Someone offers $1,000,000

13 45

Hello family, How are you today? It seems our weather here is getting hotter like I couldn't stay longer outside cause it's too hot. My skin got burn if I do. Anyways, still thankful cause there's no inconveniences happened this day. I'm so thankful to God who provides us our daily needs. It's one thing that I'm grateful cause of him.

Here we go again, In today's topic I'll asking again another sets of questions for myself. Hehe, I just can't think any idea right now. So, I decided to write this again this prompt. How about your do you have the hard time making an article? It's me who have difficulty in making content everyday. So anyways let's start:

Do you have plan for this month?

I have plans of course but I don't thinking I can fulfill it cause I have so many things to do. I'm chasing my schedule cause I have a review and house chores. In addition this platform, especially making content takes alot of time or it consumes alot of time. I will try my best to reach my goal so at the end of the month I have something to receive.

Are your parents still working regardless of their age?

That's what I'm so proud of, even though my parents having nearly reach the age of senior, they'll be able to gave what we needs. I'm so proud of my parents. They sacrifices for us and our future. They were born poor and that's the thing they don't want us to feel. Even though they have shortcomings they still fullfil the most important things in life: that is education and needs.

They have suffers from difficulty and trials. Despite of their age they strive for the future. I know not all parents are giving a bright future for their children. They want just to receive. That's what our neighborhood now they don't work even though they have strength to work. Their older son didn't have to proceed on his course and cease of his study cause his parents don't want to sent him at school. They have just waiting someone offers a scholarship or sponsorship for his study. What an irresponsible act.

That's why I'm so fortunate to my parents cause despite of their age they still working for us. I'm proud to them. One day I can give them a convenient life. I will strive for my family.

What do you want in life?

It's just simple, I want to give what parents does to us. I want to see them smiling and be proud of us. One thing that I also want to have a comfortable life. I mean I don't have something to bother, cause I have security. Also I want to distance from problems. That's why I don't take actions that will guarantee me to a prejudice situation. I just want a simple life .

What is your favorite work environment?

I really like to have a work environment like there's no competition. There's no pressure at all. Pressure is the thing that cease me from doing something good. I really want to have a friendly people like they don't want quarrels. I think most people like this type of working environment. Although competition is good but I think being competitive happens only when the company have to reach its maximum achievement. Well, it's good cause you have to exert effort and strive for success.

What's the best thing to do when you are done with your something?

I think I would just watch my favorite anime or movie. Watching movies gives me alot of lessons especially when the movie is interesting and portrays a good we'll being. I really love anime also. I love slumdunk due to its ridiculous scene It makes me laugh to every episode.

If ever I'm contented watching movies maybe I should try visiting mall. I really missed roaming around the mall aside from cool environment I could find best item to buy. I love to buy something especially those things that are needed in daily life like t-shirts, shorts, pants, and jogging pants. Infact I have alot of it but it seems some of them are so small so I decided to gave it to my cousins.

What will you do if someone gives you $1,000,000?

Ohh! Such a great amount. It has alot to do. But first of all, it's just a great opportunity if someone offers you this. My plan for this is, I will buy a house and lot, second I'll build a a business maybe a franchise business so I don't have something to do but to wait the income everyday. Lastly, if ever the amount left was huge enough I'll distribute some of it to people especially those in need.

$ 0.41
$ 0.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @Gianna-B
Sponsors of Amaranth97


$ 0.00
1 year ago
$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can help a lot of people with that kind of money.

My parents still work too even if they are old. They become restless if they are not doing anything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, yes it's true it can help them especially this time of pandemic. I salute to your parents too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I get big amount I like to donate for humanity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, we have the same plan for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the number is very large. I have to think for 1 year to decide what to do. I think it should be competitive. forces you to do good deeds

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I thats great amount, but right I has alot to do. Maybe you'll wait for one year to spend it, you'll be just find new item or something that is worth it to buy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it certainly is. And I have to invest. because the mountain will not stand ready. what if the money runs out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have also felt the same way when my parents always pushed me to go to school because they didn't want me to be like those who had to work hard and they wanted to see me succeed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, that's great friend. I also appreciate your parents cause they are so generous and responsible

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your answers to the last question screams generously. I would do exactly the same as you have answered dear. This is nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Gianna, I'll appreciate what you think of. That's good decision

$ 0.00
2 years ago