7 things makes us mentally stronger.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago

January 28, 2022

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Lot of things comes in our life when we fall weaker or didn't find out the solution of that problem. Sometimes it seems bigger than our shadow and we can't measure it's depth. Our resistance against that problem create some hope to come up.

Some elements we want to escape from them but those are necessary to grow as better Human beings. These processes made us enough strong so we can face any affliction.

Here we will discuss some things that what makes us stronger.


when we start any journey, we are enough determine to reach the destination and it doesn't matter that how much interception we face. If we carry on towards our gaol the obstacles will eliminate automatically. So it makes us stronger and motivated. We think to over come , we try new ways, we modify our approach and we learn to tackle the hurdle.


It is a inner ability to handle the things and stay constant for our long term goals. It is pure control on our emotions and reactions. It doesn't grow automatically, it need self motivation, control on behaviour and self discipline. A strong willpower individual stays more calm and focused in any task.


We face different kinds of problems every day. To overcome the problems we do approach for their solutions. Challenges are the calls to do actions. It makes us stronger as we build our capabilities and enhance the quality of our wisdom. No other one will put any challenge but we have to put challenges for our own to develop the resistance power.


If there is no struggle , there is no progress . ( Frederick Douglass)

To do any task with difficulties , with several attempts is struggle. It requires patience , wisdom and mental strength. To do a specific task we do our efforts which makes us stronger enough as we use our energy and muscular power bro do it.


Believe is a faith in anything to be true without any proof. Our believe in Almighty God that he is our creator , all the difficulty and solutions are from him , He will show us the path , He will assist to come up makes us stronger.


If we sit comfortably and get everything at our wish what will happen ? We will become lazy and weaker. Because pain and suffering always stemulate the resistance to do efforts and struggle. It gives us lesson that what should we do to avoid it . If we look at a tool ( just for example it is screw driver) how good and useful shape it has . But it was a raw steel earlier but when went through a killen's heat , it melted , reshapes and become a new useful thing.


Some people have thought that love makes us weak. We can't resist in certain cases and give up. But I took love as strength. Love to my beloved one gives me encouragement , braveness and determination to protect him . Because love has its own power which makes us stronger. Every one should experience the love to witness its power.

Thank you so much for reading. Love to hear from you feedback in comments.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


You're right, struggles will eventually lead to progress. Even it's just small progress, it doesn't matter as long as we exerted an effort and time. It's the same with my favorite quotation that "there is no elevator in success, we should take the stairs.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Success never comes overnight , it needs a consistency and hardwork. Well said we should take stairs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we have strong willpower then we make every impossible thing into possible

$ 0.03
2 years ago

This thing will change our life too .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah sir all things make us strong and challenges make us also very strong when we face any challenge we becomes stronger and stronger

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We should keep positivity in mind and keep struggling. Sure a day will come when we will get fruit.

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2 years ago