A walk in the desert !

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Desert , A name of sand dunes with vast barren , dried and useless ( in terms of agriculture) land. It can be consist in hundreds of miles around with unpaved roads , thorny trees and socked animals. Life of desert is tough , harder and non flexible due to its environment and conditions. Wind blows fast some times and changed whole scenario of the area as dunes reshape quickly.

I made a short trip with my buddies to the desert and it was a thrilling experience. We start our journey early in the morning and travel around 3 hours on bikes to reach in the desert along border of India- Pakistan. Well keep in mind that if you have any plan to go into desert then must have bike over 100HP or vehicle 4×4 for it .

Sandy paths were in our way where driving never easy. Doing control over bike while slipping here and there is a thrilling experience. We witnessed snake , lizard , spiders, fox , camel and donkey in animals and no green areas there. Only cactus , sage , poppy , willow and saguaro trees , bushes and shrubs found in the area.

A small mosque made with mud and small blocks found on a dune with a deep history. A emperor of 5000 BC build it and still it is in good condition. A pleasant feelings when I entered in it and offer prayer. Here we can see this mosque on a huge dune from far away.

This journey ends in the evening and we travel back two hours prior to sunset because it is dangerous to be there in darkness. Unpaved roads , wild animals and no population around can ends up with some miserable moment.

If you want to go in this adventure to visit any desert , you must have some things along with you .


Water is most essential thing to survive. Especially in desert you can't find any water resource easily so you must carry enough water with you as per your plan. ( Hours , days ).


Don't use any low quality vehicle for traveling in desert. Because you will not get any technical assistance there if it stops. Better use bike over 100 HP or vehicle 4×4. Make sure about fuel , water in radiator , belts and spare tyre with you. If possible carry extra fuel in some bottle and keep as spare.


Compass is necessary to know the direction of traveling especially on returning back because the wind can wash out your foot steps and you will see around equal scene of tall dunes of same shape. Then without compass you can't identify the right path.

Basic health care tools,

You should have some knife , bandage , first aid kit , scarfs , masks , torch and softy shoes with you. Any time may you need any of them because sandy storm can meet you any time.

Other then mobile.

You should have any communication tool other then mobile. Because normally desert not covered by service provider companies and you will not be able to call or connect data due to zero signal power.


Walk in desert is funny , adventures and risky journey but with proper preparation and measuring good precautions it will be safe and enjoyable. You will explore a new world with great interest of learning. The life of desert is although dried one but still the people of that areas are famous in hospitality and welcoming manners.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I hope you enjoy this journey and come back with safe bcz this areas is not good at all at night as you describe in your article

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Wow, I never imagined an adventure in a desert. Well, with all the mentioned considered, anyone is good to go

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Well you have enjoyed this driest trip. We must be careful on such trip and water should be keep with one

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Absolutely right , we took enough cold water with us accordingly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really wish to experience such trips solo but unfortunately, my mom doesn't allow me Don't snakes scare you? I think it's better to kill him on the spot so that snake will not harm another tourist

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Didn't scared at all . Snakes always bites to save themselves so if we didn't harm them they will not bite.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg watching snakes and lizards would be most frightening, but that's good you enjoyed this journey.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Such traveling with group makes good Fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago