Tired Eyes!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Eyes are one of the most important organ of our body which enables us to see the beauty of the world. The function of this organ is like lens to look , observe and viewing modes. This world will be totally black if some one loose this blessing.

Human feels tired after long physical work and looks at some rest which will recharge it's body. Exactly our each organ goes tiring by frequent work flow and it requires some rest or some exercise to regain the energy. This short pull off can enhance the capability, strength , durability and performance of the organ.

We are well aware all who are working on social media especially writers that how our eyes tired when we work continuously on screen. Going reddish, wetting, swollening and sneezing , paining, swetting, dullness and low sightseeing are initial symptoms about our eyes going sick.

The only medium of solution is to care them properly. Because it is hard to get back the light if once slowdown. These symptoms will grow further if we ignore them on initial stage and possibly ends up with blindness, colourblind, glasses with high numbers , galucoma, refractive power and cataract surgery.

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Possible precautions.

Well , to keep our eyes more bright , effective and efficient for our life, we must care of them. We must go for check-up if any minor problem accures. We should arrange proper, calming and deep sleep to fuels them. We should use some cleaning drops for them. Washing them with cold water also generate freshness to them.

There are some technical excercises also by physiotherapy experts to release the pressure, light effects and screen rays from eyes. We can use them and gets our eyes back to normal after it. Such as ,

  • Stretch out arm fully and made thumb at up straight. Now bring the thumb close to eyes and then remove far till arm goes. Let your eyes keep focus on thumb coming near and going far. This excercise of one minute can generate the focus level of eyes.

  • Sit down calmly, close the eyes and rotate inner fragment up, down , left , right for at least 2 minutes.

  • Try to change your focus from screen to any other moveable object. Keep eyes to object and keep moving eyes with the object.

  • 20-20 rule , if your are working on screen for 20 minutes continuesly , you must look at any object far away for 20 seconds. It will divert the curtains back and relax the cortina.

  • When we work with focus and deepness we forget to blink our eyes. Which cause more tiredness but if we took 30 second out and blink frequently with tight close-up which can generate oil in our glands to keep them moisturising.

  • If we put warm fingers on eyes , it also gives relaxation. Just melt, rub the finger on other hand and put on eye. Rotate this excercise alternately on both eyes by witching the hands. It is fastest remedy to bring our eyes again ready for work.

These low time consuming possibilities & excercises can prevent bigger lose and can keep our eyes healthy, delightful and nourishing. We should adopt them whenever we feel that our eyes are tired.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Eyes are very useful in all aspect of life,we should take good care and value our sense of seeing not in seeing the wrong of others.use our eyes in doing good and live with a peaceful heart and mind

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is the best use of these lens gifted by Almighty to us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very valuable information for eyes. Most of us need this piece of information as all of us are into writing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think my eyes are getting tired to excessive usage of mobile from previous days

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Most of us not caring it but we should.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We often had a tired eyes when our screen time is too much. This is a nice blog btw.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Brother our eyes are our main organ parts. They are so delicate we can't make any pressure on them by doing work in fade light. I hope you will be relaxed soon and use glasses if possible.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope so to get back soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago