Read.Cash Stats (Quarterly Review).

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago

12-12-2022 is blissful plateform for content writers and awesome for knowledge seekers. The users around the globe are part of it with different expertise and skills. Almost every topic discussed here under different umbrella and mostly latest developments in Crypto market. stats quarterly review has lot of things to look after because it has linked with beer market time. The last quarter ( running) has freezing crypto market with more staggered by some collapse like FTX.

User's Growth.

Bearish market and high inflation always trigger people to search new horizons and same happens here also . The Users of site increased and crossed 100K.

Around 9000 users added in user base during since July where we were 92k in middle of the month. It shows that people has trust in readcash and thinks that they can generate passive income from here. But due to freezing crypto market and very low income, the active users has been declined sharply. But a significant growth comes from Philippines.

The active user graph is at all time low ,

Above graph shows that active users are all time low since June 2020 which is alarming situation. A lot of factors are there in this decline but mainly is income which is at bottom level.

Top Tippers,

Tipping to users by users is most prestigious and iconic practice of the site where people tip to genuine contents.

I took only mostly active users of tips. No doubt Mr.Marc de Mesel and The Random Rewarder are top of the list but I am talking about Normal users. @Coolmidwestguy gets place in top tipper list within these months which definitely shows his generiosty. Thanks Sir Bob!

The daily tips to users has same genetics and a visible decline happening. Both givers and receivers going at level of Jan 2021.


Articles are main stream feature of the site and users post their articles in different communities. A clear decline can be seen in article per day graph.

It is again all time low since April 2020. Where it touched only 41 article per day as well which is hugely less then average of 245 articles. This dump of crypto market made more difficult for the owner to keep showering of BCH to writers through Random Rewarder. No visible community creations happened in this quarter which is beauty of the site.


Low traffic, poor engagement and less interest effecting the site ranking. Sure some other elements also there but main thing is on-site activity which is quite low.

Read cash loose its ranking by -92k globally. It is huge number and till 30th November which I am sure declined more by these weeks.

If we look at chart we can easily read that in category ranking also comes down from 1452 to 2904 within three months. It giving another clear picture of its ranking. Currently at the moment it standing on rank number #2989 of the category.

This ranking has specific criteria where these sites monitored and judged by third party's inventory. May some errors but mostly and over all situation for its ranking is not encouraging.

Note: All above are my own opinions and thoughts which may be not accurate but I analysing the figures which are available on and other sites.

I want to pay heart warmth gratitude to all my mates here and on twitter, noiseapp. Thank you for your kind time to read my article of the day. I will be thankful to you if you like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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$ 0.57
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.06 from @TheGuy
$ 0.06 from @Unity
+ 10
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


I really hope this platform turns things around soon. I've gained so much here for the little time I have been here. Many virtual friends met and I admire. Maybe it has something to do with too many users or the bear market. I have noticed a lot of users aren't as active lately. I guess when times like this happen we can see who loves writing and reading versus the income.

Thanks for the mention, I'd like to see them get rid of the tip lists. I've noticed my subscribers going up just making the list. I'd rather have subscribers subscribe for my content or for others things not just what I have given away.

Take care Sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Current situation is really alarming. I hope will gain its previous position again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think so maybe readcash also don't have further funds to give writer because as compare to last December this December people got nothing. I never got tip from sir Marc but yes Sir @coolmidwestguy always appreciate my broken word's. And rusty show a moody attitude to my article just like a moody or grumpy girl 😂🤣🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have really benefited from working with read.cache. I can share all my thoughts here. Read.crash is one of the best sites for open mindedness.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess the site has not been accepting any new users, as I have asked a few of my classmates and especially juniors.

Less than 50 a day or an hour???

Sir Amjad you are excellent and amazing. I love the stats you shown. Thankyou for sharing such a beneficial and great information with us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am very much surprised by Coolmidwestguy taking over the top tippers place. I respect his efforts for using Bitcoin Cash to its full potential, haha. A very generous upvoter. May he gets what he wants in his life. If the site survive the bear market it can be back more lively in future. Not a fake hope but based on the merchant adoption, projects and people using Bitcoin Cash daily. I have good hopes for read cash also.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dear Amjad Ali I really want to appreciate your effort you came with exact data and you elaborated it in a well sequenced way, let me ask you one question, but you will recommend to increase the ranking of this website ? I think a proper article on this .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Interesting to know these in details. I wish my country appears in the top users soon. It is just marveling to see the numbers of articles published daily dropped even when there's thousands upon thousands of users. This is a good analysis from you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The main issue for new users not coming is that many users have complained and this includes my self that we cannot invite new members to this site via our invite links as it gives an error; I urge all users having this issue to email as i did. I also feel that with the rise of cashrain our website has declined a lot of interest in users; every day if you are active on cashrain you get above 1 USD per day easily even after being launched for so long but the same is not the case with even if you write daily articles simply the reward system won't reward you every day and many have reported this. I also feel with more emphasis on migrating from to and supposedly deployment of monetization of the focus of the development team is more these days on than on somehow. However, still being on publish0x even though it gets 10 times more traffic I feel still pays more than that website atleast. Hopefully everything will settle down and this website will go on the rising trend once again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This site will grow and will move up to the mark. I never had seen a site like this in my whole life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So our country is out of the graph! Maybe the user number is less or active users decreased to almost zero.

$ 0.00
1 year ago