Best day ever !

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1 year ago


It was first quarter of 2004 when I lost my first job due to collapse of company . By middle of the year I started job as promotional assistant in an insurance company. By end of the year I got a opportunity to go Saudi Arabia.

It was a contract base job for three year with attractive incentive and salary. I accepted and went to KSA ( kingdom of Saudi Arabia). It was a project of MEWA (Ministry of water and agriculture) with Nadec ( national agricultural development company) as semi government base company.

Me and my Srilankan colleague with coordinator Mr.Muhammad Al - Dulaimi ( Saudi national, employee of Nadec) assigned in eastern province along with UAE - Oman border.

(Photo on site)

We travel 30km around the Battha check point on border with each 500m diging to collect the samples of soil. Made the mapping of water canals and pumping station, allocate the sector for palm trees, marked the plain area suitable for wheat and barley , site for mini Grid.

( Photo with our philpino driver, Simpson at Battha fuel station area)

On march 4-6 we got smart training regarding the project. ( You can imagine my feelings as a villager of a middle class family sitting in world community people in conference hall of a Le Meridians Al-Riyadh ( 7 Star ) hotel . How ever, we got assignment of the project of next 8 months.

We completed our project with great tireless efforts , hardwork , passion and determination. We submitted our work to the concerned authority on end of November 2006.

Best day ever.

Then the day come which I will not forget . We all personnel met again on 6th January 2007 in Le meridian AlKhobar on Persian gulf beach . It was a cool Saturday with full of moisturize air blowing as we were on beach.

This was the closing of project and awards ceremony. At 2.00 PM we were all in the Al-Uqba auditorium of the hotel. The minister of MEWA, HRH Naif bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz' was the chief guest of the ceremony. Auditorium was full with distinguished guests and management team of company along with all MRs.

( Photo with our coordinator getting congratulations on winning the award)

In the Awards ceremony time comes when I could not believe on my listening when my name also announced for " Second best Project" winners. I looked at Nishanth with twinkling eyes and couldn't understand that what to do . Because we never expected that our name can come as winning project.

we headed to stage with tumbling legs . Received the award of 8000 SR ($2000) and appreciation trophy from HRH minister. The whole hall was clapping for us . My eyes were wet with tears of joy. It was a great honour for me to win second prize in a competition where other capable and experienced people from different countries were participants.

This memorable day I can't forget in my life because it was never matter of prize money , it was matter of honour , dignity and integrity. I prove my worth with hard work and with the grace of Almighty God I win the award.

( Photo with winning trophy)

It is my entry in the contest of @Coolmidwestguy where author leave some questions to reply in an article. If you want to participate then click here. Thanks you Bob for wonderful readcashrain on 21th of this month.

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$ 3.06
$ 3.00 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @sj0820
$ 0.03 from @Unity
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Thanks for sharing it brought back memories when I was in KSA. I was there for a few months in 1998 and again in 1999. Thanks for taking on one of my topics friend :)

Also thanks so much for your interaction in the event as well.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Really I have blissful memories there. I think it was time of Saddam's attack on Kuwait when you was there in Saudi Arabia. I went Kuwait as well in 2006 for a week along the border of Al-Khafgi but we were restricted and can't go to Kuwait city due to border pass permit only.

The participation in the readcashrain event was so fabulous that I can't explain my joy. Pure fun and lovely engagement. Thanks for everything!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I visited Riyadh and Al Damman. I also spent time at King Khalid Military City but spent the most time at Prince Sultan AB near Al Kharj

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Life often changes with new beginnings. Adoption and adaptation help us to propel life spontaneously.

$ 0.01
1 year ago