5 Questions to Answer During Free Time

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2 years ago

Random questions are everywhere.

May it be in the physical world where people are fond of throwing questions which they are curious about, or in the virtual world where questions are posted, waiting to be answered.

Truth to be told, answering questions promotes good mental exercise which will lead us to practice critical thinking and our higher order thinking skills will be developed and improved positively than ever before.

Honestly, when I was a kid, I am not that fond of answering questions, instead, I like asking more. As a kid, curiosity tickled my mind which lead me to ask questions that are sometimes nonsense, but I am glad that people around me that time didn’t let me feel clueless and kept satisfying my curiosity. 

However, when I grow older and my mind is already filled with knowledge I am gaining in my daily life, I further develop my thinking skills, that’s why I am fond of answering questions as well (though I am not saying that I am an excellent one, just the average. Hahaha).

As the title itself, for today’s article, I am going to answer some random questions I generated from the randomwordgenerator online.

1. If it was possible to transplant your brain to stay alive for another 100 years, would you?

For me, no. Living for a long time is one of my dreams actually, but living alone without my loved ones for another 100 years is a big no to me. Yes, I have the chance to live again through that brain transplant, but what about my family? Unless, they will have a brain transplant as well, then I’ll be doing the same, but if not then I won’t. in addition, having that transplant will possibly cost lots of money, so our financial state can’t even cover that expenses.

Another reason why I opposed this idea is that I want to show to our Almighty God that I am already contented with the life He had given to me. If that’s only the time He gave for me to live in this world, then I will accept it. 

2. How do you make decisions?

Making decision is a tough process which requires critical thinking and enough time to come up with a better result when it was already applied. So, whenever I’m making decisions, I always make sure to identify all the factors that can be directly or indirectly affected by my decision, and the other things to be considered to avoid coming with a terrible result.

Though, sometimes I’ve been too impulsive in making decision especially when my mind isn’t stable enough to come up with a smart idea. With that, the results can either be good or bad, not always that negative even though my decision process wasn’t that good in the first place. On that note, whatever decision we came up with, we don’t know if the results will be good as well, hence, it’s still better to use our mind critically so we don’t have any regrets sooner or later.

3. Have you ever been punished for something you didn't do?

Yes, and I think most of us had experienced this one because of different reasons. I experienced it a lot of times already, and it took place mostly at home, between me and my older sister. When I was young, my older sister was fond of making me feel annoyed on so many things. Just like a typical siblings’ relationship, we are like cat and dog, fighting here and there, whenever and wherever we are. There was a time when my sister secretly took some money from our mom’s wallet to buy load which she used to text her boyfriend at that time (that was her ex now). I clearly saw the incident with my two eyes, but since I don’t have phone or camera to take evidences, we both got punished because my sister didn’t tell the truth and I got to be one of the persons of interest even though I insisted that I have clear conscience. 

On the other hand, that was from a long time ago already so I managed to move on from it. Though, my sister still has that attitude wherein sometimes she’s fond of humiliating me to make herself stand out. But, I am smart enough to put the blame back to her, so she’s having difficulties now in pushing me to the edge of being punished.

4. How well do you trust your gut feelings?

In a scale of 1-10, I trust my gut feeling in between 7-8. Whenever I sense a negative aura around me, there’s a big possibility that there would be bad thing to be happened. Aside from that, relating this to my studies, whenever I got lazy in studying my oral presentation (because I have this gut feeling that my report will be postponed), coincidentally, my gut feeling was right and I end up having ample time to study. 

Aside from that, whenever I am about to take my exam, I am glad to feel nervousness before it because my gut feeling says that I’ll definitely ace that exam. On the contrary, when I’m more relaxed, I will probably just get an average score. 

Sometimes, everything doesn’t happen according to my gut feelings, that’s because no one’s perfect and a human intuition is not always accurate. From that moment, my trust for my gut feelings is just around 7-8 because just like what I’ve said, it’s not that pretty accurate all the time.


To exercise our mind and come up with a good mental processes, we better engage ourselves with answering some random questions that will not just feed our brain with creative juices, but as well as to make ourselves better in interacting, especially if we are put in an instance where we have to communicate by answering questions coming from other people, whether in a formal or informal setting.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: April 20, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


For me 50-60 years is enough for me. I don't like to give more pressure to my brain for long age.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magkaiba tayo sis. Gusto ko yung brain transplant. Gusto ko masaksihan ang iba't ibang generation. Pero oo nga no, nakakalungkot wala na ang family mo ikaw nalang buhay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me it's better to remain in neutral especially when making a decision. A good disposition is something that we can make a desirable decision. Let's not make decision when we are overwhelmed or being in emotional state cause if that would expire there might be a tendency that your going to withdraw.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, when deciding our mind and emotion must be stable enough to handle the decision making process, so we will not be vulnerable to adverse outcomes later on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's my observation. But I think our emotions should be in stable and think properly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That brain transplant is wired though, but if it's possible, i will rather oppose it as well. Making a decision is not easy, we have to think if our decision is not going to hurt other people around us, we should not think about ourselves alone. Thinking of the negative effects and the positive effects when making decision is important, when the negative effects is higher, it is better we have a rethink and vice versa .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right. Decision making is a crucial process, we really have to take it seriously.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parehas po tayo na napagbintangan dahil sa Sister ang kaibahan lang po ay medyo magka iba lang po ng ugali yung sister natin. Yung sa gut feeling naman po sakin mas mababa po kung ira-rate ko hehehhe.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Mabait naman si ate ko minsan, gusto gusto niya lang din talaga ako asarin most of the time. Hahaha Sa gut feeling naman, minsan pumapalya din sakin, pero maaasahan naman ng mas madalas, minsan din kasi yung sitwasyon sumasang-ayon sa katamaran ko sa pag-aaral. 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I trust my gut feelings. Because it never pointed wrong.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You have a powerful gut feelings, I guess.

$ 0.00
2 years ago