The World Is A Library And Everyone Is A Book

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  • Evening Fam

Just sitting and researching some stuff today, I saw something interesting on YouTube and it gave me an idea of what to write about, and am glad I could share it with you guys..


Every single person you meet in this life is a book and not just an ordinary book, an interesting one if you ask me... Most of the book contains lots and lots of story, some are good stories, some are bad stories, some are sad stories and some are happy stories....

Meeting an individual or a person for the first time simply means your picking a new book from the library and its up to you to read the book or walk pass it if it doesn't interest you....

Some books are very difficult to read and understand, and you'd find yourself dumping them due to how stressful it might seem while reading it and you'd end up not understanding it....

For Example: Further maths textbook, I did dump mine long long time ago because I just can't understand it no matter how hard I try, well I believe am not a maths lover after all....

Most books are easy to read and understand and they might be easy as ABC but it contains some unique and interesting story....

That how some different books are, some are easy to read and understand while some are not easy to read nor understand anything from it....

I hope y'all are not getting confused?? Am also referring to the books as people...

You!, Yes You, I know a lot of us might have ended up dumping / abandoning those books "People " who are annoying, irritating, and disgusting simply because we don't understand them...

Or we understand them and then we realize that there's nothing meaningful inside of it...

Learn to read people before you judge and criticize them because most times we actually don't know what's inside of a book until we read and understand it.. After you read and understand that book if it seems meaningful you'd end up keeping it safe..

Learn to read and understand everyone around you because it makes you a better person and you'd be able to interact with anyone no matter how bad or disgusting their life style might seem to be...

Its easy to do so and all you have to do is treat every single person the way they are, don't treat Person A the way you treat Person B because we all have different life style and different opinion, what Person A might like Person B might not be cool with it due to how different we are....

Just because your a rice lover doesn't mean your friends would be a rice lover, if you read and understand them you'd get to know who they truly are and you'd know what they like and what they dislike....

You might find yourself in regret of why you picked or came across some certain books " People" due to all the pains they have put us through...

If you finish up regretting what's the next step you should take?? Well on behalf if me you simply should move on and pick up another book and if the one you picked seems tricky, confusing and hard to understand do the right thing by moving on to another book because they are plenty of books in the library " Plenty Of People In The World"....

But please know this, some books are irreplaceable, some books can never be forgotten despite all the stress you went through when reading it, "Some humans Can Never Be Forgotten Despite All The Pains They Put Us Through ".... I had to translate that part so it won't seem confusing...

So What Do You Think About This Topic?? Lemme know in the comment session down below....

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There's no boundary of learning.. You got whole thing right man. Tbh best title bud❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you said well, but your end words hit my mind as you aaid some peoples are unforgettable it's really true and such peoples are irreplaceable as no one can take their place

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are irreplaceable coz we will remember all the wonderful and hard times we spent together...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you man and there's this popular saying that we should never judge a book by its cover 📔. And that is the mistake so many people make at first sight. Our first impression matters a lot. ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you don't get to judge a book by its cover, you need to open and read it first so you'd know what it contains

$ 0.00
2 years ago