5 Ways to Practice Self Love

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2 years ago

Self love is one of the most important habits we should know and practice in order for us to live a happy life that is far from exhaustion or even depression.

Before we show love to other people, we often heard the phrase "love yourself first" to remind and make us realize that we can't love another people genuinely if we can't do it to ourselves in the first place.

With that, I found this video from Psych2go channel in YouTube which intends to educate us all when it comes to the various ways on how to practice self love.


One of the ways of practicing self love is learning to forgive ourselves upon the mistakes we did. Mistakes are inevitable and it's okay to commit sometimes as long as we will not repeat it again. We don't have to torture ourselves with pain and disappointment if we did mistakes in whatever circumstances. Instead, let's learn to forgive ourselves because we are not perfect at all to do things excellently all the time.

Learn from the mistakes we did instead of feeling bad about it. If we do so, we can live a happy life far from guilt and exhaustion.


Being mindful with what's on our mind and heart is very important for us to easily identify if something's going on with ourselves. Be mindful upon what we feel and think as of the moment, when we are stuck in a situation we aren't familiar about what should be the coping mechanism we will use, with that, we can further understand ourselves in a sense that, we know how to handle things based on what type of personality and behavior we have.

It is one of the ways on how to practice self love because if we are mindful enough, we can prevent being lost upon our real emotions and we can immediately solve whatever problems emerging in our physical, mental and emotional health.


After being mindful and knowing what we think and feel, we can now easily identify what we really need in life. With that, it is advisable to act on what we need rather than letting ourselves to be disappointed upon not achieving it.

Identifying and working on what's giving us energy and happiness will lead us to a more peaceful and joyful life. In that case, if we act on what we need, self love is very evident as we are living the life far from confusion, guilt, and other negativities.


Setting boundaries is very important to filter out what's best and worse for us. Let's say for instance, setting boundaries upon meeting and getting close to people will help us to not just kick people out of our life but rather help us identify who are welcome to get close to us and who are not.

As part of loving ourselves, we should be careful enough upon welcoming people in our lives, because not all of them came to lift us up, but sadly, some of them just came to ruin us.


In whatever circumstances, we should always protect ourselves, not just our physical well-being, but also our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Protecting ourselves with possible harm especially from other people will help us preserve and maintain the level of self-esteem we have. Let's say for instance, when welcoming people in our life, we should always remember to set boundaries, so we can filter out who can influence us better and who's not, and in that case, we can protect ourselves from being in trouble especially if we got to choose the right people to be with us. Let's protect ourselves by being surrounded with supportive people rather than those who keep on dragging us down. Furthermore, protecting ourselves from pain also include being at peace and doing what we love.


Self love is very important because it is the foundation of being happy and being able to give love and happiness to other people as well. If we don't love ourselves fully, there might be an instance wherein we don't know how to handle things better because we are not completely aware of who we are, what we need and want, and what we can do.

Self love is not just about fixing ourselves from the trouble we had before. It is about loving the part of ourselves that we are trying to fix rather than feeling bad about it.

Therefore, acceptance is the main way on how to practice self love. It is about accepting who we are despite the imperfections we have.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: January 16, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


It is really a big help, but I swear its really hard to forgive ourselfs for the things we have done in past or present. I'm still exhausted everyday feeling so burned out over and over but yeah life if worth living so we need to accept ourselves accept our flaws and go on with life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right. It's really hard to forget the struggles we have before, but we need to go on with our life and that includes accepting whatever flaws we have and any mistakes we've done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm taking a break for filling up a lot of college admissions for 2022-2023. I'm starting to doubt myself if I can pass through with all of these especially when I become a college student. Thank you for motivating me with these article, hoping for more! 🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome! Wishing you to pass those college admission tests and study in your desired university. Goodluck to your college journey!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I cannot dear. I just cannot forgive myself. I know who I am and what I have done. That's not easy for me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Not easy, but still possible. Don't be too hard on yourself, let go of whatever disappointment you have within yourself and learn to forgive yourself with the mistakes you've done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago