Complicated System!!

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1 year ago


Complications has different shapes and forms in which we entertain ourselves. It can be situation, attitude, work place , sickness. These complications has proper solutions too where we can sort out with different techniques.

I am talking today about complicated system by administration in government departments. Private institutions always care people, treat as human and provide friendly environment to talk. Their procedures are simple and mostly one window operation where all services provided under one roof.

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My wife got some gestric pain suddenly today and went serious within no time. It was 2:00 pm and normally private clinics has lunch time and doctors left out for prayers & launch. So it was difficult to reach any nearby doctor. Just for experience we went to a clinic but result as expected, it was closed. So no any option except for to government hospital emergency services department where 24/7 doctor available on duty.

We rush to the sheikh Zayed hospital emergency services department. It is very good , latest equipment holder, well built hospital with donation of H.H. Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan ( late ruler of UAE). Although the all medicine and related lab tests are totally free but what I observed that the administration made system complicated which hurting the people who are coming here in emergency.

Firstly took a admit slip with patient name , age and sex. Second room for doctor where she recommended to go for blood pressure check up and sugar levels. We go to other room where they made these check up. Give us report to go again to the doctor. She write some medicine abd says " go to pharmacy ( inside the department with free medicine) and bring these medicines. I run towards the pharmacy ( because wife was in pain and I was in tension) . Pharmacy attendant says there is no stamp on paper, go and get it and show me another room for approval stamp. I went there , A person sitting there and his job only to put the stamp on the doctor's prescriptions. He put the stamp and against go to pharmacy.

At last I succeeded to get the free medicine abd go to again doctor. She sent us to laboratory for injection. Again we go to lab and get the injection from a nurse. Lastly again we go to pharmacy for some tablets. After one hour of excercises we completed the mission to get check up and doctor prescribed medicines from a government hospital.

Now you can feel what complications in system i am talking about. Exactly same behaviour, attitude, work flow system can be witnessed in almost every government departments. It can go much easier , fluent and one window Umbrella if they want but unfortunately they didn't care. For example in hospital, all minor things can be treated in one room. Doctor can put her stamp on prescription by own hand , no need to have separate room for it , nurses should be available in same room to check the temperature, sugar and blood pressure. It can be simple with very small steps but may it is against their mindset , they don't want purposely, they are not capable to do so or the intention is not there to do.

Today's life is busy and no one has extra time to suffer through such complicated system of services. It should be more flexible, easy and simple. At least in hospitals where patients need urgent assistance always , the authorities should care about it.

Are you experience such complicated environment in government hospitals or other institutions?

Thanks for reading my experience about it . Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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2nd image: taken by cellphone.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


It exactly the same in my country or I should rather say it is worse. Public sector is always frustrating. The hospital, police and so on, they all have delay mechanisms

$ 0.03
1 year ago

A very sad thing has happened to you. Such is the situation of government institutions. Government institutions are created for the people but the people are not getting proper service but are suffering more. Doctors in government hospitals do not provide good service and patients are not properly cared for.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Oh that really was a sad truth to some government hospitals or some government institutions as well. Wherein system are not synchronize and it seems like staff are not properly oriented for the job they are assigned to. I dont know the reasons of incompetence that could be improve if only they would pay attention to it. That is also a problem in our country where services in government hospitals are totally different from the private ones. Though i dont want to compare and complain but big improvement is really needed.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

This happens to be a common problem among hospitals in general. Here in my part of the country, it I worse. Too much protocols to be passed through even when the patient is dying. As for the government, it is like a norm for them . Thank God your wife is good. You really tried in making her comfortable. God bless your heart

$ 0.03
1 year ago

If you are going towards government hospital, you can expect anything.. I am not criticizing them. Our Doctors don't give time to Hospital. They give time to clinic. I consider that it's our bad attitude. Doctor should not adopt such behavior.. Sheikh zayd Hospital is famous hospital of South Punjab.. I can visit Rahim Yar Khan Sir..

$ 0.03
1 year ago

How many times I was confined at the hospital and they bring me immediately to the emergency room my friend, but not all the time patient taken care of. I was really sad about what I saw.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It's true they will make you to move here and there just for little stamp or approval. Government should take strict action, in this regard.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes, in colleges, hospitals, document making department it's the same. For one work they will force you to open and close 10 doors. Such a pathetic system government has while government is made to serve people. People should raise voice and question this sick system.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I also have the same experience at Fatima Jinnah Hospital, Lahore where I have to reject my token and I administer myself in Children's Hospital. I hope the Pakistani government should take action against them and rectify this complicated system.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That's very true, but in some case I don't agree. Especially when you said nurses should be available in the same room. This makes crowd, because there will be lots of people so to avoid the rush they separated nurses (to check temperature, BP & sugar etc.) from doctor. Moreover sometimes some patients can't see blood, like me, suppose a patient, doctor has been checking him, see the blood from a finger of another patient then what will happen? I know there are lots of completions, which needs to be addressed

$ 0.03
1 year ago

These are my suggestion only but at least ease the system little bit and let patients feel comfertable there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not all but some government hospital have a very rude staff their nurses and doctors show rude behavior 😐

$ 0.03
1 year ago