Published on: September 27, 2021
Early bird catches the worm. Applicable in some occassions but a few would not be of fit. What made me say that? In no one's awareness, I am and was an early bird, but I don't get any worms because there is none. Lol.
Let me take you in a more specific situation. School affairs slash group activities and or get together with friends and or acquaintances slash classmates. Oh, you're right, there are so many slash but I really have to separate this posse of people.
Getting ready in a HASTE?
Aside from attending to our school duties e.g dance practices and or group projects, there are also another duty at home. Another card to pull is, we sometimes loss interest in things and end up moving in haste after realizing that we're already late. So yeah, a quick bath and prep will do.
As for me, I tend to my house chores first since most rehearsals were held during the afternoon. Much expected that most of my classmates were too lazy to drag their ass out of their businesses during the day. That's fine. We set the time and meeting place and then that's settled. What to bring? Yourself.
I uphold panctuality so I arrive early and uhm first to our agreed meeting place... I'd wait but before shooting them a message to let them know I've arrived. Waiting. Most would reply a short "otw" which stands for on.the.way.
Seemingly infinite WAITING
I do have patience. And yes to that "patience is a virtue". An hour won't hurt, aight? I'd stare at their "otw" replies which was sent nearly an hour ago albeit their houses were nearer than mine. Supposedly they should be the first to come!
Oh, I forgot! Filipino time. You do know that fellow Filipino? And to my foreign friends who do not know about this "filipino time", let me tell you then. Filipino time is a pinoy habit of prolonging and or arriving late to the agreed time either by purpose or not. In short, the habit of being late, at all times. If you had an agreement to meet at 1pm in whichever place you agreed on, they will show up at 2pm, 3pm or not at all. Ruining everything. The supposed productive day left you frustrated waiting...
But stretching my understanding side, I will hear their explanations and try to understand them as well. They were late because:
They lost track of time
They had many things to do at home
There was no available transpo (applies to those who lives far enough)
They were problematizing their attire(?)
Too much "getting ready"
Filipino time is filino time. It's fine if it will happen once or twice but when you see that they are abusing it, you'll surely be impressed and annoyed.
Getting even with the lie
There's always a reason why we arrive late. A good or a bad one that's for you to decide. And for few people who can no longer stand their annoyment at such depressing situation of waiting, they'll get even with that. Don't they?
Thank you for reading!
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hahaha ang sama ko talaga dati kasi ako yung leader, nag seset ako ng time of arrival tas ako yung pinaka huling dadating HAHAH