BCH Changing the way of business. A true story!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago

Some times a small incident change our direction of thinking. A clue to a new direction or first step to success. All this depends how we look at things happening around us. In which way we translate captions and what lesson we extract.

I am going to share a true successful story where BCH played a vital role in lifting up a family from crises of pandemic Covid19.

A Grocery store:

Just a week before I was on bike going for a assignment of my department when I stuck at this write up on the wall of the grocery store. I will translate it in English to get better view. It is written that ,

Easy paisa ( branchless banking Mobile app )

Jazz cash ( another branchless banking app)

BCH ( Bitcoin cash)

Are accepted here!!

Photo by my cellphone Oppo A57

First two are familiar here in my homeland and working almost every where to send / receive money , paying utility bills etc . But what was surprise for me is BCH . How in this remote rural area getting BCH as payment method.

I Met Store Owner:

Yesterday I visited that store again and first I told him about me , noise cash read cash and BCH . Then I asked him about his story about BCH. It was a thrilling news to me how BCH change his way of business.

He said " it was Jun 2020 when one of his relative introduce him Crypto and BCH. I didn't take it serious and almost ignore it's all advice. Then Covid19 pandemic falls , restrictions increased , governmental institutions gone close and banks stops payments to issue. One day a person came to me and said that he has no fiat currency but some Crypto Coins in portfolio and he need some commodities for kitchen . I check and BCH was there so I decided to take that BCH and sold the commodities against that BCH amount. That was my first ever deal in crypto.

Then and till now BCH changed my whole business scenario. Later in February and march this year again Covid19 restrictions falls and it gives me a new opportunity to involve fully in this payment method.

Double Profit.

BCH gives him double Profit gateway. First profit at selling the items and second one at exchanges BCH at higher rate whenever the prices go high. He generated a good amount of PKR through this gateway.

Second life line !

In June- July this year a very high third wave of Covid19 rise and suddenly swapes whole area. Lockdown imposed immediately and life went freeze . The grocery store also remain closed for 46 consecutive days. Lot of items spoiled and expired . The business went to zero point , again here BCH gives him second life line to support the business on overhaul point. The owner withdrawal just 3 BCH worth of $2100 which gives him 0.33 million PKR to stabilise the business again.

( Due to some privacy and non permission , I can't publish the photo of owner)

That is a Real true story Infront of me . Can we imagine how much stories around the globe can found. BCH fulfilling the dreams of millions !!!!

Thanks for reading my story. If you have such things share with community.

Lead image: Edited by me on free photo editor app.

$ 9.90
$ 7.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 2.00 from @btcfork
$ 0.43 from @Pantera
+ 3
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Bitcoin Cash has gone far into the world. This man's story really demonstrates the freedom that comes from adopting a cryptocurrency like BCH.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you so much AppsOperator!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome Amjad_Ali_Waince

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I as well didn't know much about BCH not until a friend educated me and so far, I like it

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I don't know, but I think my county is not so allowing cryptocurrency. Anyway, you're a legend and a great businessman. Nice article.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I hope our country will be allowing to pay cryptocurrencies. But if it has, then it is good. But again, I haven't heard some yet. Great article, by the way.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

that would be great also if it also happen here in outr country but i haven't heard of a store here accepting bch .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you are right..i new thinking personality can totally change your thinking point ...so always make alert your self and make your sight of eagle sight ..ok .by the way nice article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amjad, Do you know where the money comes to BCH, Bitcoin Cash, and other cryptocurrencies? How come the fiat economy goes down due to the shutting down of businesses, but the crypto market grows? In the coming days, I will share some insights on these subjects. I have enjoyed reading your shared story. Would you like to read mine? Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for valued comment. Yes I wish to know all the point.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amazing story. So glad to see merchant adoption increasing and BCH helping businesses survive with these conditions we live today. This businessman is a legend!

$ 0.00
2 years ago