A month with you: Celebrating a "fruitful" yet temperamental relationship

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Thu,August 05, 2021 (#4)

"You'll never know it, if you'll never dare try."

I won't modify the reason why it took me long (maybe long enough) to try read.cash. I have been in noise.cash for 4 months and yet my read.cash account is only a month old.


For a matter of fact, i was indeed afraid to walk out of my comfort zone. We all know that read.cash and noise.cash are quite alike but completely different on the level of difficulty and required commitment.

June 28, 2021 as i could clearly remember that particular day of my life. I had enough courage to navigate my curiosity why users are so immersed to this platform. And, i got some answers:

  • Personal experience

  • A lucky person gets the worm

  • Generous Marc De Mesel

  • Bolster one's creativity

  • Building community

A Journey on a Rollercoaster

I've never tried riding a rollercoaster. And I am not certain if i would ever dare try riding one. Although I can relate that on my experience on read.cash

  • It's full of ups and downs, tight turns inversions

    Ups and downs in a sense that you'll be motivated today, and feel the opposite afterwards. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, i guess. You feel happy after finishing one article, successfully published it to present to your audience but after reading your work, it looks horrible, bland and crap.

  • It's tricky

    I thought it was easy-partly. But after being a week old citizen, i came to realize that it's far more difficult. I could hardly cope up with the pace nor follow the trend, befriend users, and reward them. There's more to this platform that you can't ignore. It can curate and establish its own trick. And so be careful.

  • It's scary

    One fact: We are here either because we aim to disseminate useful knowledge, informations and observations about cryptocurrencies or other topics. The other reason is because we want our works to be monetized. Ah the latter is tempting, right? Who doesn't want to be paid for his works?

    Another fact: Some users have given up to read.cash. Why? Because not all users are being rewarded. It's a tough game and only the persevere ones remain.

    I know some users who've stopped on using read.cash because they felt that they don't fit in it. But hey, they've comeback!

Temperamental Relationship

I had an on and off relationship with this platform lol. For the first week i felt so motivated, honestly. But on my second week, it's like i was hit by a train. I couldn't recover to my great disappointment. I tried reading my works and acks they are all a piece of crap. Horrible constructions and ideas are all splattered around. I could barely connect my thoughts at once. I couldn't even be satisfied with what I've got. And so? I left for a week. To think whether I'm of best fit or if not, i would have to withdraw myself to minimize further disappointment.

Third week of July, i gave it another try and published my "See me again, see you again, when will we see each other again?" i was half believing that maybe Rusty would show but he never did. That's when i realized not to expect anymore. Whatever, be rewarded or not, i won't mind it. But, i won't publish often since I'm about to resume with my other side gig (3rd quarter of August, preferably). I was close to accepting my defeat but after publishing my article "I run and run for my dear life and because i was scared of it", you suddenly showed up. My mind was in haze and yet i didn't vent nor make the slightest noise because you might not show up again. Lol.

Who don't want to be visited by the bot? Ah, it's dangerous to expect yet satisfying at the same time, right? Of course when he or it pays you a real visit.

It takes everything and nothing as a certain basis for when this bot will pay you, me or us a visit. Especially for new users, Rusty will be the hardest to tame. It's definitely temperamental, Unpredictable and, a stranger snub most of the time.

Fruitful Journey

I do believe in an overnight success but it's the rarest to happen. It's been a month since i first tried my luck here on read.cash and guess what?

  • I had made some friends.

  • I have read and supported other's articles as well.

  • I admire some users because of their creativity and talent to connect.

  • I've learned some lessons which i do apply in life

These are the fruits, they aren't edible tho;


I have 18 awesome subscribers already. Yay! For a month-Journey, it's very motivating. Tho i wonder who are these 18 people? Thanks for staying with me! May God bless you with 18 bch! Sounds good?


Aside from that, I have 3 wonderful sponsors. @Bloghound was my first ever sponsor and i was overwhelmed by the thought that i could never be good enough to deserve such support and encouragement. She's very kind and really a good writer/blogger. @emily2u and @Just1dood i love your works as well! God knows how i admire you three.

Sponsoring users

As of now, i am only sponsoring 2 great writers. I am contemplating whether to make it more than because i am not certain for how long can i be able to sustain sponsorship. And, for the fact that i will have more users to support is detrimentally overwhelming. I might leave them hanging. I hope not.


It's very heartwarming whenever i get to publish an article and someone will leave a comment. I may not reward you for your genuine comments and feedbacks, allow me to appreciate you, for now. It makes me happy everytime someone reads my work and leave his/her thought about it too.

Tough. This is the best word to describe my journey. And its temperamental too. Haha. I guess everything looks like this when one start his or her journey? I guess (I've been murdering these words).

Let's see what I've got and how long will i be able to stand on this platform.

Thanks for reading!

$ 5.08
$ 4.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.05 from @Just1dood
+ 2
Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


Keep on persevering. If nothing else, you gain confidence in writing, improve your English and make friends in the process. Don't feel pressured to sponsor anyone. Do it at a pace you are comfortable with. We each have our journey to take, do not be pressured to walk another writer's journey. Have fun!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep going! ;) One step at a time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot pichi! Mas ginaganahan ako dahil sainyo❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Push, sis! Kapit kamay tayong lahat!!!!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you poo. Ikaw ang first person na nag encourage sakin to continue ❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am in my 11 months and I can be the example of someone who joined read cash, without proper knowledge, felt it was not for them because they understand. I only came back last last Sunday because a dear sissy reminded me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

welcome back po! Sana tuloy tuloy na ang pagsstay mo dito. Stay strong po sa ating lahat! God bless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of your subscribers checking in! Hahaha... whether you are here for full-time or part-time, I hope you continue to enjoy the journey as both a writer and reader!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank a lot! I am enjoying my stay here. I've got so many drafts tho, i hope i could finish them all at once 😭 kidding hehe. Thanks a lot i appreciate you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You don't have to finish them all at once. It's not a race. LOL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats 👏 let's keep going👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yay thank you thank you po ng marami! Ss sa atin. sana tumagal tayo dito😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago