Social evilness is Fire πŸ”₯!

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Civilised societies had ethics to live with equally deserved rights and mutual respect. They also respect the privacy of each other. The evilness is everywhere but personally I love their respects of laws and regulations and not becomes the part of social evilness which kill the families.

Crood , absence , backbiting , stabintheback , bitterness , envied , malice , rivalry are common social evilness in our society. Interesting thing is these all are forbidden in our religion still people involved in it. Then they feel happiness over fighting , angered and destruction of the family.

This week on Saturday I was in a gathering of our family where we discussed the issues of these social evilness acts. Actually my aunt ( Mom,s Sister) has two daughters and both are married. Unfortunately both got married in one house with two brothers.

The mother in law of them is big tongue woman. One sister had babies and other didn't. Medically proved that the husband has some issues in sperms but still the mother in law abuse her not having baby.

The backbiting of mother in law made enemy to her own sister. She ( who has babies) starts rude behaviour and bitterness to her own sister. Then the contradiction of brood comes to her shoulder and absence of filiation becomes huge burden to her. Al last her husband decided to divorce her.

My aunt called me on Friday and told me all the story and request me to come here and save the relationship. So me with my uncle , elderly papa went there . Talked to them , seriously threatened them that if they divorce her we will byCote them and will punish them. For mean time they agree on it but second condition they put that allow us for second marriage. Now no one can stop them for second marriage because religion gives permission of that. So unanimously we agreed on it .

The big concern over all matter is how social evilness destroyed a house where couple was happy in relationship but backbiting , envied and negative attitude broke all the chains.

Social evilness works like fire and it's first target always relationships. It's heat can feel even after its end and smell made dirty environment of peaceful homes. The beauty of strings buries under the ashes of fire forever and can't survive even after.

We must avoid these social evilness by two reasons , one these are forbidden in religion and second one is it is against the humanities spirit. We can't live happily by putting others in pain. Reciprocal law of nature will be adjourned and puts justice to victim. The fire will burn others but at the last sorrounded to us as well .


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It’s so heartbreaking to see these evil acts destroying relationships. You know what one day me and my elder sister were having discussion on a very similar topic that it is actually our Islam that prohibits these acts of hatred and backbiting etc. But we have completely forgotten the teachings of our religion. Obviously not all of us have forgotten but many of us have. That’s why today we are not counted among the civilised nations of the world. Whereas west has adopted these golden rules and principles of life and we can clearly see that they are flourishing in every walk of life. While we don’t because we are not following the golden principles of our religion.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Well explained raheela sister , we must revised our approach as society/nation to be close to our religious teachings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Social evilness is the root cause of distraction of social gatherings and houses. That's good that you play your role to save someone home

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I try my best to save her and succeeded as well . May she get some relief!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In my opinion if the man listens to his mother and does not believe and respect his own wife, it is better they go divorce rather than being together. This evilness never stops brother, it's definitely a universal problem. Back biting though one of worst act and against religion it keeps increasing. Tell your niece to keep herself occupied with a that she can take decisions of her own.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We convinced her to get rid off from the hell and start any career even teaching is best with online blogging.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely a good idea. Just encourage her to do so or any career of her choice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it's everywhere and whatever things we do (good or bad), people will always say something against to each other. Hopefully this will stop but I'm not sure how

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We can't stop evilness but yes we can avoid it . Thank you buraryang for staying by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why do we live not believe in destiny. Everything that happens because of the will of the Almighty. why arbitrarily treat beings who are the same as us as we please only he is not as lucky as us. Is luck only seen from one side? Let's not live as we want without thinking about others. We are equal from God and will return to God. We can see from our predecessors. May peace return to your big family

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We are lack in faith and not having true spirit of religious teachings and practices.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Social evilness is really like fire; a wild fire indeed. The result of this could be depression for life not just the heartbreak. This need s to stop especially in homes

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agree with you, this is actually the main reason behind our fall as a nation, because we are unable to get rid of this social evilness.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly , we are lacking in it badly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It always a great pleasure to be around you and also have around us. Stay blessed bro,keep sharing more blogs.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Gor whatever reason, any kind of crime is definitely prohibited. So be careful when we act or speak.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

In our today society, mother-in-law play a lead role in the divorce of her son. The humanity is getting lessen day by day in the people. A mother need to work with patience after her son marriage and treat the bridal like her own daughter in this way such evilness getting lessen from our society

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Agree to the point , actually we have double standards in our behaviour. For our own daughter a separate folder and fir others daughter totally changed one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As what you said, "Avoid Social Evilness".

$ 0.03
2 years ago