New secrets about the ancient wonders of the world

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the ancient sites of the world attract thousands of visitors every year and respond to their need to discover the mysteries of past civilizations. Meanwhile, experts are trying to share the discovered secrets of interesting historical sites with the world on a permanent basis.

Here are some of the most interesting discoveries made by archaeologists in recent years about monuments:

The truth about the gates of Hierapolis

Hirapolis is an ancient city in Turkey that is thought to date back to the 2nd century BC. This historic site is located near the Pamukkale travertine stone pools and attracts tourists to its ruins, crumbling baths and the remains of temple buildings.

Tourists visiting Hierapolis see a Greco-Roman temple on this historic site. This temple tells a strange story.

The Temple of Plutonium, named after Pluto, the god of the underworld, has long been known as the Gate of Hell. Priests in ancient times donated animals to plutonium as part of a sacrificial rite, and people watched the scene. Thus, plutonium became known as the gateway to the underworld. Today, scientists have discovered that birds and insects die when they enter the Plutonium Temple; This is because a gap in the depth of the plutonium infrastructure releases toxic levels of carbon dioxide.

Secrets around the curved pyramid of Egypt

This may not be the most famous pyramid in Egypt; But its impressive structure hides many secrets in its heart. The door of the curved pyramid was opened to the public in 2019. The pyramid is located about 25 miles (40 km) south of Cairo. Experts believe that the curved pyramid was built in 2600 BC for Pharaoh Sanfro.

The curved pyramid structure is 331 feet equal to 101 meters high. During the restoration of the pyramid and its surroundings, experts recently discovered a network of hidden tombs and a wide range of sarcophagi. This wide range of sarcophagi includes mummies from 332 to 664 BC. Archaeologists also found stone-cutting tools and ceremonial masks.

Secrets of Tutankhamun Tomb

The last resting place of King Tutankhamun in the south of the Valley of the Kings has hidden many secrets in his heart. The famous British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter opened Tutankhamun's tomb in 1925 and found two daggers there. Studies now show that the daggers found in Tutankhamun's tomb were made of a meteorite. The composition of the dagger blade with a length of 13.4 inches (34.2 cm) contains a large amount of nickel that can not be found anywhere on earth.

Amazing new scenery in Chan Chan (Peru)

You've no doubt heard of the famous Machu Picchu Inca citadel in Peru, but the Chan Chan historic site is on the sidelines.

Chan Chan, once the thriving capital of the Qim Chan civilization, flourished in the 15th century and today is a collection of heavy walls and passages. Chan Chan Historic Site is in danger of being destroyed due to heavy rains in the area where it is located. However, recent research and discoveries on this site have yielded good results.

A brick wall and 19 wooden sculptures have been found in recent excavations at the historic Chan Chan site. The wooden sculptures found are thought to have been buried about 750 years ago and are 26 inches (70 cm) long.

The wooden sculptures seem to have canes and shields. Experts believe the statues could have served as guards. Excavations at the Chan Chan Historic Site are ongoing.

Newly discovered Hagia Sophia treasures

Hagia Sophia is one of the most spectacular sights of Istanbul. This historic structure with its domes, minarets and mosaic-decorated interior attracts many tourists.

The Hagia Sophia was built in the 6th century as a Byzantine church. The church was converted into a mosque in the 1400s and later became a museum, but in July 2020 it was announced that Hagia Sophia would return to its function as a place of worship for Muslims.

Many treasures have been discovered in Hagia Sophia in recent years. One of the most interesting findings of experts in this structure is the Great Baptistery. The Great Baptistery is a place where emperors are thought to have baptized their relatives for more than a millennium.

Researchers discovered a space in Hagia Sophia that they believed was a library as they discovered the Great Baptistery. The library once housed 1,000 ancient scrolls, but was eventually hidden next to a pile of mosaics and frescoes under more modern plasterwork.

Domus Aurea Hidden Room

Domus Aurea, often overshadowed by the sights of Rome, was a magnificent palace during the reign of Emperor Nero in 64 AD. After his death, the successors of Emperor Nero wanted to get rid of the glamorous structure of Damus Aurea. Eventually, the baths of Trajan were built on the palace of Domus Aurea.

Fortunately, the Domus Aurea palace complex has been preserved in the basement of the baths and still reveals new secrets. The latest result of the discoveries of Damos Aura Palace is a complete room. This room is thought to have been built between 65 and 68 AD. The Sphinx Room is a small room decorated with murals.

Although there is more space to explore in the Domus Aurea, experts are reluctant to dig further for fear of creating instability in the palace structure.

Hidden details of the Colosseum

Rome's huge amphitheater is a place for archeological discoveries. Construction of the Colosseum began around 70 AD for the Roman emperor Vespasian.

Recent studies on the historic site of the Colosseum have revealed its hidden secrets. During a recent reconstruction of the Colosseum, workers discovered a set of red numbers painted on the corners of an amphitheater. These numbers indicate that Roman spectators at the Colosseum used a regular map and entry system. This system of regular entry of spectators is not unlike what we see today in modern concert halls and theaters.

Tikal secret sites

The Tikal ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization are located in the Tikal National Park. Tikal is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and has many secrets hidden in its heart.

Advanced light detection and technology in late 2018 helped experts make interesting discoveries in Tikal ruins. Laser technology showed that Tikal's famous artifacts are just part of the Mayan ruins. Experts discovered palaces, unregistered castles, ancient highways and irrigation systems. These new discoveries led scientists to conclude that an area of ​​800 square miles, equivalent to 2.072 square meters of the study area, could accommodate a population of 10 to 15 million people. The area was previously thought to house 5 million people.

Angkor Amazing Scale

The Angkor Archaeological Site has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a large collection of Angkor Wat temples since 1992. This ancient site flourished from about the ninth to the fifteenth century AD under the reign of the Khmer Empire, and archaeologists are still exploring its historical extent. In 2016, fascinating secrets were revealed on the ancient site of Angkor.

Laser technology has been used to scan the area around Angkor Wat, and this technology has shown all the underground cities of the forests around this historic site. The new findings include a complex water system and numerous gardens. These findings challenge existing ideas about the Angkor Wat scale of civilization.

New Petra Monument

Few ancient cities are as captivating as Petra in southeastern Jordan. The city of Gol-e-Sorkh is famous for its treasury and a 131-foot-high monument, equivalent to 40 meters, with intricate columns and carvings whose exact function is not yet known to experts.

The exact date of Petra's birth has not been confirmed; But historians believe that the city flourished from the first century BC until a devastating earthquake in the fourth century AD. Archaeologists are now excited about new discoveries in the city of Petra.

In 2016, satellites unveiled a monument in the ancient city of Petra. The monument is a huge, high platform that is said to be the length of an Olympic swimming pool.

Archaeologists believe that the monument could be a place for exhibitions or public ceremonies.

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Written by
3 years ago


The historical places of each country carry the traditions, memories, acquaintances, etc. of the country. These help us to know about the past so it is very important for every human being to travel to all places.Very nice article dear..go ahead 😊

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3 years ago

Great concept.

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3 years ago

Nice articel dear plz sub my account dear

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

That's a very important article dear. keep it up

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Nice shot

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3 years ago

Nice article. Please subscribe me also

$ 0.00
3 years ago

math geeks still wondering how did they constructed pyramids with such great precision and skills, tha is very interesting for SirPotato

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Colloseum or Collesuem is very amazing place. Thanks for posting this historic article.

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3 years ago


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