How to buy BCH in Pakistan.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Crypto trading although risky but has potential to change your life. Millions of people around the globe are connected to this business and fulfilling their dreams. Crypto trading never guarantee to you be rich overnight but patience on holding the asset and wait till opportunity arive made it possible.

Pakistan 🇵🇰 is one of the countries where Crypto is illegal officially but still thousands of people doing the trade on Thier own behalf. Pakistan is 3rd most adopting country in 2021 with Worthing almost $22 billion.

How to buy BCH in Pakistan.

Lot of unofficial exchanges , personal merchant services , P2P vendors are working in the country which facilitate the people to buy BCH but in lot of cases fraudsters trap the innocents and disappear from scene. The people lost their money with dreams . So need is to aware the people to get the Crypto by authentic process where risk factor is minimum.

First of all open a account on ( most reliable site ) and setting up profile and KYC ( At least first level)

After KYC , just click on manage funds icon and there are 6 different options for different purposes. When you are goin to change your PKR ( fiat currency) into digital form , you need to get online cash through cash-Mall.

By clicking the manage funds , click on P2P buy and you will be redirected to the trade deal page where users post their selling deals of online cash .

By clicking the buy now you will be ask to deposit hard cash to the seller account. Once you deposit as seller wants ( bank account , online cash transfer like Jazz cash, easy paisa) . Once seller with get the amount , he will release the digital cash which will be deposited into your cash mall account.

Cash mall facilitate the people bto exchange the digital cash into different Crypto currency like USDT , BTC , BCH , litecoin etc. My recommendation is get USDT only here . Because other Crypto exchange has very high fee . So put request to exchange in USDT there. After one confirmation the requested USDT will be in your account.

Now second step starts. You should set up an account on exchange site/ app like binance , Kraken. Download from play store, set-up profile and your account will be created after simple verification.

Exchanges in Pakistan.

There are lot of unauthentic exchanges , P2P , personal transfer working. But lot of scammers , fraudsters also there which shows little high rate , once innocent people comes in net , they get the snatch and disappear. So better to go for reliable , credible and trusted exchanges like ,


The largest exchange in the world with Highest trading volume almost $2.25 billion/day . Binance is working in Pakistan since 2019. It has lowest exchange fee then others.

Send your USDT to your binance spot account and use trading options to buy the BCH.

One more recommendation , don't keep your BCH in binance for long time . If you are thinking to keep BCH for long time then download wallet from play store and keep your assets in it which is most secured way to keep.


This exchange is active in territory since 2018. It offers more vast range of Crypto coins as Thier depth in more then 95 Crypto currencies. The opportunity of investment , APY program , Crypto loan and features trade are available within the exchange. currently handling more the 5 million account holders. The big community has trust on its regulations and has trust in trade. It offers to lock the asset for certain period against their profits.

Closing paragraph.

Crypto trade is high risky one . Don't put your all the money in this business . Invest only which you can bear to loose. Only extra then expansis invest here . In exchanges personal I will go to binance due to its friendly interface , attractive dash board and low fee in exchange/ trade.

Choose the Crypto asset wisely by looking its potential , smart contract , market rank, trade volume and market cap. I always recommend that buy BCH ( Bitcoin cash) which has most energetic and dynamic future due to its adoption , store value and merchanting . It is best P2P electronic cash which can be use anywhere in the world.


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Lead image; ( modified)

Other all images are screen shot from my Cash mall account , Binance account.


$ 5.79
$ 5.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @Lovelyfaith
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Hello friend I am new to crypto and don't know much about converting my BCH into Pkr will you please share article about that I really need help

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very nice one friend found this helpful

$ 0.03
2 years ago

very interesting bch article my friend, I can take a lot of information

$ 0.03
2 years ago

This great for every people for helping, just keep it up Mr.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Maximum time you share very important matter which can be helpful for lot people. Keep it up my friend.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Indeed very helpful blog for Pakistani people.

$ 0.03
2 years ago