Our success comes after a great sacrifice

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It's just a good day for now. This day made me to formulate this idea. It talks about success. We all know that success came from a great success. And that's what I'm talking about.

Why do people define success as change? Sometimes our success would be define depends on our effort. We can't be turn immediately as a successful person. It takes a process. It needs a courage to do a certain things. We can't deny that Elon Musk exert tremendous effort to become one of the billionaires in the world. He uses intelligence for him to become a great paragon. Well, intelligence is one of the factor that a person can't make their life successful. I didn't mean that you should have an academic excellence rather you should have the ability to visualize your plan. Your ability to create opportunities despite of being low-rank in class. Success doesn't really depend on your academics achievement. Sometimes it depends on your plan and dedication to do a certain things.

Does it really need to have a degree to make success? I think you have that in mind; being successful in life has two things to do. Maybe I can count this as an effective way. One is you have a plan for you to have a change in life. Like, you need to lift your way of living. Plans in life are assorted assumption. When there are plans it should include about what things you should do. The second is you have to trust the process of your plan. I think I've something that I missed. Yes, I really do have shortcomings about this but I'm sure I tell you what's the most important. College graduates are probably have the advantages to draw near the opportunities. It means the job is just waiting for you. You just need to approach it.

Unlike the other side; if you're not a degree holder surely if you don't have a backer you have the hardtime in searching a job that doesn't requires you to have a Diploma. Well, there are number of people who are successful without any degree. Talents sometimes give you the opportunity to become successful. Lete just site you an example; For sure many of you here are family with the 8th division champion 🏆, I mean it's the pride of the Philippines Manny. He uses his talent to uplift there life from poverty. I can say that he is a successful person. His possessions are great like he owns alot of things now. He can even sustain his presidencial candidacy. It's not a joke when you engage or try to reach such the highest position in government. It needs a huge amount of money to work on that.

Talents without hardwork and practice doesn't work at all. Talents are gift from above. If you have a talent surely you can have a big chance to have success. Degrees doesn't matter at all if you're like the 8 division champion. There are people who can use their talents to make changes in life. Okay let's proceed; if you have talent you're probably blessed. You just have to work hard to hone your skills. I've seen alot of individual who have neglected there talents I mean they abused it like they choose have alot of vices than focusing in honing there skills.

Hardwork can have a great contribution. Literally, it gives you the advantages especially when you plan for tomorrow. Our future depends on our recent works. If you neglect yourself and tend to dominate laziness over sacrificing things you might have the hardtime in your own goals. Let me share you this story. I have a neighbor that is so bless because he inherited businesses from his grandparents and his biological parents. He became the new owner of a computer shop. Well, if you don't know; they have more than 200 active PC. Everyday they consumed 20,000. It is so big. One thing that this family became rich and successful. One day the business became inactive due to his vices. He spend his years with his friends with full of trouble makers. He enjoys while with them but he doesn't even notice that he has responsibility to run his business. One day he was planning to sell half of the computers. His income gradually decreasing since his computer is half only. As years passed by he tend to sell again half of it.

He was addicted to liquor until he can't control over it. His perception runs only on his vices. Until one day he decided to sell the remaining PC and it results to it. All of his computers have been sold until what he left is just a small house which was their first abode. He was so regrettable that time. He was thinking that if he uses the opportunity which is very useful for him, his life wouldn't results such a difficult situation. His friends became cold until no one left and doesn't even give a sign on social media. He realized that he made a tremendous mistakes. He blame his self and thankful that he didn't sell his own abode or else he would become one of the homeless people.

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$ 0.00
1 year ago

Success requires a process. This neighbour didn't understand what hard work means because he was handed the business on a platter of gold. When people don't labour for something and go through process to acquire things, that's how they end up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hardwork and perseverance keep on telling us that we should undergoes with the process. Yes, I agree with you Ola, they end like that. They didn't value the process.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely. Thanks for such a lovely insight, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I agree my friend. Success takes a process first. We encounter a lot of sacrifices, challenges, hardships and struggles before we commit the word success. There's no shortcut in life. It's not easy but if we are determined and doing our best at the end success will be with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true there's no shortcut to success it takes time. It needs a process towards success. Determination is important cause it allows you to sustain every obstacles on life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Success comes with a hardwork, success for me also is to see people around me happy, nothing could compare my success if i made my love ones happy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah! It's incomparable , seeing people who have been part of our life is so much pleasure to feel. Indeed I agree with you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is great response. And indeed it must have learnings, sacrifices, and love for us to reach success. There might so many obstacles in life but we need to be strong to contend it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you do hardwork nothing can stop your success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely true hardworks gives us the advantages in life. So we need to do it. Hardworks really matters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago