Beast Opportunistics!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Opportunity comes with both sides of coin in our life. It is up to us how we avail the good opportunity and how we ignore/ denied the bad ( evilness) opportunity. Goodness comes with shelter of mercy from God and evilness guides by Satan.

The most parts of the south region in Indus valley and lower Sindh are under rehabilitation after historical flooding. Government departments, NGOs, army officers and Common people are taking part in helping the needy families. Food packets , tents, medicines and baby milk are high priority.

I went to a site near Mithon Coat ( Indus River) where refuge families has a open tent village by Akhuwat ( A NGO). We serve some food there and 30 boxs of clothes which our trade union collect at our business point.

A terrible experience we have when we listen different stories from families. Really we are feeless people which can't leave any bad opportunities which comes to us or we gain it with different tricks.

Lot of fraudulent are there who are actually not effected by floods but there to took the share from welfare/ rehabilitation department which is 25000 PKR in cash. Also they looted the things which comes from different departments.

This year another mistake I observed which is pure political stunt rom government. The aid coming from different brother countries is going to distribute by three channels. One through army , other through NDMA ( National disaster management authority) , third channel they choose through MNAs and MPAs of ruling party. It is big scam because the politicians are not doing anything and that aid going to their stores or they are giving to their voters of constituency. Then lot of videos available where they are distributing the aid like kings or pharaoh.

Begging is another profession which rising up in most of the cities and every other begger shows that he is victim of flood. The original victims never beg but opportunists are filling the pockets.

Kidnapping especially of young girls another evil scared people. One example was Infront of us where a Mom was crying badly for her 14 year old daughter Farwa. The story she tells that second day of misplace by flood we came at Indus highway and sit on a higher place. We were 21 members of families. We didn't eat anything since 12 hours and in the evening two cars came and ask for food. We were Hungary too much and says yes we need food. They show us as some wise people and came here to help the flood effected people. We took a big pot cooked rice from them and divided into all members. After one hour we don't know what happened we slept all badly in unconscious way. Early morning when we woke up two young girls were not there. Both kidnapped by that group and untill now we don't know where they are. We didn't have access to mobile phone ( the telecom services are not available due the towers misplaceing. I feel strong shame on us as nation that how cruel we are that in disasters we are searching the opportunity of evilness.

We came back in the afternoon with very sad stories, broken heart and tired minds.

Thank you so much for reading my day travel story. I purposely didn't take any photo from there because I don't want to show the sad , barren faces of those innocent people. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


My goodness that is so inhumanity. That is why is wrote, Disaster always takes Humanity. We forget we are human, and also Muslim. It makes me so unhappy and sad, being a girl I can understand that...

$ 0.03
2 years ago

What a heartbreaking scene it was, amidst the chaos and difficulties there are still people who can do such evil act, it's really saddening. Can't do anything but to pray for your people, the good and the bad. The good to be taken care of by God and enlightenment to those who are doing bad.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's very bad that people who are not even affected by floods - even in this hard time for nation they are just indulge in getting as much money as they can from donations centers

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Very sad incident. Your article is a real example of how fraudsters always come out nice to help and then end up doing the most damage. Flood affected people trusted those people and took help , and they did great damage. Update if the two girls have been found.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I feel so bad reading this post, why on earth should innocent children be kidnapped. What happens to them ? Safety and maximum security measures should be taken to restore the victims and the future victim if this evil act. God bless you all for taking your time to help them

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kidnapping is something that is so rampant now. These people do not care at all as all they want is to carry out their evil intention. I just hope they do not kill the young ones that were kidnapped.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Princesses, more painful thing is the misplaced people by flood are already in trouble then such things killing them more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many people do such things to get their necessities,why they do not find work to earn? And also kidnapping is now rampant everywhere and our children are not safe anymore which sometimes gives me so much worry when my children are not in the house. many opportunist evil scattered everywhere.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks Maria for adding valued comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kidnapping is really a worst case now a day's and people kidnapped girls just for some money or for other intension. May Lord save us from such incident

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Seriously? they are not effected, but still were there to take the aid, this is truly sad. The flood effectors are facing so many problems, and evil minded people are just taking advantage of it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Bad reality of our society where Opportunistics are in hunting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My heart is also crying dear Sir. I was hearing news before two days. A five year little girl kidnapped from Flood camp. I can't forget pain of her mother in front of my eyes. Crimes are also increasing in my country now a days.. people should feel shame.. They are eating right of other people..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have no words to say, bad times show people's true faces but if this is humanity nowadays then I wish the Earth doesn't need humans at all.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

This is really heartbreaking my friend. I felt sad with the two girls about what happened. I hope they are okay friend. Here in our country is really scary also because there are a lot of girls missing too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Criminals has no religion not beliefs. They hunts even in affliction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that's true friend. It's so scary.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Welcome to south Punjab, it is our duty to discriminate between deserved and beggers. Yeah Political stunt is very negative thing found in flood affected regions.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for wellcome! It is unfortunate thing in Pakistan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When people get missing and then, when you realise it's kidnapping of a thing. When they are first kidnapped, they will be restricted from using phone, so that they can't get their location. They will shutdown the phone, so as not to track them

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Criminals are always on hunting even when people dying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago