Sunday Evening & My Agri Farm.

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2 years ago


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The purest form of happiness is when you feels it by mind and soul. Your inner surface pleased and that feeling appears from your face , words and body language. Believe me this kind of happiness will force you to jump in the air , giggles loudly , smiles unconsciously and talking to yourself occasionally.

Yesterday afternoon my family insisted on visit to our agricultural farm . I ownes some heritability agricultural land which my father left for us. I call to my sister which is living near to that land to join us in farm. So they also came there with family.

The wheat crop is almost ready now which will we collect maximum by second week of April. Mango trees are full of pods and flowers. Lemons are on half way to sprout. A small irrigation canal passing through the land which keeps atmosphere moisturized and the temperature remains bearable.

The crop of mustard getting beans and Guavas ripped already. Even we has a small area of land but luckily our forefathers leaving enough fruit plants for us that whole years some thing found to eat there.

We took lunch little bit late all toghether there by sitting on grass and with water of flowing canal. A lovely chicken karahi and rice were there cooked by my sister. All the kids got best time to enjoy there by eating fruits , climbing up the trees while we played badminton on a vacant place.

Sunset view from farm,

The sunset view in village always more clear , visible and larger due to open area. The golden time ( very near to sunset) is morvolus which we never witness in cities due to tall buildings and populated stuffing. Then atmosphere in cities always cloudy , polluted and thick with particles of traffic , noise, fuels which made invisible the sunset view. Down one click when sun was on the top of palm trees and second one through the badminton racket.

Kids were so jolious when they got sugarcane to eat with oranges. The fun was on peak and every one was so excited.

These snapshots taken when the my kid jumped Infront of dying sun . And second one when she try to hold the sun on her hand. Which gives credit to me for this photography.

We must plan such mini trips with family to revitalise the mind and reboots our energy levels. Such activity can change our mood , reduce the stresses and nourish the souls. Our mental health got best treatment under natural beauty. Also such activity enhance love , care and gesture amoung family members.

When darkness spread around , we left out the farm. Sister,s family went to their home and we ride to city and reached home within 40 minutes. It was a splineded evening which we will remember many day next.


Thanks for your kind time to read my Sunday Evening activity. Like , upvote the article and leaves comments for feedback.

Thank you all my sponsors for keeping your support to me.

All the images are mine and taken by my cellphone.


$ 3.77
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Wow! You have a nice farm. We do have a small farm too. Working there every morning seems like our everyday binding with my family.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Family gathering always gives us more energy. You seem to have a nice farm. I can imagine from your saying. Hope you had a wonderful day.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It was a wonderful evening with lot of Loughs and jokes, gaming and fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's always enjoyable when you are spending time with your loving people’s. Btw the picture of holding sun on the hand its really look awesome.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The creativity comes when we have fresh mood , luckily I was I Joyce mood with family so I snapped this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In the summer season,spending the Evening Time on the agricultural farm and eating fresh fruit is really pleasent.Seem like you enjoyed a lot in this evening

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It was pure fun time with kids , enjoyed a lot!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago