Is having Sex only required to keep relationship strong!

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2 years ago


Courtroom was full and honour able judge of the family court was listening arguments from both sides. It was the third hearing of a divorce case filed by a woman. After completing the arguments from both ends , judge took off the seat and went to her chamber. After 10 minutes She cam back in courtroom and announced the decision in favour of Rimsha and granted her permission to take divorce and ordered Farook to sign at divorce form. Farook starts crying after listening the judgment. His both kids , ages 2 and 4 , were with him too . He sighed the form and came out from court with lot of tears in eyes. I also comes out with lawyer because my name was in witness line from Farook side. I was totally in shock when I hear the judgment.

Farook married to Rimsha just 5 years back. They were happy and have good earnings business. Almighty Allah bless them two kids in these years . From last two years Farook falls in diabetes. The desiese make swere attack and he started insulin to control it.

One bad thing happened with him that he starts loosing his sex drive stemina which is very first victim of diabetes. Any person with diabetes will have poor sex drive and it is proven medically too. When a year passed Rimsha starts rude , unirrigated , querling behaviour with him. He try to convince his wife that it is natural due to diabetes but she didn't got the point.

On April 4 she filed a divorce case in court and she submitt her written statement that her husband can't fulfill her sexual desires and I can't live without it so grant me permission of divorce . ( According to laws man can divorce his wife any time but if woman demands it then she has to get court order) . Case lasts almost three weeks and honourable judge grant permission to Rimsha to divorced.

Lot of questions storms in mind about this verdiction like

Is sex only element between couples? Is sex has most important role to keep relationship strong? Is sex overruled our social values and beliefs?

Normally it is for men that is difficult for them to hold their wish for long time and a married man can't resist himself from sex but for women , she can survive without any sex more time , may be months or even years. A erotic or impassioned man can't hold its nerves longer but a woman can control over herself without any difficulty. That is God gifted ability in females and they are strong willingness creature.

Still question rounding in my mind that is Rimsha did good / bad to leave his husband & two kids only with one reason that her husband can't fulfill her desire of sex? I am leaving this question for you all .

Thanks for your kind consideration to read the article. Like , upvote and have a comment to know your thoughts about the topic. I always welcome the opinions and views from your side.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Im still not married. Cs im still young hahaha But the way u explain about men nd women need, i think i agree with it.. Most of them (marriage couple) feel that

$ 0.03
2 years ago

In my opinion sex is not the only one reason to keep relationship strong. If you love your partner that's not the only one you need to find or need. There's still hundreds reason to make the relationship strong.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

In my opinion she didn't do it right because she left her husband and children. If they didn't have any children, that would be different. If he can do this for sex, then he should do business in prostitution. I don't know about anyone but I wish that person well. 🤲

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Love , care gone far away and other things gets priority.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Firstly, I pray that God heals that your friend and give him recovery. What that woman did shows that she has been having secret affairs behind her husband from the beginning, and now that he's sick she finds the excuse to go and live with her secret lover. She never loved that man.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I had the same suspicion after whole story . But Farook yet not believing on it .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think marriage is for better for woese. Now they have kids and she left her little kids and husband for a reason that can be fixed by love and affection

$ 0.03
2 years ago

But she prefers some thing else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have no comments about this.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't think only sex creates a strong bond between a couple But men and women have sex desires And besides, sex is important for children

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is actually quite sensitive topic, but it is very meaningful to answer. I am not married yet, but I know s*x is not the only thing that binds the relationship stronger. I was sad for the man. Diabetes can be minimized though and I hope that his wife will understand the whole situation for the sake of their children as well.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's my concern too , she should think for her kids.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Poor Farook, actually human demand is different to each other so it depends on need of time. That's all I can say.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Humanity , care , love , motherhood stands secondary in this case . That's why I was shocked.

$ 0.00
2 years ago