Care takers !!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago

23 - 08 - 2022

Keeping servants at homes for needs has long rich history in human. Since Adam second (prophet Nooh) we can see the servant culture in different shapes and forms. We seen in history that time comes when people force to work without wages as slaves in different societies.

Yesterday I was in AlBasheer Shopping Mall ( newly well built mall in town) with a friend at lunch. We were at third floor in yard of a fast food vendor. I went to washroom to relieve myself and saw a strange thing. Three kids were playing with water of comord and basins with dirty hands and one girl of 9-10 years was also watching them but didn't stop them to do so.

I came back on my seat and after some minutes those kids also join their parents which were there with another family. Those kids came and starts eating meal with parents. They didn't hygiene the hands and I went in deep thinking. That girl with kids was " Care taker" (Aaya) (A servant) because she was sitting aside and didn't join people in meal. May be she didn't allowed to eat meal with owners.

What is special in this scene? It is our neglence on choosing the care taker or servant for our kids. What she taught to them. Normally the families hire such care taker for kids on very low wage, uneducated, poor , backwards area girls which cannot say them "No" and easily bear all crulity of attitude and low intake food.

We all know that the biggest source of learning for human is other human. We learn a lot from others. In case of kids they are sharp more then bigger in adoption and such care taker can't give them a good company of good quality manners. Are we spoiling our next generation? Yes in most cases here parents had no time from their social life and business associates.

First three years for doodles and up to 10 years of age in school life are very wavy and can pick any bad habits easily. So what is better? We must do proper training about hygiene , talking, family tradition, rituals and religious beliefs & values to our care taker. A good counseling to her will be better for our kids at the end. Took it as investment on them too . The best thing is to keep monitoring by yourself but if didn't have time then a semi educated, well mannered and good attitude care taker will be better even on little bit higher wage.

Three things will be results out , the kids will learn better attitude, living manners and beliefs, also that girl will becomes a nobal one who can live her life with better bright days. Third one , Almighty God will reward you in better alternative thing on helping her , treat her and educate her for better life.

Thank you so much for reading my thoughts and opinions over care takers at homes. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Children are precious gift from God, and he expect parents to take good care of them. But sad to say that some parents have mortgage the future of their own children now by neglecting their God given role over the children. The children in turn picks funny altitude from people around them who are care givers, and in future they becomes a problem to the society.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Children are precious gift from God, and he expect parents to take good care of them. But sad to say that some parents have mortgage the future of their own children now by neglecting their God given role over the children. The children in turn picks funny altitude from people around them who are care givers, and in future they becomes a problem to the society.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree. Parents should be the one taking care of their kids as much as possible and don't let others to that for them. What's ironic is that we blame the kids or the caretakers if kids do things that are not of our liking.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

It's true children learn from their surroundings and the people who most accompany them, so we should look carefully whom we choose.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

But unfortunately people of high Class didn't care it. Thank you itsfarah!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes it is very necessary to keep an eye on children while they have a care taker too and they should always have time for them

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree my friend, parents should have time teaching the kids a good things even they are busy because it's really important. Also by choosing the people who will take care their kids.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I think doesn't matter how much busy life you live but your child development should be your first priority, not only for Mom but also for Dad too.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Both as parents are equally responsible.

$ 0.00
1 year ago