Why we cheat!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Cheating or cheat is an old social evilness in human which developed now more stronger and visible shape by time passing. For our own interests, likes and benifits we use other's emotions, time and money. When we fulfill our desire, we left out by leaving other one in deep stress and demolished hope.

We use UPS ( Uninterrupted power supply) at home which is source of electricity when main supply went off. Due to continuing load shedding and less production of electricity we suffer brakes on supply for some hour. This inverter Or UPS connected with a battery starts supply to home. Which is basically convert the 220 v into DC and charge the battery and when needed it again took from battery DC and convert into 220V and supply.

Our UPS went in disordered due to moisture of rain. I took it to a known technician and he said the transformer damaged and it need rewinding again. If we will use copper wire for rewinding , it will cost 4000 PKR and if in silver wire it costs 2500 PKR. I told him that do a copper rewinding because it is durable, heavier and more efficient. He repaired the UPS and after payment I bring to home. But when we put supply load it went hot as almost burning.

Quickly I removed it from main circuit and let it cool. Next day I again went to that shop but the required person was not there. Suddenly an idea comes in mind and I took UPS to other shop. Other technician open it and told me that it is silver rewinding and can't bear the load of heavy machinery like fridge or air conditioning system. I snap the rewinding area to goes again to previous technician. First he Denise but then admit his mistake that I do it but I am sorry.

The question came in mind that why we cheat? I think lot of reasons are possible like greediness , incompetence , lack of knowledge , indignity and shameless behaviour are reasons. How we can justify this cheating/ fraud? No one can support it. But unfortunately most of our technical services people are involved in this evilness. Plumber never tells us original fault, electrician , auto mechanic , mason etc will try their maximum to cheat the costumer. Because everyone is not master in these fields so we believe on them but actually they earn huge money from costumer.

The UPS technician remove old silver rewinding and did copper one without Extra charges when we reach till fight for making frauds or cheating with us.

Still I stuck that what motivation , thinking , mindset and movement force him to cheat? Are you have any idea?.

Thanks for reading my day story and observations. Like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Really a thing of concern as this issue of Robbing others with the knowledge of what we know is becoming more alarming and devastating. Most people cheat because of lack of shame and experience, if he was skilled in his field he would have known fixing a silver coil will not last and it might bring you back to his workshop, which could lead to a fight or exchange of words. Am sure he wasn't considering that instance

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Such activity could be so annoying, most people cheat out of greed, knowing fully well they can't afford more, so they tend to cheat just to balance for their lost. Which is very bad. I rather ask someone for something rather than play pranks with the person. Cheating is almost everywhere now, and it is as a result of greed

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Awww, that's awful. Whatever reason they have , still cheating is cheating. We always say "the end does not justify the means".Whatever the reason , could it be more earnings to provide for the need of his family , still it's not right. It sadden me but i know it's the reality that in a world that we are living in, there's a lot of con people that we can't be trusted with. And yes we can't be " mr. know it all" knowing whose gonna cheat us or not specially when we don't have knowledge of certain areas. Fraud are everywhere, all we can do is to atleast be more careful.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

unfortunately there are people who have this defect and never seek to improve, greetings

$ 0.03
2 years ago

In the current society the person who is cheater and a deceiver is considered as a clever man. As for in our religion and shariah, doing dishonesty is a worst sin.

Some other people say that doing a business without cheating others is impossible. These are the reasons people cheat each other. They forgot the standards of Islam. They will go to hell if Allah will not forgive them.

May they turn toward a right path before ending of time.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is root of all the problems, may Almighty Allah bless us right living path.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In today world or in today society everyone do cheat other people with use of different ways. No matter he's a mechanic or other person he tried to cheat and really this happened due to lack of knowledge, lack of money and greediness. They all try to cheat that's why they won't be succeed

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Brother it is world and cheater are available everywhere. Might be he was worried about high inflation rate in your country. Anyway once a cheater is always a cheater for me. I didn't believe on such people in my whole life span.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Our people say that: Stupidity is what we all have in common as human beings but some people think that improving it is their entitlement. Cheating in profession can bring bad luck. Let learn to be honest in everything. So sorry for the loss

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Never knew you are an electrician or is it a technician.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I am a retail store owner . We call all semi skilled people as technician.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i think some people cheat for simple reasons! Just for their own benefits.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Literally sad to hear that just for the sake of some 1500 money he cheated. May Almighty protect us from such evil people's who don't think about other's life in front of greed.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

They are filling their bags with unliftable sins . Almighty God bless them right path.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He charged you for copper but used the silver in the UPS. It really bad and shows the greediness,and hypocrisy of people.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is true! People should remember the death as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago