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2 years ago
Topics: Pasado, Seventy-five

Published on: October 01, 2021

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Not long ago when I noticed the number of my subscribers reached 75. Right at that moment, flashes of good and funny encounters brought me back to the past. Yes, there were plenty of good memories from the past, more vivid are those events during my Junior High School life.

Students are incorrigibly different. They can have a strong sense of humor or a filthy rich brains to churn information and lessons quickly. But since they are of tremendous difference in terms of coping with the lessons, some are being left behind either by choice or capability.

The first one to notice could be the educator. Whom are undeniably intelligent or into academics and who are struggling to cope up with, then it'd be up to them on how they will weave strategies to help their students and pursue to be more effective educator.

Smart students get higher grades as expected while those who aren't so interested in school(?)or those with poor performance gets lower than 75. I've known a few guys back at 8th grade who received axes on their clean white cards. 74, 73, 72, 71 or 70. Of course, most get such mark because they are specially a pain in the ass.

  • More absences than shows up

  • Close to no to submitting projects

  • Failure to attend nor participate on discussions

  • No reviewing policy

If a studeng continue to do his "part" and ignore paying attention, there's a big chance for him or her to get these axes. We refer to marks starting from Number 7 as "axes", line of 7 marks which are close to failing.

Funny how most of those who get these could manage to laugh still and be worry free. Passing that "worry of failing" to their parents. (But of course, I am not generalizing)

Ex. of a Filipino Student's Report Card

For those with different grading system, here's the code for that.

Grading Scale and corresponding Remarks

Conditions to Reconsiderations

Parents visit the school and the teachers who gave close to or absolutely failing grades to their sons and daughters asking for reconsideration to pass. It's a long parent-teacher discussion and teachers end up doing them a favor by adjusting grades/marks by presenting few conditions. Those conditions will be discussed with the students. Failure to perform the intended task given to them will surely left them with failed remarks. That might even hinder promotion.

These conditions includes:

  • Mop and wax the whole floor, alone

  • Make hard brooms and bring them at school

  • Gardening, draw out weeds (alone?)

  • Clean the toilets

  • Cooperate and change or else

  • and many more

In the end, most do those stuffs in order for them to pass.

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2 years ago
Topics: Pasado, Seventy-five


HAHAHAHA, naalala ko kung HS ako. first time ko makakuha ng line of 7 sa journalism. Iyak ako eh. konti lang naman palakol ko pero after that nakuntento ako hindi makipagkompitensya sa ibang tao pati sa mga bagay na di naman ako magaling. Ginagawa ko naman lahat ng kaya ko, di lang talaga sapat sa standards ng grading system. I still got 78 sa Filipino nung 2nd year HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Parang sa ibang aspeto ng buhay, minsan ginawa at binagay mo naman lahat pero kulang pa din. HAHAHAHAH.

Nung college 3.5 kelangan mo na magbigay ng isang rim ng bondpaper.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hindi ko din maintindihan yung ibang mga bata na kontento na sa line of 7, tas nag dedepend nalang sila sa floorwax at walis para maka pasa, dami ko rin kasing kakilala na ganyan dati

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ever witnessed a horror scene? I did. When I showed my report card to my parents & next moment I had seen those red eyes.... 🤣 You just reminded me that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako nahihirapan sa mga batang ganyan natatanggap. Mga ganyan kasi diba puros laro, at barkada inaatupag dina din nag aaral ng maayos sila kadalasan nakaka experience ng ganyan na grado e. Kung sa elementary okay lang kasi bata pa nag aadjust parin sa pag aaral. Pero kapag high school na hindi na talaga okay yun need na talaga ng patnubay at gabay ng magulang. 🥺

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2 years ago