World Shaking

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2 years ago

Inflation and recession are hot news that can be seen at any time from various media sources today. Especially with the problems that arise from these circumstances, the more interesting it is to find out. Very often there are demonstrations and chaos. Where an area becomes turbulent for conditions that occur due to a recession.

To be worst when this happened to many countries from every part of the continent. Without exception, such as from Asia, Sri Lanka is the country most severely affected by the effects. Apart from that, it is estimated by various sources that there are 9 countries that are threatened with bankruptcy. Among them are Afghanistan, Argentina, Egypt, Laos, Lebanon, Myanmar, Pakistan, Turkey, and Zimbabwe.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

As reported by the media that bankruptcy is not only due to a problem of failing to pay debts, but because they cannot buy necessities for their country even though the money condition is adequate. Indeed, inflation this time has a very large impact from various existing problems that affect the world economy.

Image by Peter Stanic from Pixabay

Indeed, those affected are developing countries, especially those residing within the Asian continent. But the United States itself as one of the developed countries experienced the highest inflation from the previous year. Triggered the existence of large queues at food banks for Americans at this time. Likewise, the European continent itself is looking for other alternatives for their gas and food energy needs. The most interesting is what happened at the level of the British parliament which experienced the resignation of its top officials.

Take a quick look at all the things that are happening, and as many say, the possibility of a recession in 2023. Many parties are starting to be careful about this condition. Whether it will happen or not certainly hope not. And hopefully, it won't take more victims to other countries due to inflation this year.

It causes considerable fear at this time, various ways to escape or not be affected by everyone are trying to be done. Somehow, but hopefully, those rulers who have a high level of eligibility are made aware of the awareness of the word mutual need, not one-sided. So hopefully the inflation that is happening at this time can end soon and be resolved properly.


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Written by
2 years ago


Alas, my country pakistan is at a threat of bankruptcy, the unstable political situation is responsible for this all. Yesterday dollar rate increased 2. 5% just in one day. We are feeling scared with this situation. Inflation is killing is. Prices of every goods has increased thrice just in previous two months. 💔😢

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The world may be shaking but let us always hope for a brighter tomorrow. How hard it is, in the cryptocurrency world, the bears are dominating and here comes inflation without even salary increase or even an additional in the minimum wages. Here in my country, it is really hard to cope up because the prices of goods in the market are going up and then there is no increase in our salary so due to the situation, a lot had really suffered. And as always, those who belong to the poverty line and below the poverty line would always be affected. You will only be lucky if you belong to the elite ones.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Inflation is definitely creating a painful scenario. Just now the flash news in Indian News channel went on saying from tomorrow there will be a severe hike in all commodities in the form of tax. Almighty nows where this will lead to.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Recession is a time of uncertainty, especially for the unemployed and those who depend on their salary for their livelihood. With less income and fewer opportunities, it’s no wonder many employees lose hope and quit. Although it is tough, we can't give up. We can overcome the challenges.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's really painful the whole world's economy suffered badly. Pakistan is struggling with poor economy conditions price hike and unemployment are frustrating.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think all these point to a global recession, I just hope that these countries are relieved of their predicament soon.

$ 0.02
2 years ago