Scary forests to never visit (top10)

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

Continuing of our trips to scary places; Jungles!

In some areas, local legends about the victims of horrific forest crimes are said to have their souls wandering in the woods, and hearing these legends will deter you from wandering in the forest. Many of these forests, in turn, have become the focus of brave and curious tourists, and every year they attract a large number of tourists to these cursed places in the world. These days, because of pandemic, I'm inviting you to this virtual trip to top10 of scary jungles.

Here are 10 demon-possessed forests around the world:

10-Aokigahara Forest, Japan

This forest is located northwest of Mount Fuji and is more commonly known as the "Suicide Forest"; There have been many suicides in the forest, all dating back to the mid-1900s.
There is a sign at the entrance of the forest with the theme "Life is a precious gift and if a person fights for it, he will surely get it".
The reason for the forest's fame may be the fact that Japanese mythology has long been associated with forest demons. In addition, the aggregation of trees allow the individual's voice to be lost or not even heard, making it a highly isolated.
Proponents of the principles of spirituality and mythology in Japan believe that the Aokigahara is the source of supernatural powers. But even if you do not believe in the spirit, you are still affected by things that are scattered irregularly on the forest floor.


9-Isla de las Munecas Forest, Mexico

The forest is located along the Xochimico Canal near Mexico City. It seems that the forest itself is not scary, so they hung dolls from the trees. According to local legend, the island's guardian hung the first doll on a tree in the memory of a drowned girl on the island (as if the doll belonged to the girl herself). He continued hanging dolls so that maybe the girl's soul would calm down. Fifty years later, the guard drowned at the exact spot where the girl had drowned.
Today(before corona😁), the island has attracted many tourists. Visitors believe that the dolls move their eyes, heads and limbs and are possessed by ghosts.

8-Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

This haunted forest is located near the unofficial capital of the Romanian Transylvania region, Cluj-Napoca. The demonization of the forest was first reported when in 1968 a military technician took a picture of something strange in the sky in an area of ​​the forest called the "clearing".

The clearing area has stunned visitors, locals and even scientists for decades. According to official reports, nothing was growing at this point, and in fact nothing has ever grown there. The strangest thing is the strange growth pattern of trees in this area. The trees in this area grow in a zigzag and spiral shape, and so far no reason has been found for this strange pattern.
Brave tourists can have a night tour in this forest; Most of these tourists report a strange feeling of anxiety, nausea and being watched.

7-Scream forest in Iran  

The days of this forest are normal and calm, but at night, a scary and terrifying sound can be heard from the trees of this forest. A sound similar to the scream that is heard as soon as it gets dark and lasts until morning. The sounds aren't resembling to the sound of crickets or the wind between the leaves of the trees. Sarbarj is one of the villages around this jungle that attracts many tourists every year due to this phenomenon. The screams heard from the forest are the scariest thing that can happen to those who want to spend the night there.

6-The Black Forest, Germany 

The name of this forest seems unfortunate, but the Grimm brothers used this forest as the space of many of their stories, such as Hansel and Gretel, and as a result, they further fostered the reputation of this demon-possessed forest.
This forest is located in the southwestern part of Germany, along the Rhine, and its tall evergreen trees are so beautiful that they create a sense of ominousness. Some believe that supernatural beings such as witches and werewolves lived in this forest.
The area is also known for its unique indigenous style of carnival celebration; In this carnival, people wear clothes in the form of witches, scary spirits, animals and demons.

5-Devil's Tramping Ground, North Carolina

The name of this forest tells the whole story; This strange and fruitless piece of land is located in the middle of the forest, but there is no vegetation in it and it does not grow. According to legend, which dates back to the discovery of Chatham County, this area is a place where the devil is present at night to walk and think, and therefore nothing grows there.
According to some rumors, no human can spend the night in this area and even dogs are scared when crossing this area. Many theories have been put forward about this region, some calling it the landing place of strange celestial bodies and others calling it the megadalin crystal pillar of energy.

4-Wychwood Forest, England

This forest used to belong to the royal family; Although there is no historical record of the forest being possessed by demons, visitors to the forest have claimed to have seen a crying child in a carriage with long, fluffy hair, as well as scary demons, and some others have claimed that someone was walking or riding behind them.
There is also a story about the ghost of Amy Robsart, Earl Lester's wife; According to this story, when Amy mysteriously dies from a broken neck, her husband claims to have seen her while hunting. The spirit told him that he would die in ten days, and so it was. And now, according to legend, some believe that the same thing happened to all those who entered the forest.

3-Elfin Forest, California 

This forest is considered by some to be the most demonized area in California. This forest is located in Scandido near San Diego. According to some artifacts found in the area, some claimed that Native American tribes lived in the area. This forest has also been the landscape of an old psychiatric hospital.

But the most common story you will hear about this forest is this: In the early 1800s, gypsies lived in this area; Many of the townspeople chased and even killed them, cursing of the remaining gypsies have effected the forest. Visitors and climbers have reported seeing a white-clad ghostly woman, bloody and ghostly trees on horseback.


2-Dow Hill Forest, India

The forest is located around Dow Hill Victoria Boys' School and is one of the most demonized places in India. According to some people, different footsteps can be heard in the school hallway even during the holidays, while the forest itself is more scary. 

There are even rumors that several murders have taken place in the forest, and woodcutters claim to have seen a beheaded boy wandering the Death Road, the path between the forest and the school.

1-Pine Barrens Forest, New Jersey  

The forest tells many stories of ghosts inhabiting the forest. During the colonial period, many industries such as wood and paper mills flourished in this region. But after the discovery of coal in Pennsylvania, all these industries were abandoned and the city was given to ghosts.

Also, according to some people, this forest was the residence of the infamous devil Jersey; The Pineland Conservation Union has described the demon as a kangaroo-like creature with a horse-like face, a dog-like head, bat-like wings, and horns and tails. According to local legend, this devil was the thirteenth child of a woman named Deborah Leeds, who gave her child to the devil in 1735 during her pregnancy. 

The baby's fork, venom, and wings appeared after birth; He killed his mother, sisters, brothers and midwife and then disappeared, and to this day he continues to frightening the living in that area.


However, if you believe in ghost and spirits or not, I hope you enjoy this virtual trip.🤗🤗

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Written by
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


Thanks for this, i really liked your creepy topics everytime you posted one. Keep sharing i will support you.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like these articles of strange and out of ordinary things. I just saw that you have more. I will go have a look at them. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me the most scary forest never to visit is pine barrens forest

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think the number nine and one was the most scary forest, having that stuff and creature to be possibly see,will make your soul and body shake rapidly,.

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4 years ago

This them is beautiful plz subscribe now

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4 years ago

Wow, I really like this, go on.👍🏻👍🏻

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