Ran away from home & married, A new trend!

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2 years ago


Social media , smart phone , internet and broadband connectivity made our life easier , faster and productive. Hence with all these positivities there are lot of negativity in this digital world like respect of teachers decreased , dignity of parental values and our moral values melting under its revolution.

In our society lot of things connected with marriage. Parents always wants to merry their kids according to own wish in better future view because they have experience to identify the best for them. Another thing is our rituals , respect in society , traditional values and tribal commitment bonds also keep us tighten in this matter.

Digital media connectivity easing our children to keep interactions with outer world. Here some clever mind people , greediness and evil mind souls trap the others (mostly girls) in charm of wealth , lifestyle and luxurious outlook. Once net falls on mind then they ready to fly in solo flight without parents.

A new trend developing in our society that girls ran away from home and doing judicial marriage without permission or by going against the will of parents. Recent famous case is Dua Zuhra of Karachi in which she ran with her boyfriend , reached 1100 km far in bahawal nagar city and did court marriage. Parents called police , did kidnaping case on boy , case reached to high court where court ordered police to recover the couple. Police got them and present in court where Dua Zuhra give the statement that she did marriage with no pressure and wants to live with her husband. Court agreed on it and release her to go with husband.


Where is the fault that such cases increasing day by day. Which are against our traditions , parental dignity and social characteristics.Our religion never ban on love marriage but with some conditions. It allowed a girl and boy to see eachother before marriage. Parents must favour the like / dislikness of their kids. Follow the wishes and desires of kids especially girls for their Marriage because it is a life time matter.

Where parents go wrong!

We are living in two generation gap society where parents grown with traditional values and new generation not give it any importance. Parents never argue with elders but sorry to say today's generation wants to accept their every act without argument. Parents must realise the modern civilization and new approach of it. Must read the mind of his kids. Especially mother should play her positive part in it because she can identify any smaller change in behaviour , actions and decisions of her daughter easily. Without favour of mother no girl can run from home and becomes designified thing for them.

Parents must favour their daughters to do decision of marriage and accept her choice if it is fair otherwise tru to convince her gently. If still she insists , let her do and support her in her actions. Extra independence or too much restrictions generates rebellious thinking in kids so forget the traditions like merry only within family/cast , race , skin colour or wealthier status. Look into happiness of your kids that how they can live happier and how your own dignity prevailed.

Where our society go wrong.

Until now love marriage not acceptable in our society especially from girl side. People gave it shamefulness , vulgarity and unfaithfulness names and tease the parents upon her girl's act of love or ran from home with lover and married in any court. This behaviour putting more pressure on people and some time it ends up with murder of couple or sucide of girl's father. In both shapes life's of families becomes hell and after shockes feels in generations.

Our society must condolence with the families , sort out some ways to rebound them , find out the middle acceptable way. We must favour each other in circumstances where they need our help.

What is best!

The best thing is follow the teachings of our religions that go for marriage of our kids as soon as they reached adulthood. Don't wait for their high career , education or status matching. Marriage or at least bond of relationship ( mangni) or agreement of relationship ( Nikah) can give us safe face. After it let kids meet each other openly if mangni done or fully if Nikah done. The thinking of kids will divert from evilness and they will have more focus on their career and education Because the the pursuit of lust will be eliminated from theirs minds.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I agree with you 101% . Specially when you said that we must follow our religion and get girls and boys married when they reach puberty. I have seen this in our society that many people wait for the boys to get settled, reach a high post and then they get married. It's wrong. This thinking leads to such shameful acts that people are commiting these days.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

No one can hurt us , we are the one who not caring ourselves. So our actions paid the price .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents should marry children of their choice before taking wrong steps to avoid embarrassment in the society and children should also avoid taking such wrong steps while taking care of the honor and dignity of their parents.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks Malikbrothers for feedback.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents sometimes become over possessive and two people suffer for family pressure, some run away and get married and some sacrifice love.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly , parents must know what his daughter looking for. They must care her emotions , choice , dream .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just like you said, the feelings of a child should be considered. Parent shouldn't just assume a child is matured enough and doesn't need advice

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Nikkah is best remedy to all problems you mentioned brother. I heard about Dua Zahra case in Twitter trend. We need religious education of both parents and their daughters and sons. Things are becoming quite interesting in note when these things happened.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I donĀ“t like the idea of parents marrying their kids for who they wish and not who their children love. The future will be for the child and not them and if she is facing challenges in the home, it would be too late for such partner to continue but in most cases, the parents will regret it if something bad ever happened.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We must listen our kid's choices otherwise regrets waiting on the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree with you, the morales we once had is gradually going down the drain and it is sickening to know that one one wants to go back to their old way of life. I pray the next generation gets it right

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I totally agree with you, immediately marrying off your children when they are adults is the best way for them, without having to wait for a career and so on.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Religion didn't care about career , it cared overall moral of society. So we should obey the rules of God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents must not be too strict, so that their children can open up to them, when they have challenges or when it's time for marriage and what have you

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks offset for your opinions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we should follow our religious teaching and marry our children soon when they reach puberty. Early marriage is also sunnah of prophet. But it's not in any book that if girl or boy love each other and want to marry than always girl is wrong. I highly appreciate your words

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We can save our self by following religious beliefs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago