, that former classmate of mine was not the one who submitted her application piece/article, but she was still able to get accepted, but the sad part is that, we she gets in to that group, she doesn’t have any knowledge about the works and responsibility assigned to her.

Ad now, whenever they are assigned to write an article to be published in their school, she is always asking me to help her but in a way that she is like demanding me already to write completely for her. Of course, I always refused to do so. I am just giving me my insights and I am just guiding her upon the process (telling her the do’s and don’ts), but not doing all the works as it’s her responsibility already. 

However, she seems to think that I am becoming selfish for not doing her favor completely.

Am I selfish for helping her out by means of giving guides and answering her queries instead of doing all the work for her?

Is it her responsibility to fulfill what she’s assigned to do so instead of asking other people to do it for her?

With that, I just sent my last message to her at this moment, saying all the necessary pieces of information about writing an article, but doing the whole output isn’t my problem anymore. 


I did this not because I hate her, but rather to show how much I care about her knowledge and skills in writing. I don’t want to do all the work because she will possibly not learn anything at all. I want her to improve and develop her writing skills which cannot be done if I’ll be the one to do the work for her.

I just hope that she will take my action in a positive way and not think about me, being selfish for not doing her favor completely.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: January 31, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


Ayan yung isa sa ayoko sis jusko yung nakaasa na lang isa nakakairita yan like pano sila matututo kung laging nakaasa. What you did is definitely right, not just for your own benefit but also for her to learn na mag isa pano pag wala ka edi nganga hahaha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Tama, hindi siya matututo kung ako nalang gagawa lahat on her behalf. Tsaka, what if need nilang gumawa ng article doon mismo sa school nila and may nakabantay, edi nganga talaga siya. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo sis kaya tama talaga na tinuruan mo sya nyan kasi for her own benefit na din.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama yung ginawa mo, tinuruan mo na siya kung ano ang dapat gawin, siya na ang bahalang gumawa nun. Nasa kanya na yun kung i-apply niya lahat ng tinuro mo kasi kung palagi siyang nakaasa, wala siyang matutunan

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True po, then what if they will be tasked to write in impromptu and may nakabantay talaga, hindi naman kasi sa lahat ng pras nandiyan ako for her. Dapat talagang matuto siya sa kung anong dapat niyang gawin since ginusto niya yun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama ka kailangan din niyang matuto kasi di sa lahat ng oras andyan ka magbigay ng mga info para sa kanya. As the saying goes You can't teach someone all the time in everything, sometimes you need to let him/her discover it on her own.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aigooo, bat naman ganun. Sasali sali sya tapos ikaw gagawa ng mga outputs niya sis? Parang wrong naman ata yun. and nope, you aren't selfish. You are just helping here to stand on her own feet.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes po, I am just trying to teach her a lesson about dun sa pinasok niyang responsibility, but na misinterpret niya ata since I refused to do all the work which is supposedly done by her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't understand why there are people like this, they cheated in order to pass but once they already accepted and they given a task, they didn't know what to do since it's not their work that they submitted. She's too arrogant and not appreciative on all the help you've given, she's asking more to the point that she want you to do the whole article. If she's demanding too much it's better to confront her about her attitude and also tell her that she's the one who decide to enter in that situation that's why she must solve it on her own.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you. She must face the consequences of her actions on her own because she willingly got herself to be part of that group, so she must also do all her responsibilities as a member. But then, she cheated just to be accepted and now she doesn't know what she's going to do there. And now, she's bugging someone else to do all the work for her, not actually contented with the little help I've given. However, you're right... better confront her with how she acts and behaves, but I'm hoping that she will not take it in the wrong way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I prefer self help. I don’t ask anyone untill I can do it by myself.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's such a good attitude, and I admire you for that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the problem Sis people tend to cheat just to achieve something, but then consequences is waving. Tama na yung ginawa mo although she doesn't deserve it kasi kasalanan nya talaga. You give her lesson at the same time naman, at respect sa sarili mo:)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I got your point po. Ipapasok niya sarili niya sa ganung sitwasyon without having full knowledge about the task and responsibilities that will be given to her. Worse, she cheated pa. I just hope that she realized and got the lessons I gave to her, because if not, baka gawin niya rin sa ibang tao itong pagtrato niya sakin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago