Easy Way To Spread Bitcoincash Awareness

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  • When It Comes To Business Planning Bitcoincash Should Be Considered Because It Will Benefit Most Businesses When It Comes To Payment...

Customers and merchant can benefit from Bitcoincash, For Example most customers can be cashless while having troubles with their bank "This Is Where Bitcoincash Comes In Handy"..

If you are already on board with Bitcoincash it won't be your last option when it comes to payment because you already know its benefits... It would be of good use if all merchants accepts Bitcoincash so let's make the world a better place by spreading the awareness of Bitcoincash....

So here is one of the simplest method to get a merchant onboard, though there are other ways to do so but for me I believe this one is the simplest...

Bitcoincash Is The Best Decentralized Peer - Peer Currency To Recommend To Merchants


  • Step 1

Go to a prominent restaurant in your area, and make sure you go with your Bitcoincash addicted friends and make sure you all are dressed in Bitcoincash-Related outfit ( A shirt or maybe a cap ) and do the right thing by ordering some foods..


It makes those around you want to learn more and newbies would definitely want to know what Bitcoincash is so they might pick up their phone and Google it.. And while your in the restaurant all eyes would be on you and your team and that is exactly want you want because you need to make your team the center of attraction...

After you and your team are done with your meal proceed to the cashiers table to pay for the bill and before you do so start by asking them if they accept Bitcoincash as a mode of payment...

Of course you know their response would be " No We Don't" and him or her would definitely want to inquire so they'd ask you " What Is Bitcoincash?"...

And if you get such a response from a cashier then there is a 70% chance that you have just got a MERCHANT on board..

Use that medium to give them a quick overview of Bitcoincash and make sure you demonstrate how it works using the Bitcoin.com wallet.. While explaining things to them make a Bitcoincash transaction to one of your team member so they'd see how fast the transaction are and show them how little the transaction fee looks like before making the transaction....

  • They'd be blown away by the transaction speed and its low fee, in fact if am being honest Bitcoincash is better than banks when its comes to transaction speed and fee...

After explaining and demonstrating to them how it works you'd get a chance to talk to the manager of the restaurant and while explaining to him or her you can make the conversation more interesting by telling him or her the benefits of accepting Bitcoincash as a mode of payment....

What Are The Benefits Of Accepting Bitcoincash As A Mode Of Payment??

Your store would undoubtedly be listed as a store that accepts Bitcoincash as a mode of payment...

Strangers would definitely march right into your store because you accept Crypto currency as a mode of payment and if they own some Bitcoincash they won't hesitate to come in and purchase some food and pay with Bitcoincash...

You'd meet new people in your store because the team that got you on board would definitely make sure to tell other partners that you accept Bitcoincash..

So if your concept is approved they will already be aware that they are using the medium to spread Bitcoincash Awareness and at the same time they are promoting their business by accepting Bitcoincash as a mode of payment...

So What Comes Next??

  • Step 2

Assist the merchant by making it unique, make the public know by printing various Bitcoincash stickers and it makes more sense if most of the stickers are placed outside the store because it would be another point of attraction to the customers, newbies to Bitcoincash and also to the passerby...

"Bitcoincash Accepted Here" This should be the design on it and the Bitcoincash logo must be on it too... And after that once they have gotten their barcode setup then they are good to go..

Most newbies would want to test and see how the Bitcoincash transaction works so they would download the Bitcoin.com wallet and try it themselves and it that it would even raise more awareness...

How To Introduce Your Friends To Bitcoincash

Now this one is one of the simplest one to accomplish and I'd tell you how its done...

  • Step 1

Tell your buddies you'd be taking them to one of your favorite restaurants ( Same Restaurant You Brought On Board With Bitcoincash )...

Let's say you took 5 people and you spent $10 on each of them it would be a total of $50.. Make sure they are with you when you want to make your payment, after you bring out your phone to scan the barcode they'd look lost and confused because they have no idea of what your doing...

After you have made the transaction they be shock of how fast it is and they see that it has been received by the cashier.. After the transaction has been completed they will most likely question you about it because they will feel that they are being left behind and its kinda like they are still living in the 90s because it appears to them to be a new technology that they are not aware of...

With that you have just gotten more users on board and they will also spread the awareness to other people...

Isn't that a fantastic idea?? So let's make the world a better place by educating others about Bitcoincash...

$ 1.04
$ 0.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.02 from @Mekus_rebound
+ 2
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