Good Bye To The Friends Who Became Strangers

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2 years ago

Sometimes you have to move on without some certain people, If they are meant to be in your life they would catch up....

Quote source "

Seems like am gonna be using the dark mode for a while, hello guys happy mid week....

Hope we all are having fun?? Was actually thinking of a different topic to write about coz I didn't want to start with an introduction since its not my first time here on the platform....

So I was going through some random status on my WhatsApp and I got excited by what I saw on the last slide.... A friend of mine ( A girl and she is a writer) she posted a short video about her book that is yet to be published in a week time...

And the tittle is TO THE FRIENDS WHO BECAME STRANGERS, I couldn't stop thinking about the topic coz I find it so interesting... I sent her a message and I asked her if I could use the topic on my blog and she said she was ok with it so here is my own version of it....

Goodbye To The Friends Who Became Strangers

As a kid growing up I get to know a lot of people and when I mean a lot its a whole lot of people lol, but we all know that as we grow up we get to loose some friends due to change of environment and some other reasonable stuff that can depart us from our friends.....

Yea am talking based on my experience and also based on some facts, I did loose a lot of good friends due to change of environment and then I was still a kid.... No cell phone, no social media account etc....

Yea well we just have to let those ones go coz its part of life, time passed and I didn't get to see most friends anymore but years later ( maybe 8years later) i get to see most of them and the funny thing was most of them didn't have a memory of me, most of them couldn't recognize my face.. Well I couldn't blame them coz it took years before we could see each other once more.....

Well let's just forget about that part of the story, time passed and then social media was a thing everyone is into... No matter how far you might be we'd still get to associate and interact with each other....

At the age 15-17 I had so many that I could call my brothers, we were all good to each other and each day our bond keeps growing more stronger...

We were all together with each other for over 2years before it happened again...

Aaah Damn It Happened Again

Image from unsplash

We moved away from the environment where we lived due to some issues regarding the place, and this time we moved far away like our new apartment was so damn far from the old one.....

Yea I missed my friends so badly that I just couldn't wait for us to see each other again, we do chat on Facebook every single day and with time I began to notice that we no longer talk to each other like we used to....

Its been over 2years since we relocated and none of them had paid us a visit, I wouldn't have to put the blame on them coz I know how far the journey is going to be and its gonna cost a whole lot of money...

Am always happy anytime am having a conversation with them but things began to change after some time, I come to realize that if I don't send a message first they won't check up on me... Well at first I wasn't bothered by that coz it didn't mean anything to me, things began to become more weird coz the conversation wasn't giving the good vibe that it was giving...

Most times I won't get a reply from either one of them and I began to get worried so I decided to fix a date that am gonna pay them a surprise visit... The day finally arrived and it was during a festival and I am 100% sure that they would all be there....

There was a lot of people at the festival and the crowd was to massive that I couldn't even concentrate on finding them, they didn't know I was there and after 5mins of searching I couldn't find them so I decided to give one of them a call, the phone rang and he picked up the call I then asked where they are and they told me they we're at the festival....

I asked them where in particular and he described where they we're sitting and luckily it was only a 50 seconds walk from where I was, I didn't hang up the phone until I walked up to the spot where they we're sitting....

I got there and I told him to turn around, he turned around and he tapped the other guys and told them that I am here, they all turned and that the expression on their face wasn't what I expected...

You know the expression on your face when You wake up and see your mom/dad in the morning?? That's what I got, was actually expecting them to be surprised but they weren't and it was more like I wasn't needed....

I didn't react so I won't break down in front of them lol, they didn't ask about my well being and they we're all having a conversation with themselves.... Was sitting with them for over 4mins without them saying a word to me, I was no longer comfortable so I told them I needed to go home and attend to some things, they said ok OK its not a problem... I was expecting them to see me off but instead they ignored and I walked all by myself and I took a bus...

Was actually smiling while I was in the bus coz its kinda like a life lesson to me, giving them my all and it seems it wasn't enough...

I was heart broken lol, I didn't feel bad coz I know people change its kinda what I was expecting to see due to how bad our communication was...

And so that was how I got to lose some friends that were like a brother to me, based on some life experience and things that I have gone through lately I don't have ant friends lol, I only have virtual friends and am happy about it......

So this was how my went down and I became a full time introvert, I'd love to talk about the good and wonderful friends that I got to know in the virtual world, trust me they are more than a friend....

So what do you think about my story??? Thanks for reading guys have a wonderful mid week...

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2 years ago


Ooow this was really bad attitude given by your friends. Although it's natural phenomenon no one remembers any one more than a days but blood relations. But at least if someone's visits you, be a hypocritic not hurt anyone this openly. I myself quite conversation with my school friend and also I left that group friends forever once made by we friends. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In life, people really come and go and we have to accept that fact so we wont feel pity in ourselves when people leave.. You're right, we have a lot of virtual friends and its okay for time like this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some friends would become strangers to us after it's been long you've seen them,those that would stand by you would also come for you and those that wouldn't would always find a tunnel to follow,I love your story btw welcome to the platform ♥️.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kinda like the song arde sang, well people come and go that's just life

$ 0.00
2 years ago