Top Up your Scripts.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago

Nov 18 , 2022

Writing is a skill which we all here have with variable capabilities. Lot of legand names here which has top quality research, grip on topic and smooth way of expression.

Writing 500-600 words is not a big deal in any language because any one have some experience with expertise can write here but where most of users has lackness is in "Top up of scripts". Where top up stands in blogging as added value ingredient.

We can't stretch a news into a blog or our routine work activity, simple hobby or conclusion less paragraphs. Article or blog is name of convey a strong massage, explanation of a solution, new explorations, opportunities and things which has benifit for others.

How we can top up our script?

It is not a simple thing to add but possible one with research, words for topic, good vocabulary and grammar , smooth choice of additional helping sources. What things we can consider to top up.

Write what you adequated.

Any topic which you have enough knowledge is much easier to Write. Do a good study through various sectors of it , evaluate it and write according to your experience about it.

Add preference, links , video clip support, graphics, charts and diagrams in support of your content. It will help the reader to understand it better. Don't forget to mention the sources of your supportive elements.

“The No. 1 thing that you can do is , you need to decide what’s the one thing that you are better at than anything else … and you need to become the extreme version of that.” – Gary Vaynerchuck


Don't follow the herd.

What most of people doing , it is not necessary that you also did the same. Create your uniqueness which leave a impact on reader. The reader must press the subscription button before leaving out from script. That will be your success because subscriptions and upvotes are life line for authors.


You did high class research, write with maximum pen power but if fails in attractive presentation then may not get good appreciation. Presentation is key in term of reader's attention to read your article with keen interest.

Use proper linings, paragraph , font and size, distance of words. Use good grammar, revise for mistakes, check plagiarism and the arrange of contents. Let's made it visual friendly to reader so he should reach till conclusion point.

Keep focus on vertical growth.

If we have question in mind that why I am writing then we should keep focus of our vertical growth as writer. Vertical growth is to get more people/ readers on our scripts. How it possible? It is strategy to built the tribe in which an author use different mediums/ forums to get the attention of those Users on his article. Also use the built-in tools on publishing plateform like boost in read cash. What it gives us? More viewership, engagement and followers. For example look at these screen shots.

These screen shots of article from Pantera & Shelley Walsh clearly says what I means here .

At the end I want to add that no one is interested included the rusty in our shopping untill we didn't show them the importance & legacy. No one interested in our daily routine of walk untill we didn't describe it's value and benifits. May be no one interested in similarities of contents untill we didn't create the uniqueness.

Thanks for your precious time to be here and read my thoughts. I will be glad by knowing your opinion in comments. Subscribe, like and upvote if you feel something interested.

Follow me here,

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Lead image: pixabay

Middle image: pixabay.


$ 1.27
$ 0.78 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @esmeesmith
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Yes, you said correctly that writing is the greatest characteristic of a human being and writing is also a skill, and the more interesting and well written we are, the more readers will support us.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Very informative for all writers who want to level up his/her writing skills like me, if I pursue this, it means more time, effort and research. In future, I may use this, so I just save this article for now.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It means when we have more viewership then more chances Rusty will come in your post. and those readers who read the article will support it also.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes high viewer ship has effect on earnings. Upvotees, views count in all the matters.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend. It will be easier if we write some topic that we had an enough knowledge from it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

One thing that i really like to join here is to gain more experience, gaining knowledge from the others and make a room for improvement on my self , for me it takes a lot to exert efforts to make our article more interesting to make some users here feel so much interested.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It is reality that we are gaining a lot from here. Knowledge and wisdom!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I started writing on, o never knew I would come this far. O never thought I would be able to write daily but I kept going until I discovered that I was a born writer. I only had to cultivate and nurture the talent. Currently working towards publishing two novels before the middle of next year. Insha Allah

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That is so nice to know that you are going to be a authentic author by publishing the novel. Wishing you all the best!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think views and title name is directly proportional to each other. Title topic is more powerful thing in this case and than other factors came that we should write interesting too

$ 0.02
1 year ago