A visionary Cobbler !

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2 years ago


The vision to live life and for future planning is not limited to genius minds only , anyone can be in class and possibly has much greater vision then others. It all about opportunities where some gets exploration and some burries down. But we can't measure the imaginary powers and visionary level untill we didn't intract with them.

No profession is Less important or disrespectful due to work level but our society grades it in different slabs. Some profession getting high respect like doctors , teachers , clerks, SD etc and some known as very low category as cobbler , wood cutter , sanitary worker etc.

I know this cobbler ( shoes repairing technician) since 10-12 years who is doing his work so elegancy. He is from minority community with name prem Gee. He sits along side the road on the ground under a tall shaded tree and do his work quite keenly and honestly. He polish , mend and repair the shoes in brilliant way.

He didn't agree for a photograph but I convence him for this kind of snapshot.

I was with him yesterday to repair my shoes which getting some breakage. He was doing some work so I sit there. I just ask him " Prem Gee , I am watching you since 10 years here but I never saw your any boy with you. Because Normally kids took the chair of father in replacement and it continues generation to generation. Are you have kids? He shocked from my question and again put his focus on repairing. When he finish the pair to ready , he turns to me and said"

" I have 4 kids dear , 3 girls and 1 boy. Then why your boy is not with you, I asked. He said " I learn this profession from my father since my childhood. I am working since 26 years at this place but never get respect which I deserve. Even people didn't pay enough against my work. My son was only 2 years old when one day a land lord abuse me badly for not polish his shoes well. I was a poor person and I didn't reply to him single word. He said what he could and go away by not paying a single rupee. That day I did a oath to myself that I will not bring my son to this field.

Time passed and my son got admission in school. He proves a brilliant mind boy and starts getting good position in his class which gives me courge too . I supported him financially untill his HSC. Then later he always gets scholarship due to his academic performance. He passed his master's degree from university with top rank. I got honoured on his annual convocation from university administration. He did his m.phil and by passing the PSC ( Public service commission) exam by good note.

He gets his first oppointment as AEO in education department at 16th scale. He is now DEO in the district."

I was listening his visionary things with full interest and surprised in myself about his mindset. He added

" His name is K.G.Shad (Kastura gee) and serving in education department. I have pride on it and on myself that I able to get my dream true. My son is not working with me on this disrespectful profession as people thinks. "


Continued struggle with consistency can fill out dreams and there is no short cuts for any achievements. Long term goals required more patience and Positivity.

Another lesson can be extracted from this story that Positive vision has sweet fruits may it took years to yield.

Hardwork ends on pride , dignity and respect. But still need trust on yourself and your abilities. Keep dreams bigger always which will give us more motivation and inspiration.

Thanks for responding my investigational storytelling. Like , upvote and have comments to know about your opinion.

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Photo taken by my cellphone camera.

Lead image : unsplash. By Firdaus Roslan


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I love the man. He had a big vision for his children and didnĀ“t settle for smaller dreams. If it had been some people, they might force their children to do what he is doing without realizing that the children might have different goals and aspirations. It is good to dream big and work towards it. Thank you for sharing.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Really he surprised me by his vision and mission. Thanks Princess!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your article is Worth reading...I am touched that consistency and hardwork pay off to both of them but something is pondering in my mind that why his son still let him to continue his profession? although I agree with you that every profession should be given equal respect... there should be no distinction...but this is the biiter reality in the society that we are divided into upper and lower class...

$ 0.10
2 years ago

He don't want to leave his job because he thinks this work gives me all my dreams. Thank you Gully for staying by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am sad to hear the treatment he received from people, but I am glad he never let his son to do the same job.

$ 0.10
2 years ago