World Civilization System

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Written by
2 years ago

A good and true world civilization system will never be able to accept any form of power that only rich people can have or moreover they can easily manage everything according to their wishes. The real source in the order of world civilization regarding the economic system is the Islamic economic system which has put legislation in place to show the hands of a greedy elite.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay 

Capitalism is very visible in the basic cavity of today's world order, which is wrapped in the existence of elites who act on behalf of the lower class but in fact do not give a chance to the reality of the real place. Where to place their ideology in the form of crime and tragedy to the people. Creating the basis for the existence of corruption, poverty, hunger, and slavery. The reality has often been seen to create various crisis problems and shows their inability to solve economic problems and the various diseases that exist until now. As clear evidence is the Covid outbreak that has become epidemic and the debt burden that is burdening every country in the world at this time.

Excusing in the vocabulary of democracy but with a capitalist ideology which in fact has destroyed the system of human society as it should be. Giving hope and a bright future is just imperialism that will eliminate the actual condition. It's all just a metaphor on a deceptive sentence level at the end. The pretext of development but placing subsidies in the context of the state of the country that is struggling against inflation.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay 

Legitimacy in Islam ensures that the existence of the Khilafah will occur and change all the orders that have damaged the world's existence. And Muslims believe it will happen because this is all a form of God's promise that cannot be doubted by every Muslim in the world. At that time the condition of Islamic civilization will rise, and bring the world order in a better condition than the conditions that have occurred from the previous period. Capitalism along with its ideology will eventually rot because at the present time the process of decay is being seen in the body of the ideology of capitalism. And when the successor will place his position with the role of Islam along with its Shari'a, it is certain that capitalism will collapse when this comes.

Image by Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law from Pixabay 

One different thing that can be seen from the presence of cryptocurrency since it was created, to the point, that it can't be contained that at first, the Capitalists were against it now they are trying to regulate and play in it, how visible in the end the weakening and damage to the fundamentals carried by crypto from the original purpose of being created actually. The traces of hegemony are ultimately controlled in part by the right elite, which will create inequality in the economic aspects of the world order. While the process is still ongoing, they instill incitement in the form of the ideology of capitalism and ultimately weaken the actual condition of the crypto community. Unconsciously given the understanding that happiness can be achieved by wealth, even though the context of happiness is not from the condition of abundant wealth.

Image by hosny salah from Pixabay 

On the other hand, look at what has happened between Russia and Ukraine in recent days. The war process that occurred forgot the conditions for the International Court of Justice to place the context of sanctions against Russia, it was so easy on behalf of the United Nations to determine sanctions. But forgetting the existence of the consequences of why the war condition actually happened. In the name of humanity but one-sided in the sanctions imposed. Then what about the events that have been carried out by Israel against Palestine so far?


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Written by
2 years ago


The countries are having conflicts right now due to many tension that leads to war, we can see how people suffer due to their leader's action. I believe that Islam is the most perfect religion that was created since it's the first born religion before Christianity was introduced in my country, I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to Islam religion but I notice how they truly emphasize the words of Allah if I'm not mistaken, I believe that Islamic people will influence other religions to follow what's their creator saying and hoping that brings peacefulness in this world.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's not ok to saw that our civilization are currently destroying by our selves

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If only greed and selfishness will not rule our hearts and minds, then we can have more peace.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Waiting for the true day brother. It’s coming.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Mashallah! You've illustrated some Islamic points with impeccable words. Everything going on as our prophet said long ago.

$ 0.02
2 years ago