To The Roots!

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Problems and solutions are part of our life and no one claim that his life is free from these two elements. Our daily routine faces the zigzags and anything not comes according to our thinking or effort cause us problem. Then we starts to search its solution to remove that Hurdle because our mind didn't accept it as right.

Solutions always had two types in which we live long. One is temporary solution which is our most favourite because we didn't want work more to dig the reasons behind. If any person has brain tumor in very bigning stage , he will feel lite pain in head. Now a simple paracetamol dose can give us relief temporary and mostly we go to it. But after a day again same pain starts and we took another dose of paracetamol and so on then we are ignoring it's second part which is permanent solution. Which is diagnosed by specialist doctor and treatment accordingly.

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We can't touch the permanent solution untill not reached to the root. The root of the problems is main thing to focus , evaluate and treat. Because we can know the real reason only by reaching its roots cause. Negativity didn't build in any person over night. It has causes which gets deep roots by time passing. It is quite possible to throw out negativity if we can reach its roots. Because we have to eleminate the causes which developing the negativity in our mind and spirit.

Photo credit:Unsplash

Most of us complains about our kids that they not doing respect, not cooperating , not listening elders , rudes , not well in academic performance etc but are we try to reach the roots of their behaviour. May the real fault is on our side that we are not giving them enough quality time and importance. So it is not possible to get solution without knowing their opinion and cause of problem.

No one can avoid any problem by temporary solution or half cook half hook. We have to reach and know it's causes and reasons to go for permanent solution which will be better option. Dig and dig till it's last root and starts cure it from last end. We can't judge the depth of a pound by sitting on boundary , it requires to be in bottom of the pound to know the real depth.

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$ 2.75
$ 2.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Ultra_Knowledge
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Digging deep to find the solution to a problem is really important.

Using temporary solution doesn't solve the problem but pushes the problem forward and it builds up into a gigantic one.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sometimes, we sit afar to predict somethings, that is, we just give possible solution to some problems without even knowing the cause of the actual problem

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I remember before pandemic we are doing root cause analysis report at work..ahmm it was a little bit hard to determine sometimes.. Need to dig deeper

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We can reach to root cause only by digging into the problem.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right that we should solve the problems permanently and find the reason of problem and try to solve it permanently

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Most people wants to solve a problem from the surface giving surface solution and even surface suggestion, which is very wrong, we need to trace it to the root and find a lasting solution to it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

A problem couldn't be resolved throughly before finding it's origin and causes behind this. Understanding the problem, finding different solutions, selecting most appropriate among all the solutions and applying it to the problem is a method i use.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Root cause analysis and reaching to best solution is key to sort out the issues.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed we will find the solution of every problem only when we know about it's cause

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Indeed, to permanently eradicate a problem we need to dig a little deeper. You have explained it very beautifully through various examples. It's human nature to always look for ease, and due to this nature we often leave the root causes unchecked which lead to catastrophic results in the future.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly bro if we want to resolve any problem we should nip it in the bud otherwise it will be troubling with the passage of time

$ 0.03
2 years ago