Are We Puppets?

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2 years ago


According to Oxford dictionary the puppet stands for that person or thing who controled by some one other. His movements & actions are awanting through someone.

In most countries of the world , the rulers are from elite class , feudals , icons and industrialists only . The common person always trust on their fake promise. But elected ones always keeps Thier own interests as priority and never talk about the common people of the country.

What is happening in Ukraine? Are russian people give the mandate of war to Putin? Are they give license to kill the innocent Ukrainians? No , they never vote to their leadership for war. Putin vaded Ukraine under thirst of his own ego and proudness.

Here in Pakistan , the political clashes are on peak. All the opposition leaders are joined together against the government. Why ? Simple, they are corrupt and wants to face saving Infront of the common people. What are expectations that democracy will be derail soon in the country. If it happens , a new flood of inflation will vade the poor commons which already grilled in post Corona situation. But no one cares it , no one talking about inflation , no one talking for laws in betterment of commons , for creating Jobs , for stability of the system but yes they talking everywhere about blaming each other and makes noise to hide the reality of their black Money.

Image source: pixabay

Are they using common people as puppets? Are we Puppets ? Almost YES to the question that we are puppets still. We never questions our leadership and elected members , we never reject them in voting , we Never made their acountibility by our right of vote , we never consider their vision and manifesto.

One more thing that such leadership in any country also plays role as puppets under big zips because they know there hidden wealth and it's sources. So they can't do anything for there nations.

We always look at personalities with this mindset that they born to rule. We will remain puppets further if we not change our choices , our mentality and approach for our own self because no one can change us untill we didn't want to change ourselves.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Also here in the Philippines my friend, most of all the politicians are corrupts.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I think corruption is inevitable in politics because they abuse there power that people entrusted with.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Pakistan has lack of dedicated politicians. These corrupt people are just blaming each other and are doing nothing for the public welfare

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So here comes part of common people to reject them in elections but unfortunately it not happening.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here in our country. Actually its happen for some bad politicians. They are not working good way.They are just improve their own business and money.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes but still they got votes and elected again and again. That's worries!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yesterday I saw a video footage of your country on Twitter where a lot of people are united and protesting against someone. Actually there is corruption in politics in all countries of the world.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Corruption of leadership , lack of law implementation and lack of awareness in common people are main parts of our poverty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is inevitable that's why we should choose who we think has a genuine intention for our country and its country constituents.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Your analysis are partially correct. The govt of PTI is falling due to their own faults

$ 0.00
2 years ago