Things to do on RouGee.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago

RouGee is blissful addition in Web 3 base digital social media platform which offers multiple interaction between Users. More over it paying in XRGE, it's native token, against every click we do like reaction on other's posts, writing a micro post , commenting on other's post, writing a article etc.

There are lot of features in pipeline which are in the way to interface like messenger where possibliy users can chat , Voice call , video call , video conferencing will be possible. Also it will work as events manager, diary, Oasis market place, blogging, Pods to broadcast and a live product selling/ buying place where users will be able to buy different products possibly by $XRGE.

Currently there are four main page features where most of users making noise.





Micro Posts.

These posts used to share meaningful, common interested, creative, unique things to each other with some purpose. Like own snapped photos, occasion , festivals, cultural heritage & values, events and mutual interest conversation. Your post should have a thing which may other have interest or benifits.

Copy of text , screenshot from other social networks, meaningless snaps, photos with out description, abused & naked snaps, stealing contents etc can't give you any fame. Your account will be in spam, non- interested ( for most of users) and baseless. Yes, may you earn some points initially but in long term it never succeeded.

Share the meaningful content , original photography, creativity and experience of your life with other's. Photos must have some description to made it worthy.


We react on any post in prompt response without looking on the content of the post which never good. Our response in reaction should be reasonable, relevant and useful. Our blind reaction can give a opportunity to laugh on us. It generates a invisible image in author's mind about us which will be positive for long time friendships. There is dislikes button as well and we can use it if we saw any content blow the whistle.


Comments are key in friendship of social media. It helps to grow the fellowship, audience and connections. It is most important part of any communication and conversation especially on social media.

Our comments must be relevant, proper and in suitable words according to content of the post. Keep in mind that irrelevant, improper and spammed comments like wow , nice , good etc always hurt the author. Our comments must have atleast one line or 6-7 words of relating to content.


Any blog with minimum 500-600 words on any topic comes in category of article. RouGee has one of the best interface for blogging. I am in content writing since 7 years but found only RouGee who have auto decorative mode for any article. It gives blissful font to our heading, first letter of blog , paragraphic touch and equal lining space .

Although it is not possible for every user to write a blog but it is interesting and informative field to stay in . At least you should read couple of articles daily to gain some knowledge and experience.

RouGee has vast verity of categories, communities to write according to our expertise and experience. I found it flexible, smooth and creamy place to write a blog. Although it is emerging community with low audience but by sharing our article links on other social media networks we can attract the people to came on RouGee.



Follow me here,

Twitter noiseapp publish0x Rougee

Feel free to ask me anything about RouGee. Click here to join the platform because it has invite only enrollment.

$ 0.10
$ 0.05 from @Unity
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Very nice. Thank you for the update

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Wow, I am impressed with the vast features and opportunities offered by RouGee! The idea of earning XRGE for engaging with the community is unique and the pipeline of more features like voice and video calls, event management, blogging, and marketplace is quite promising. The emphasis on quality content and meaningful interactions makes RouGee stand out in the crowded world of social media. I also appreciate the author's thoughts on the importance of relevant and proper reactions and comments, which truly reflects the essence of building genuine relationships in a social platform. Can't wait to join this platform and see it grow!

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Thanks for comprehensive feedback.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What is the method to Withdraw Money from this platform? Which platform or wallet should i download where i can withdraw my token?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You can choose trust wallet or 1 inch wallet. First create XRGE token in your wallet by choosing BnB smart chain address of Rougee. Then take recieving address from trust wallet or 1 inch wallet and paste in your profile. You withdraw will come in your wallet directly. For contract address and other information check my pinned post on RouGee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago