Unconventional methods of Excercise.

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Physical movement is key of good health and a healthy lifestyle demands best routine of living. We can't live healthy without good food and proper physical excercises.

Some people goes to gym for this purpose and lot of use other ways like games , morning walk, gardening and other activities to keep themselves fit and flare.

Are you extract opportunity for lite excercises during the daily life routine? It is easy , free , timeless and classic things to adopt in terms of keeping body healthy. No need to took out time in specific clock or special place for excercises. Here are some tricks to use for some physical movement during our normal routine.

Use Bucket in place of trolley.

Lot of shopping malls have shopping trolley for customers for shopping. But they also have buckets for this purpose. So always carry a bucket for shopping because it will give you a chance of excercise . When you will lift the bucket with some wieght, it will give our shoulders , arms and legs a good calories burning opportunity.

Meeting on move.

At work place if you have a meeting with your client then instead of sitting hour , try to walk slowly around, in corridor, at terrace, in coffee bar and talk to your client. Moving talks always innovative and has more positive results then sitting one . Also a chance of lite excercise to develop better blood circulation.


No doubt technology made easier communication in human. But messaging, chatting and other interactions becoming hurdles in Physical movement. So if you want to text some one who is in walkable distance then better option is go to him by walk and deliver the massage directly. It will give us two benifits, one a chance of walking and second direct massaging has better results then on device.

On the claws.

Are you witness that dancers always has very strong calves . Why ? They practice mostly on the claws. They keep full body weight on claws on move. But we can get this opportunity while standing in qué , waiting for bus , Train or cab. We can practice to put our body wieght on claws which ultimately is good excercise for legs , hips and thighs.

Bending down,

In our daily routine lot of times we now down to pick the things from floor. But instead of bending our back alone to bow down, we try to sit down on feet , took the things and get up . This activity gives us physical therapy of our back , abdominal muscles, thighs muscle.

These small steps can give us some physical movement and lite excercise to keep blood circulation normal and to burn some calories without any extra time or arrangements.

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Well said these little things are the best exercise that we can do without going into gym and having extra time for exercise.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Wow that's great and informative article that's was very helpful for us and mostly work we doing on move but device is unfortunately It puts a lot of pressure on our mental state and physically our mental blood circulation becomes low I agree 💯 for your article May Allah bless you always and grant you success ameen

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We can do many moves in our daily life but technology on the other hand make us dull and week. We use trolley instead of basket. We use mobile phone to summon someone if he's on roof although we can go to upstairs to talk yo that person but we used mobile phone

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Great article about exercise, using bucket instead of trolley that's funny but also useful

$ 0.02
1 year ago

These are actually some light exercises which we can do normally in our daily routine. But sadly nowadays we have become so lazy, that even few steps seems us hard.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Really technology has made man really dull and it is continuing to do so on but as I belong to a farmer family in Punjab so I have to work hard daily to live and these jobs are just for those who are ...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Exercise is really important my friend and individuals should aware also what are the best and good movements to execute.

$ 0.02
1 year ago