Random Questions & Myself !

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Each individual has different mindset , thinking and approach about living in society , responsibility and attachment with sorroundings. Every one took things and obtained results according to that mindset.

I was going through a article of "Jonicabradley" where author ask some prompt questions about ourselves to answer. Really it attract me to put reply these questions. Let go through some of the questions.

Be in love or someone in love with you.

Love always starts from our own Heart. So I will stand with be in love because I believe in love to someone instead I wait to someone love me .

Hate someone or someone hate you.

Hate never exist in my dictionary. I can't hate to any one . Yes I can't say about someone which hates me but still I am sure very very rare someone can found who can hate me. I never left any one Angry to me . Fault by me or by other I always took step first to meet him .

Have a job you hate but earning good money or job you love but do not make good money.

In my life money never remains my first priority. I always stands with pride and honour in my workplace. So I will go to job I love even less money I received.

Be a caregiver or be taken care of.

I am polite in attitude and soft in heart feelings. You can judge it by this , if I read a book where cruelty scene written , I escaped it because I can't read it without tears. I try always to help others , Do something for others. So here I put myself in caregiver.

Prefer to live alone or be in crowd.

This part is most unlike then others as I love to stay alone. I didn't like noise and tomuch gathering which irritated me lot. Yes with some close buddy and my family are exceptional ones.

Swim with shark or crocodile.

Well I can't swim but if I could I will swim with shark because I had big fear from big jaws of crocodile with sharp teeth. Shark is dangerous too but may she bless some mercy to me.

Be too hot or too cold.

I didn't like too cold weather , behaviours , partnerships, companionship so I will stay at too hot which suits my mindset and nature phenomena.

Eat too salty foods or too spicy.

Extra salt is more dangerous then spices. Because extra salt can put you in death zone. Here I will vote to spicy or moderate food

Prefer to travel by train or by bus.

I always prefer train to traveling due to flexibility of movement, jump free , relaxing seats , walkable and comfortable. So train is my first choice for travel inside the country.

Want to spent vacation with girlfriend or family.

No doubt at all that I will spend vacation with my family. I believe in relation after marriage and my family is most prestigious to me .

Thanks @JonicaBradley for your invitation to write the prompt answers.


Thanks for reading about my interests and feelings. Thanks for your pret time . Like , upvote and comment for feedback.

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Lead image: PIXABAY (modified)


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


We don't have train here so I'd choose train too :D

$ 0.03
2 years ago

With answers to almost all questions match with me of my life. I feel great to read this kind of article because it provides some interesting information about one's life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Lot of similarity can found . Hope you will write also a question/answer submission.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will definitely try because here I like to express my own life story. ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thru reading your article, I can say that every individual is unique indeed! Just so nice to know more about you my friend.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

My pleasure Zsha !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ha ha for me its neither shark nor crocodile, both are dangerous to my life though I know swimming.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I try in school life to learn swimming but couldn't . Every time trainer throw me in water , I almost drove. Then he drag me out from water , hahaha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading your answers, and that's good you are kind and lenient by nature. I would also go to answer these questions.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hope to see your answers soon!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to know about you more dear.I want to must say you are a good human and you have a positive mind. May Allah bless you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks to staying by and wishes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago