3 Reasons Why Learning Should Never Stop

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Learning

As time passes by, no matter how fast the time ticks on the clock, still, learning never stop.

As we go through different path as we grow old, the chances of learning new things is still on the higher rate. No matter what we do, there's a learning from it.

As we interact with other people around us, we can still gain some knowledge from them especially if they talk about their experiences in life that will somehow inspire us to do better like them or to not repeat the mistakes they did, with that learning seems like transporting unto our nerves upto to our brain.

As we sit quietly at the couch in our home, either watching on the television or reading books, learning is still there.

Most of the things we do everyday are connected to learning.

There are always new skills to be learned and techniques for us to adopt.

Look at those successful person in the world. Do you think they will be in that place where they are now if their brain is empty? Of course, they have to learn first. Even if some of them are not a degree holder, still what makes them successful is their courage to learn new skills not just found in books but in real life situation.

Learning from experiences, from other people, by doing it by themselves at a time, and learning to be responsible are some of the best weapons for them to succeed. They never think of stopping to learn, but instead they learn day by day until the perfection they are aiming for will happen. But, even if they already achieved their goals, there are still more knowledge and skills waiting to unfold, so to be the best version than before, learn with everything, forever.

There are million reasons for us to continuously learn. Learning should never stop, because it's like the heart of our daily life. If we limit ourselves from what we already know, how can we move forward to the days when everything seems unfamiliar to us?

Isn't it confusing if we got into a situation where we don't know nothing about? Yes, of course. That's why we should always learn, always make some room for new things that we are about to gain, and practice utilizing it for us to get prepared on future's purposes.

In this article, I will not write down all the million reasons for us to never cut down opportunities to learn, but I will just summarize those into three

So, here are they:

1. Learning will make us happy

Isn't it satisfying if you gain an important knowledge that made you reach your goals?

I, myself, is very happy as well everytime I discovered a new skill of mine. Before, I am not that good in presenting a lesson to my teacher and classmates inside our room. That feeling when I am always stuttering while explaining my topic and can't think properly of a good answer when some of them asked for clarifications. But, as days passed by, I started to observe how my teacher discussed effectively to us, I also watched some video tutorials in YouTube about that, gone through different articles for me to learn essential strategies, and most importantly I focused more in mastering the topic assigned to me. With that, I am slowly improving until there was a time when one of my teachers complemented me for being a well-versed presenter. From that moment, I am very happy that all of my hardworks have been paid-off and my learnings were not wasted for nothing.

Learning can be tough and will never be easy, but having an accomplishments because of the knowledge we gained are so satisfying.

The more we learned new things, the more we get nearer to our goals. And if that goals were achieved by us, the happiness is irreplaceable.

2. Learning will make us a great coach

We can master things effectively if someone teach us more knowledge and strategies, but what's more fulfilling is that, we can also teach other people about what we've learned.

When we gain more lessons, the more we can teach other people effectively. We cannot give what we don't have. If we lack knowledge about something in particular, how can we be a great coach for them? What lessons or skills should we impart to them, if we know nothing? If we continue to learn, there's a huge possibility that our knowledge will be widen, and with that, we can share many things to our soon to be learners that will make us a great coach/teacher. Aside from that, the impact we can make is not directly pointed to the learners in front of us now. Those learners can learn from us, and in return they can also teach others.

Everything became continuous, it seems like a universe without an end. Learning then, becomes forever and everyone of us can be a great coach now or in the future.

3. Learning will make us powerful

No one can beat a smart person with a big heart.

The more we learned something, the more we became powerful to conquer everything and will never be easily deceived whatever circumstances we are facing. We will become a critical thinkers who seek for accuracy and validity of an information without easily jumping into a conclusion. We can also avoid wrong doings, given the fact that we know what will be the possible consequences if we do that thing. We can also gain more friends especially if we have several lessons to share that will somehow make us powerful in terms of influence. And most importantly, we can stop the misconceptions that may caused harm to everyone.

That's how powerful learning is. So, if you want to be powerful that can help others, then never stop learning new things.


There are lots of advantages that we can get from learning. Learning is not an instant process. We can commit mistakes throughout the process, but it's okay, as long as we are getting nearer to our goals. Learning should never stop. As we learn new things day by day, opportunities are lying with it as well. But if we cut it off, everything will turn blankly without hope. We should never be afraid to gain something again. We should never limit ourselves from what we already knew, but rather seek for new ideas that will open new doors.

Just like what the saying goes, "old ways will never open new doors" so if you want something different that what you have before, then learn new things that can be a key to open another opportunities.

Learn something to be happy, to be a great teacher, to be more powerful, and to make a difference in this world.

Author's Note:

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Learning


I just felt sad through an author here who doesn't want to admit his own mistakes. I felt bad for him, you know. I just realized that he's only a waste of time.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Woah, who's that author po? And what mistakes did he commit?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Please don't talk about it na lang po haha. I can't still move on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Okay, I will not meddle with it nalang. I hope that author will soon realize the mistakes he did.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Learning is a continous process and there's more knowledge outside the four courner of our classroom in school. As we take our journey ,along with it ,we continue to learn various knowledge about various things.😊

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Exactly. There are still things around that we haven't discovered yet, and there are problems ahead that can't be easily solved by the knowledge we already knew. We have to explore and learn more, no matter how old we are, because learning is infinite that we shouldn't cut.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love the last part. I think that sums up all the three. Indeed, the more we know, the more we can do things. Use what we know to help others and help ourselves. However, don't use your power in a bad way. Abuse of anything means you have not learned anything at all.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes, you're right, that's why, learning should not always be absorbed by the brain, but the heart must be connected to it as well. Be knowledgeable not just to boost arrogance but to humbly help other people around us.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Truly well said :)

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you.... it means a lot. ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Education will never stop from beginning to end. Lots of things are hiding in the bush waiting for us to discover. This is my idea of interest, I finished my degree yet I think it wasn't yet enough because I know I had to learn more. Hehe

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's it, even if we finished education in school, the learning process outside the four corners of the classroom will still continue.

$ 0.00
3 years ago