Wealth is health!

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2 years ago


Money is need of time and compulsory for our meet up of living. I can't deny the original proverb of health is wealth which is almost universal truth. But I took wealth as better health of emotional, psychological , personal growth and character. Wealth gives more opportunities to live better and healthy because choices can avail and no lack of mismatch there. Rich people die too which is another reality but their lifestyle allows them to be positive & independent. Although they also falls in sickness but have power in hand to go for best treatment.

Wealth boosts confidence which is key element in present yourself at any stage. Normally we observed that a wealthy person always talk , walk & meet with a different stand of confidence in body , tongue and character. Wealth helps to create focus in person. He avoid unnecessary and time consuming baseless things and keep focus on its main stream. It made us resilient and brave as well. People trust us due to this factor.

Another positive thing from wealth is truthful and trustworthy being. Wealthy person will be always true to himself. He never falls in trap at least to ownself. It is sign of maturity as well. Wealth enhance the judgement level of mind and helps to recognise people more quickly then others. He knows his reality and liked real things. He avoid artificial food , behaviour and assistance , try to live near reality.

Wealth brings happiness and psychologically made us true worthy mentality. We start recognise things in real matters and don't want to hear , listen baseless arguments. Straight & short pin point talking are more appreciated by them because they don't want more waste of time. Also wealth gives us our limits. Are you observe that Wealthy people never falls in small , street talktives and know where , what to say to whom. The prime choice for them is time. They can't afford to loose it in formative things.


Wealth is ultimate source of energy to our psychological strength & appreance. It has power , resilience, faith and time worthy quality. Wealth brings more opportunities to survive with significance and honour. It allows carelessness and freedom of thought. Helps to understand the value of passing time. We must made maximum potential to accomulate wealth but never on the back of another poor. Wealth gives psychological, social, mental and spiritual health in better shape.

I want to say thank you for your time being here and reading my thoughts. Like upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Money makes the world go round, a sick wealthy man is better than a poor healthy man...

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The adage “health is wealth” can mean two different things. First, a healthy body enables you to live life to the fullest. You have the time and mobility to pursue passions, travel, and education. You can spend more time with the people closest to your heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The conclusion or final thought knocked other statements. Love this "Wealth is ultimate source of energy to our psychological strength & appreance. It has power , resilience, faith and time worthy quality. Wealth brings more opportunities to survive with significance and honour."

It's impressive how you view wealth as something that can help us to be better and not bitter. Good wealth and stewardship are blessings that can improve us in many aspects as long as no on gets harmed like what you mentioned. God bless brother.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People who say that we can't buy happiness with money, they are liars, this is an era, when everything is possible with money, money is not everything but it is valuable, if it is useless then why everyone is longing for it? Yes health is wealth was an old saying that is true, But wealth is health is also true, without money, itis hard to maintain our health.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

it's kinda stressing living in a life with limits because of the shortage of money, it adds up stress. (there's happiness in money)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Lack of money sometimes add up to stress and let's make that a good challenge to grow and expand to have good wealth that we can spread.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wealth is such a powerful entity with such numerous uses. And of course with wealth you can attain good health and desired body. See the natural bodybuilder they spent a lot to get their desired health and body. Without money they can't pursue proper healthy bodybuilding. Haha, I went into different topic.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agree with you. Health is wealth. I hope to get this wealth in life to live free and do whatever I want.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

When you have wealth the chance of depression lessens. People start giving you respect and value you. To get a peaceful life and healthy wealth is necessary

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aren't wealth and health related to each other? If one doesn't maintain good health one cannot earn wealth and if one is sick one cannot recover without wealth.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Amen good point brother! Balance it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Health is really important. We can still earned money as long as we are healthy. Let us not take for granted our body

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Without money we can't buy things we need to survive in our everyday living. It is like a fuel to our life, without it we can't function well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If a person wants to get everything he wants in his life, it is very important to have wealth. Without wealth, a person cannot fulfill his desires. With the help of wealth, a person can buy everything that he wants. That a poor man cannot buy, which is only a dream of a poor man.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

If we have an illness,we are not treated without money.hospitals will not accept without down payment then,what would happen to those poor individuals without money to treat their illness?now I understand that wealth is health I agree with you👍

$ 0.03
2 years ago