President for a day !

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2 years ago


Disciplined , mannered , visionary life is guarantee for a successful career. Punchuality , Positivity and passionately are pillars in it . Executive person in any institute is responsible for all the business which look after to the institute through its team.

A option given to me that become a chief executive / president / of the country for the day. Although it was a single day ride but still I accepted it as challenge. My day as executive of the country starts very early.


My morning starts with my walk routine and after having breakfast I was in my office. I took oath as chief executive early morning in a simple ceremony and crowned . The first Ever meeting scheduled with representatives of chamber of commerce and industry. It took more then two hours and I ordered to the team to make sure about the prices of commodities.

Then at 9.30 am the honourable foreign minister of Nigeria , Onyeama, calls my office who is on official tour to my country. We discussed our bilateral relations especially trade and investment.

At 10.30 am I was in meeting with high officials of SBP along with board of governors. The first task I put to them is legalise the Crypto. Chairman SBP ensure me that within a week this will be in legal channel.

12.00 pm I attended a seminar about central Asia Pacific region climate change. I addressed through video link to the Audience and put my vision of clean and healthy earth.

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2.00 pm I enjoyed a luxury lunch in buffet along with executive office. My team of ministers , officials were there too. After lunch a fantastic tea has been served to me. I was thinking that why our politicians always fought for the seats. The luxurious lifestyle and free dining on expenditures of govt is biggest attract to them.


I called cabinet meeting at 4.00pm in main conference hall. Asked from them about their portfolio,s updates. Orders on Spot where they need permission to do.

I got telephonic conversation with Mr.Putin of Russia who was looking our support in UN security council on voting at Ukraine war resolution. I put condition to him and request to stop the war . He accepted my request and honour me on my stand.

6.00 pm sectariat time , check the cyfers from ambassadors , governors . Signed the summaries of different projects for final approval.

7.00 pm meeting scheduled with honour able president of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte , who is going to say goodbye his office next month after elections, He is a gentleman and good communicator. We discuss how and where we can increase your bilateral relations. He was keen in military collaboration and training.

9.00 pm I took dinner in executive house , met with staff , decrown myself , hand over the charge and left out the office. Here ends my journey as executive for a day to my country.

If you were thinking that prime minister / president / chief executive for a day to his country can bring revolution as seen in movies then may you are dreaming. It is never possible to clean the dust of whole room with one vacuum, dust of years and decades .

It required a full fledged revolution from people of the country for such drastic changes. No other can do if we don't want it. Even Almighty God not change the condition of nations if they didn't want to change.

Thanks for reading my article of a dreamful day as premier of the country. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback. I love to read your response.

How you will spend your day if you become president of the country for a day . @Sajibb @Itsfarah @Roojoroojay @Niazi420 @Lhes @Bibijani01@Officialrosh1 @ShameemS @Shohana @Raheela @MoonTrader @Pachuchay

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$ 3.62
$ 3.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Roojoroojay
$ 0.04 from @Ellawrites
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


You frame the president's office and duties so well. Only someone who has been close to the President's office can describe the experience so well as you did. Yes, it is impossible to expect one man to change the cause of a nation. As you said, the dust of past years requires a revolution from the people before a drastic change can be in view.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I enjoyed the day only . I know at least for me it is not possible to make my country as Paris in a single day. It requires collective effort of years.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like your statement "God Almighty does not change the condition of a nation if they do not want to change" to change the nation, we need a leader who can be a source of inspiration and trust in order to change the nation.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That thing super powers never wants !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is interesting. Your first task would be to legalize crypto which I love and the second is to stop the war between Ukraine and Russian. Very good step as a president for a day. You have done well but you didn't mention having dinner with your family. Lol

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I love the food which my wife cooked for me. No doubt she is wonderful , caring lady . Actually on presidential day I purposely wants to enjoy the food of president house. Thanks Princess for kind compliment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm delighted that you complimented our President Duterte in your article. I must say that he is a competent and powerful leader. I'm really sad that he's leaving the palace and going back to his home.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Actually constitution not allowing him to stay as term ends by maximum limit. Sure he is a great visionary leader.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many countries around the world support Ukraine because of the Ukraine-Russia war, but when there is a war in a Muslim country then the whole world becomes silent. Al-Aqsa Mosque is currently the scene of horrific incidents, but they do not know that only Muslims can defeat Muslims.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

International politics has some hubs to be part . Muslim world is not United or the super powers don't want it . So we see they never do any unanimous decision on any conflict.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll give my seat to imran khan haha Ok, being a president I'll like to change following things...

  • female basketball grounds in every corner of county -No classes, either online or offline in the month of ramazan -Decrease in inflation of commodities rate, which only get high in the month of ramazan
$ 0.03
2 years ago

Inflation and commodities prices are too high and effecting badly middle class people. Thanks Bibijani01 !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As a girl if I become the president of Pakistan first of all I visited all the shopping mall of Pakistan and will eradicate the brand trend from Pakistan 😂 and then start thinking about the other problems of the country 🔥

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sure , it will be your constitutional right that day to do so . Honourable president bas shopping mall jaty howay media ki nazroon say bachna . Aaj kal ye bohat active Hain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being a president is a really tough job and I want to be one even for a day. As long as it doesn't involve attacks or some kind of violence lol.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you HermaniGinger for your adorable opinion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bro you have shared your full scheduled as the president. It's full of dedication and hardwork. I will also thought how will I spent my day as president

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I will be glad if you write your day as president.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You've indeed said it all, being the commander general or the president for a day, won't really change much. Some happenings or occurrences in the country requires years of active service as a president to make amends. In my country Nigeria, a day as the president would change nothing, it would really take years in order to effect a change.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's why I didn't write anything which is not practically applicable. I know that the dust of years and decades can't be wash out in single Day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to be a member of the commerce chamber that's why I am doing Bs in commerce but I don't think it's possible because here in our university only those will succeed who have contacts

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agreed that favourism exists every where but still we cannot afford to give up. Do your BS in 3+ GPA and I am sure you will get best reward in shape of good job. Keep the hope Alive!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago