Famous writer or athletes

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Genuine friends or genuine wages. It sounds difficult to answer huh. Well, it's because both of them are really important that how it it. We need a true friend that we can expose our secrets and grievances about life. Friends are really good if they are true to us but if not they are disgusting like they hide there own identify and only accept us when we have something to give.

We couldn't deny also that we need a good salary or income. It's because in this times of pandemic we need to have income. The prices of goods are making it's highest hike. It's really hard for us to cope our necessities. Especially, those parents who have the responsibility to give food their children. Many parents are finding themselves in void. They can't find a good job since some of them are non degree holder. Even though some of the people are college degree they still have the hardtime to find a job appropriate to their expertise.

Living in a land were full of vegetables and fruits or living with full of instant food. It seems we are embracing now majority of our needs are instant. We can seldom find in the city that they didn't use instant products like Noodles, coffee, and other food. Everything that is being processed is an instant one. Life became more comfortable but in an exchange we harm our health.

Some people cherished their way of living. I'm talking about those people living in a remote place, like civilization doesn't reach them they remain IP or indigenous people. They don't seem to engage with some chemicals on their food. Infact the longest holder record of age was a person who is living in a remote place. I couldn't tell her/his gender cause it was way back 2020 when I heard that news. But I'm sure he/she reached the age of 123 years old. Imagine that how it was astonishing.

People! to which environment where you're living comfortable is it in a land full of instant or full or pure natural resources. I think most probably, you'll choose to be in between. You want also to have a convenient life especially we have alot of things to chase. I think that good enough cause we can't return the way of our ancestor's living. We just need to be responsible on everything we eat and try to be discipline.

Get drown with money or roses. What in the world is on my head. Why did I came up with this idea. I can't tell but I think it's very interesting. It can ignite ones sentiment. Stand where you at comfortable and try to think about it. This questions might reveal our true personalities. I respect what ever your decision is it's your decision.

Well, for me I think it depends on the situation. For example if I badly need some money cause I want to to spend in my health, education and etc. Of course I would choose over the money. It's just a practical. What will you do with those roses when you a starving stomach and have alot of debts. Sounds, unusual if you go over such things that only give you mental happiness. Probably, if we think we need money we could choose over it. It is just my thoughts don't be get fascinate. I'm just sharing my thoughts.

Famous writer or athletes. In my case I'm attached to be an athlete since my elementary days and high school, I've experienced alot of competition and one of the contenders for regional area. I'm playing volleyball since I'm elementary. I joined some groups and training just to enhance my vertical jump and have a stronger spike of the ball.

I'm also fan of writing although I don't have any concrete experience about writings but still I love writing especially composing fictional stories. Iove that kind of thing. Writing is my favorite hobby ever since. When I don't have activities I always try to find a way to write. I'm not a good writer but I'm trying my best. I'm fortunate being introduced here cause I have the reason to write interesting stuff everyday.

$ 0.40
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @Freedom007
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The pandemic period has forced us to think about looking for income from various ways that are quite difficult to take advantage of the opportunities that exist.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it's true. Sad to say I wasn't introduced to this platform before. That time I really need income cause it's difficult to find job amidst pandemic. I was stagnant for. Two years and I'm now one month of operation. Still thankful cause it really help

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What's with the money and roses? I don't understand that question. However, I don't want to drown in money but rather have unlimited source of it lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, it's just a sarcastic idea. It's symbolize as a which one would your prefer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As for the first question, I'd rather choose genuine friends than anything else. They are hard to find and worth to keep.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I couldn't refute that cause real friends can't be find easily they are really great.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We cannot call those who are in such a situation friends. they are evil and hypocritical. The pandemic has hit the economy of almost every country. People find it difficult to meet their basic food needs. don't be unfair to yourself you are a good writer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Cryptoman I really appreciate your comment. Yes, I agree we shouldn't be unfair to ourselves cause we do that we became undeserving to our achievement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will be looking forward to your new posts then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having good friends is awesome but good wages are also important and I would love to be a famous athlete than a writer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, great! Well, the two must go simultaneously good wages and friends are important we can have both of the two at the same time without sacrifices it. I guess that way to be true

$ 0.00
2 years ago